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Show iJ . VFffi For Infants and Children. IWWffil The Kind You Have WaWBM Always Bought r ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT B ?! AYegetable Preparation for As- m IgggSffig Bears the ; BMnTOSflfflTKTflT i Signature AtU sip Promotes Digestion,Chcerful- R W sj nessandRest.Conlainsneither vp ( j l; Opium .Morphine nor Mineral UA t l i Not "Narcotic 1 M IT Pt,,p,croidDrSAMva.ms jr" Jmpltn Sud - m jllx Sinn - W I Ani,,S..J. i --, I CI kjm- II 1 l " JjQ Wmttrfntn flavor. ' flr P mm ijJ0 A perfect Remedy forConstipe- fF Ai USB W1 lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, f fjr www Jo Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- I I kj ft 5 ness and LOSS OF SLEEP V (T If P f tJj Facsimile Signature of j j TLj j V ij The Centaur Company. ' I II II If lUUlO f lit NEW YORK. J XGuaranteed under the Foodanj 4 U ll. Exact Copy of Wrapper. THI OINTAUR COMPANY, NBW YORK OITY. Why Should a Chicken Lay a Soft-Shelled Egg? Because, Willie, the chicken don't know how to create a hard-shelled egg unless it has some food with lime in it. So chicken-raisers often provide limestone gravel, broken oyster shells or some other form of lime. Let the chicken wander free and it finds its own food and behaves sensibly. Shut it up and feed stuff lacking lime and the eggs are soft-shelled. Let's step from chickens to human beings. Why ' is a child "backward" and why does a man or woman have nervous prostration pros-tration or brain-fag? There may be a variety of reasons but one thing is certain. If the food is deficient in Phosphate of Potash the gray matter in the nerve centres cen-tres and brain cannot be rebuilt each day to make good the cells broken down by the activities of yesterday. Phosphate of Potash is the most important element Nature demands to unite albumin and water to make gray matter. Grape-Nuts food is heavy in Phosphate of Potash in a digestible form. A chicken can't always select its own food, but a thoughtful man can select suit-able suit-able food for his children, wife and himself. "There's a Reason" for Postum Cereal Company, Limited, Battle Creek, Michigan |