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Show 4nJ Linoleum Have Finally Arrived And Below Are Prices 6, vx Our Manhattan Brussels Rug Size 8 1-4 ft. x 10 1-2 ft. $ 9.S0 " " " 9 ft. x 12 ft. 11.G5 jc- " " " 11 1-4 ft. x 12 ft. 15.85 The above named rugs are a new Grade produced by one of the 'sj veiy best, oldest and largest mills in the United States. In this Rug v we positively offer the best value in a wool faced Brussels Rug. v Our Majestic Seamless Brussels Rug Size 8 1-4 x 10 1-2 10.00 " " " 9x12 12.65 " " " 11 1-4 x 12 16-40 .dfe. V This Seamless Rug is offered for the first time this season. Re- ,?!, member they do not have a seam in them and then look at the price. ,, Our Cressent AmisterRugs 9x12 feet , $19.00 v Our Preminn Wilton Velvet Rugs 9x12 feet 17.50 .&, Our Wizard " " " 9x12 feet 16.00 f Our printed Linoleum D Grade . 55c per square yd. j jffl " " " E Grade 62 l-2c " ". " Z " Inlaid " Best Grade $1.15 " " " "2 " New Wood Grain Filling 3 feet wide 50c per square yd. 'v We ask your careful consideration 4 of these prices for we iirmly believe that T such good values have never been offered J '1 you befere. If in need of anything in this !f k line just call on us Just bear in mind that our member. ship in The Western Merchants Associa. tion enables us. to quote these extraordin- 4$' ary values, t E SVKPETH! . ' f XXXXXXXfXX &XfX&XXrX5fXX BIG SHOE SALE 3 Reduction from 25 to 40 per cent on a large J5? c?) stock of shoes 2 " !J5 Notwithstanding the recent advance on shoes, we cS are going to offer the public a great reduction on a' y strictly up to date line of shoes. 50 pairs of Ladies shoes value ?3.50 to 4.75 at 2.68 40 " " " " 2.75 " 3.3-5 " 2.19 30 " Mens High Top Shoes" G.75 ' 8.75 " 5.90 25 " " " " " 5.1-0 ' G.50 " 3.90 50 " Miss Shoes worth 2.25 sellin at 1.79 t g k C5 Hill lino of sT.nipIos of Mi-sahm silks. Orders t&Uen for any Jl pattern at 7S cents per yard, 9f j Full line of siimples of Foul;. i-i's, 'oplii:scte. at greatly redue- Ji jj od prices, by otdi riisjr fmm samples, ti See our beautiful line of Ladies SPRING SUITS. ji I wasaio'Ier. CO I i n Absolutely teas no substitute w , M Many mixtures are offered as i7 substitutes for Royal. No other M jv baking powder is the same in M M composition or effectiveness, or w 53 so wholesome and economical, w $h nor will make such fine food. j fij) Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar i gg-: "Why lie Was Jjate. "What made you so late?" " I met Smithson." "Well, that is no reason why you should be an hour late getting home to supper." "I know, but he insisted on telling ne about his stomach trouble." J "Did you tell him to take Cham-1 berlain's Tablets?" 1 "Sure that is what he needs." Sold by All Dealers. PAY DAY at Sanpete Valley Creamery Company, April 15th. YOU RISK NO MONEY. Our Reputation and Money Are Back of This Offer. We pay for all tbe medicine used duriug the trial, if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipation. We take all the risk. You are not obligated ob-ligated to us in any way whatever, if you accept our offer. Could anything be more fair for you? Is there any' reason why you should hesitate to put y our claims to a practical test? A most scientific, common-seusa treatment is Eexall Orderlies, which are eaten like eaudy. They are very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in action, ac-tion, and particularly agreeable in every way. They do not cause diarrhoea, diar-rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping, or other inconvenience. Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. We urge you to try Rexall Orderlies Order-lies at our risk. Three sizes. 10c., 23c, and iiOc. Remember, you can get Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store. A. . D. Sutton Drug Co. The Eexall Store j FOR STYLE, FIT, DURABILITY AND GEN- Jr ERAL SA TISFA CTION, SEE OUR CLOTHING P JT FfoESOrtfcesL I ceived Shipment of Men's and t!fp C?$' " flPil 55 Boy's Guaran- -fp $J&J Wl teed An Wocl 1? m Jk MMm - Newest Patterns T M llSi Lt Wm. rAl SMIA Wm;- Including Blue III Ifm 1 fm 111 i M lm " You do not I ! L II I II LOQf see j't What & - I ' i Wm- stock .JJ1U)JJ : ft II I iyif Your Meas- 5f .HirlBiiHpiT' urmen,and Get -77-. , Wo,.!J Like. f w |