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Show DEMOCRATS CELEBRATE CELE-BRATE TOMORROW Plans are arranged for the ! big Democratic meeting and Jefferson celebration tomorrow. A general meeting is to be held in the City ziall at 3 o'clock, to which the public is invited. The county committee is to meet also al-so during the day and the grand ball is to take place at the Armory Arm-ory in the evening. Nothing definite has developed in Democratic Dem-ocratic circles as yet, aside from a local move which has for its object the sending of H. Leroy Nielson, a prominent member of the party to the National Convention which meets in Baltimore Bal-timore June 25th. After tomorrow's tomor-row's meeting the judicial cam paign will be on and developments develop-ments will come rapidly. The announcement through a Salt Lake paper that W. JJ. Livingston is an i spirant for the Republican nomination for congressman is the principal development of the week in Republican Re-publican ranks. F. Alder of Manti is responsible for the announcement. an-nouncement. Indications are now that Judge A. H. Christensen Chris-tensen and Attorney J. W. Cherry Cher-ry will be the Republican judicial ju-dicial nominees. |