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Show Notice to Water Users. ttlte Knil'lH't'r";: Office Salt f.-ike City. riuh. Ddcemlwr 1 s. 19:1. Noiice is hori-liv g.voii lli-it Ainns.-i lt:i muen. et ul, whose post ollii'e address is Kairview. t'lah. have made apulica'ioii ia ac (nrdaace wiih t He requirements cf the Com plied Laws of Utah. lHi?. as amended hv the Session Laws of 1'tah. 19U11 and 1!'U. to appropriate appro-priate foul- (4) ctihi.' feer. ot wal'-r perse. 'on. trom Hlind Fork of Cottonwood Creel; San peieComtLv. Utah. Said Water will Ite divert ed at a point which lies ai the Northeast eoi tier of Section 3, Township 14 South Kimi- c east. Salt Lake hase and merld.an from where it wit! be cot.veved hy means of a canal for a Istance ot 25 400 feet and there used durint; the period lroin April X to June 30. inclusive ol each year, to irrigate ftcrt s o land embraced em-braced in Section 18. Township Msoiiih. ltanir' 5 east. Section 13. Township 14 south Ram;e4 east. Salt Lake base and nieridlai. This application appli-cation is designated inthe State I'.uiueerV ofhee us No 410i). All protests asalnst. the irranrintj of s ltd ap plication, stating the rea ons therefor, musi oe made by affidavit in duplicate and tiled ii tills otlice within thittv (30) davs alter the completion of the publication of this no - ice. CAl.KH TANNKlt. Slate KtnzineiT. Date of first publ'cation Mirch !.r. I'.'Il'. date of completion -f publication April 15. 131.'. |