Show f For Sprlnpr SVcnr 1 Or summer we show a large well assorted line of underwear new col lora l-ora and fibres I BROWN TERRY WOODRUFF CO 166 Main St I j Special sale on plants for three days I Tomatoes Cabbage and Pansies at Wogelers Seed Store I v r n i Enirc3 Vests l New patterns ancl Btyles a Isirrjo I aBsorlment to ooloct from BROWN TERRY c WOODRUFF CO 1C6 Main Sl l f s EASTERN 3CXCOItSION TIATES Via Oregon Short TJno and Union Pacific June 11th roundtrip tickets will he I sold to points East as follows Denver Pueblo and Colorado Springs 2000 Qmaha and Missouri River points 3200 St Paul and Minneapolis 3990 St Louis 3950 Chicago 4450 All tickets good returning until Sept 9th City Ticket olllce 206 S Main I Honest 1lumberd II M Higley Co 109 East 1st South St Tel 7522 Electric wiring IT You TIavo Dyiponsin Catarrh oC tho stomach or gastritis take hot water before breakfast with Grays Stomach Powders No euro no pay 50c at Smith Druir Co KninoitH Ifll For style and quality are the Miller Warburion penney and Schoble shapes new colors j BROWN TERRY WOODRUFF CO i f < 166 Main St > b 7 1 Special sale on plants for three days Tomatoes Cabbage and Pansies at Vogelers Seed Store Closing Out Our line of boys and childrens hats and caps bargain opportunities BROWN TERRY WOODRUFF CO 166 Main St FOR SALEREAL ESTATE 7r < 6OM BRICK BATIT CLOSET furnace laundry electric lights recep tion hull largo porch northeast corner 1250 0 5room modern cottage 3rd St 2000 3xlO rods old house lino shade 9th l East near 1st South 20CO 10x10 rods S St 2500 55x157 feet near 9th South and Liberty park 300 Perkins add 9th East and 11th South surrounded by fine homes lots 150 and 5200 each Kljrtbull sub fith South and Cth Went near R G W shops a few lots at 100 and 125 each 25 cosh 10 per month Weir 10 W 2nd South gC37 CALIFORNIA FRUIT RANCH FOR sale 13 ½ acres In various fruits 16 acres best varieties of lemons uge 8 sears G acres navel oranges S years 12 acres royal uprlcotH 6 yours old 4 acres best almonds 5 years old 3 acres walnuts 30 I eurs old bal being grounds around house burn hop family orchard etc Situated In Ventura county 30 miles from coast finest climate In California no frost no scale no washouts finest water right In State All level land soil 100 ft deep Income this year 52300 R R runs through tho pMaco station ono mile oil wells all about the hills might take sheen for half baIt long tlmo at C per cent Inqulro William II Jones 231 Third East street Salt Lake or owner J II Alcock Buckhorn Cal Ventura county dl2 > SRM MOD BR 3 ½ XI0 RODS GOOD barn line trees HC < ith E bet 2nd and trd So 1500 Houston Real Estate Inv Co 211 Main 6 AND 8ROOM MODERN BRICK dwelling cor 0 and 2nd Stand G St-and Sroom modern brick dwelling 13 2nd South St 7 nnd Sroom brick and frame dwelllnga on llth Enst St rwo Sroom brick dwellings on 2nd East Sjoom modurn brick On jill South St Groom frame dwelling and burn on Sth East St < I Groom brink collage now on 2nd West 2 flno corners vacant 7th East I and 3rd South arid 7th Enst and 4th South Some fiiie nntal Investment properties Jas K fihnw under Vnllcor BiOu1 bank ISO I-SO IJ IJIC SNAPS IN BUSINESS I property 50 feet on 3rd South 350 a Coot 50 feet on Miln st and 1th So 00 ft Ixtt cu 3rd So hot West Tomplo and lat Wefit frontage on two streets J5000 6G ft ith 10rt drive on 2nd So 21000 Tile best buMnors block In Iho city n Story brick ICO ft frontage rents for 56500 year J7EO front foot Salt Lake loal JJ tntQ Co S5rv Srd So l t z Ji J I REAL EST1TB = = BU5INESS eliANeBS 11uui = = = = = = I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE DIPROVED CITY PROPERTY PiW iroom brick 4th E and 7th So I L ct1h 13 per month SITOO 4room brick lot 3x10 6th W and I 3rd N nart down I CCo room modern brick E 3rd So om > hfUf cash X SOft 10room modern pressed brick lot 2x9 fine T hardwood finish grates mantels an cash 2CCO Sh 3room house and 2 lots with barn c 5th J0lraml 6th W Pare down j j i0 5room rustic 12th S and Main 5100 downy Sic nor month the snap of snaps llCOO 10room modern residence on I Brl ham street 50 This Is a beauty TJYJ Iroom frame 2 lots 8th So and 6th v flowing well and barn SXC o brick residence GVxo rods between 5th and Gth So on Sth E lfJO J housoB 10rooms 2x10 rods coat 22C0 2 years ago parties must sell on E HIde Hh South a snap v > wo orcoin modern brick cottage on 3rd So 3xi rods jzooo 4room brick and frame 1x5 rods 10th E and 2nd So onehalf cash tY0 4room brick and summer kitchen flowing wt1I and city water bet Gth and th So 2nd E 5x9 rods good terms WO I 7room modern brick E 2nd Soj 3 ½ xlO rods fine home WOO rtroom modern fruit trees 3x10 5 < xxo jroom brick and bath sewer con bet 7th < and Sth E on 1st So 3x10 rods 52100 1room brick adobe lined 2110 rods Gth E Jrd So wCO 3r strictly mod br lut South and 9th East S27i0 Croom brick house Cx8 rods cor 7th R W lmpl 2io r mod brick closo In Seo this COGCO buts a nice frontage on 2nd So Iwpatory brick block 3CCO Groom bath