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Show Answer Yes or No Does your watch toll the truth? If not, bring- it to us at once. We can make it answer truly. What time is it? Only experts employed. All work guaranteed. SALT LAKEt u Sheep Men When you market your "SjS-sfjjjtt clip, deposit some of ji5i:S;i your money by mail, and let it draw 4 per j KSrSS? cent compound inter-3fc&i? inter-3fc&i? est in a savings account ac-count at the "Tower of Strength" Walker Brothers Bankers Send for Booklet. Salt Lake City INCUBATORS After experimenting with many makes of incu- ! batons, we find that the Cyphers, Jubilee, and Buckeye are the best possible machines in this intermountain country. Prices from to 55. Poultry Catalogue free. Vogeler Seed Co., Salt Lake City, v RUPTURE .Seeley's Spermatic Shield Pad Sii jir ' Oroove Exclusive Agents for Seeley's j Spermatic Shield Truss As fitted to the Czar of Russia and now used ! and approved by the United States government. govern-ment. Our truss fitter at our No. 1 store. Second South aud West Temple, who was as-soicated as-soicated with Dr. Seeley while in this city, is equipped to handle the most obstinate cases. Correspondence Solicited. Schramm-Johnson Drugs The Never Substitutors jj Five (5) Good Stores Salt Lake Citj 3 rfFrTl A POSITIVE and PER- m ;drj manent cure for ! .A fiwfWti Drunkenness and l&vkSl Opium Diseases. There it no publicity, no sicknesa. Ladiei treated ai privately at in their own homes. THE KEELEY IN- ( ST1TUTE, 334 W. South Temple Street. Salt Lake City SEEDS SSr Our Seed Book tells of the best seeds and varieties varie-ties that you can grow in this western country. Our book is free; u postal card will briut; you a copy. Hotter send that postal today. Vogeler Seed Co., Salt Lake City j Prosperity for One j Benefits Others ,. The size of the Fruit Crop in this section materially ma-terially affects every industry in-dustry doing business in this territory. 8 For this reason we are ! paying particular atten- ; tion to our Frost Warning Service. United States Weather Bulletins will I he furnished our sub- scribcrs accurately and j promptly and dangers to the crop from frost Wight reduced to a minimum. No extra charge for this service. j Are you prepared to receive these warnings at your place? If not, sign a contract novi, and f avoid vain regrets later. For rates and" service call the nearest local manager. j. The Intermountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. POTATOES I J'ntntn.'s Jin- it jr,iiituhle crop, and coorl seed is absolutely tii-'i";sary from u hith nililuiie. Wu recently bought ten cars of Montitna an. I Idaho freed pt:itors ol (lie followimj variety: Hli.-n 1- arly Triumph. Kuriy Rose. Kuriy Ohio. Idaho tur:ils. lb ms. KusMts, mid White l'caehMow; price :t coins per pound, tinier early and trrovv n hie; crop of pntntoes this venr. 1 VOGELER SEED CO.. Salt Lake City, Utah backache is discouraging Until You Get jfi!S After The Cause Nothing more dis- sLs couraging than a yX constant backache. frr& Lame when you SZt-faA awake. Pains pierce Mifp'jSfc you when you bend si2s" or lift. It's hard to jf'iif -work, or to rest. -mm You sleep poorly SyS V r and next day Is the RflW Y Bame old story. ' V That backache in- 'JJJ dicates bad kidneys -ijSf. K'ji and calls for some Vl goodkidney remedy. I V None so well rec- Iip J J I ommendedasDoan'B 4j'J J Kidney Pills. Grate- lii'l ful testimony isft-f 1 convincing proof, $ Here's Aitotlier.,.,,,,,.,,- Typical Case reus a stow" Mrs. n. K. Jeffera, Colfax, Wash., says: "For two weeks L had to bo propped up in bed and I lost 60 pounds in weight. I was la a terrible terri-ble condition, in fact, I came very near dying. As a lust resort I began be-gan using Doan's Kidney Pills. Since then I have gained back my lost weight and feel wonderfully improved." AT ALL DEALERS 50c. a Box DOAN'S ffty The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. y 7 Purely vegetable if f act surely and A fiChQTFQ gently on the A ''AS jiiT-ri r liver. Cure , ::',- Vf JLE Biliousness, yTvV- if ItjIVER Head- I plliS- ache, r&y V. tammfi Dizzi- V-' i ness. and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature frrJ'K PARKER'S 1 V. '."X-V--ii HAIR BALSAM Ef ' '"-v V dnMaf nd WnTieo the hi I t' ; ' "' '7 fromntei k loruxuinl prnwlh. ' ' ' - r '-l l 'Hf-vor Falls to Ji-i!oro firT V- -.. - .. , . J JTdir to iti YouUUul Coloc. ; r "" -i '-'Prcvofitfl iiir ftilliin'. L:?:?JL 'i) e""-" I THENEW FRENCH REWED'.t.So2.l.'.3. THERAPB OM;: (;i:kat r- i ' : ,s, ci kks t. H)n rO:i. iiKiT-lMsy i, , JMI.RH. C"4IM)NHM"l,CXJ:-i. SK IS' i. fjt'S sj,- , I Mh.U. (;, . MAVKKHKjfjl haiav;3& !! NIi5f '.mjn !- ir- -i. - "7 'a -o . c: o is 'f |