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Show IMPORTANCE OF THE BARREL Business Part of Dairy Cow Should Be Well Rounded and Long Legs Should Curve Out. The barrell is the business part of the sow, hence it should be well rounded and long. The ribs should be far apart and well sprung. The back should be long and slightly arching. The long tail is simply an indication of a long spinal column. The legs should be curved out, in order to give ample room for the udder between. This should be square, well set behind and extending well forward. The teats should neither be too long nor too short, and set square on the four quarters. quar-ters. The texture of the udder should be like that of a soft glove, so that when it is milked out, it would collapse. col-lapse. The whole form should bo wedge-shaped. No one of these points Laken alone is a safe guide; taken collectively they are safe to indicate i good cow. |