pantry cellar fruit truces 310 rods 7th E 2nd So S2COO 1room brick cellar barn 2x10 rods Cth E 2nd So JKOO 7room house SxG rods on corner I east side I COSr mod brick 1st st a beauty pCQ10r strictly mod br residence r I line corner 23i0 15room brick rjanlrv closet 35 feet by 10 rods part cash bal 1 lo suit 3rd E 1th So loCO nroom brick clcfceto and pantry water In house 52 ft by 10 rds E 7th So j close In JCOOO 9room brick house 6X10 rods E 2nd So your own terms 37fO Groom rustle bath closots sower con everything modem lot 2x10 close In MCCO 7room modern brick 25 feet by i iV > rods on car line big bargain 51300 3 rooms and summer kitchen 6 S feet by 5 rods cheap 512000GxlG rods on Ith East 14r house 37tO double brick house G rooms bath etc each aide cost SlWO must sell 6250 1roorn brick lot HSxlGo an abundance abund-ance of fruit cor small payment down S45CO 6room modern brick Inc barn 3x 10 rods 1st So Sth E I 1000 7room brick house and barn i ½ x 10 rods on 7th E easy terms 27CO 5room frame with city water and framo barn closo In tco 7room modern brick 27 ft 1 by 10 rods ICOO cash see this 57230 10room mod brick res fine lawn etc E front SVlxlO rds on E side close In 510300 10r mod residence fine corner S7COO 10room mod br res everything new and complete 3rd So 5th E 2x10 rods onehall cash S120 5r mod hr fruit shade fine lawn 5x20 rods 6th E 1st Sof terms to stil iOO < 10r hr house 5x20 rods 7th EJ 2nd So onehalf cnsh SC5CQ 10r mod residence Dunbar st Look at It J27CO 5r br water In house buggy shed and furniture of house 4x8 1 rods 5th E Sth So 5S50 3r frame large pantry and summer sum-mer kitchen 4x4 rods bargain I 51200 5r hr house stable and chckon house lawn fruit and shade trees 3x10 I rods 2 miles from P u C500 Sr mod br fruit trees and an abundance of small fruit Uhl1i feet cor I 11th So vary easy firms OCoOxl0 rods 3rd S near State two small houses JGoOfl Sr mod brick 2nd So nnd 7th E IEOO Ir br house barn and outbldgs fruit Inwn city water In yard 7x10 rods SjO cash balance to suit 57COO fine mod home closo In one of the 1 beauties of this city J10CO I strictly mod house on E 2nd So Investigate I 1 Now Is the time to buy tomorrow you may be late Call en B no Quinn Co 411412 D F Walker bldg Phone IQlox JUST A FEW CHEAP ONES 3room cottage and ½ acre fine fruit farm llth South east 56ZO Cst 6room modern brick cottngo I bath electric light ale 3300 > 5th East close In Groom modern cot I Urge largo rooms 3COO J st Groom modern brick S25CO 4th East Groom modern brick 2100 3rd st oroom modern brick 3000 ZOO cash 1S per mo Includln Interest Worth at least 13 more rth East new 5room modern pressed brick cottage electric light hot and cold water bath otc Jlne Inwn shade walks etc lot 52Vi16o feet only 2300 J5CO cash 15 per mo C A Graeber Co 150 Main st 14 ACRE 5T1I E BET 11TII AND 12th So corner 5room cottage barn fruit shade trees Houston Real Estate Inv Co 241 Main TUTTLE BROS 110 SO MAIN ST We probably have the largest list of property In the city and many of our properties are decided bargains Vacant lots and Improved properties from vine clad cottages to palatial residences In all localities to suit all pockets You can spend weeks looking for something that perhaps wo cnn put you on track of in a few minutes y6ur time may bo worth money Wo charge you nothing tho owner pays ug so as to get a quick sale for his property There V f Is always C ono VIII UL Ulll 111 111 III LIIU ULI W > v u G t n m Lots and houses and lots everywhere every-where Tuttle Bros ProgressHerald bid g590 THE REALTY COMPANY Will move about May 15th to 227 Main st opposite tho Laco House We hve a t few pieces of real estate snaps we will also move as we do not wish to toke them with us For Instance A 3room house for 450 Another S700 3x7 lot A 5r fr 750 An Sr close In for COO Brick of 7 rooms COO I All with less than 100 down and easy mo payments Terms that are better than renting New 4r brick w a 2xS > A 133 3 cholco housos E 2nd So 7 n to 10 rooms each at 1CCO 4250 and 5250 Several misfit houses elegant homes too large for owners will sell cheap or exchange for other city property The Realty CO CO W 2nd So Phono 7GO 5ROOM BRICK HOUSE AND FRAME barn SOxllCft lot city water west side JxSO terms 550 cash balance monthly payments wicks 09 State gGOS COX 2A CORNER 5TH AND F 51000 18 lots on Oth East between 9th nnd 10th South 110 a lot 5 acres on 9th East near llth South 54500 Wicks C9 State GOO STEIN 232 MAIN ST 52000 5room modern Third st bargain Beautiful modern pressed brick Groom cottage 3250 snap Magnificent new Sroom pressed brick finest locality 54250 Another for S1000 Now hlghclrss slrlctly modern beautifully beau-tifully designed 8 9 and lOroom houses J5CO to 70ft If you contemplate buying see mo These bargains will not remain long unsold un-sold To buy thom Is like finding 1000 to JlCO 1 cash Sco Stein for genuine snaps 232 Main at MARKET ST PROPERTY S150 FT Houston Real Eatnto Inv Co 211 Main SEE HOUSTONS THE HOUSEHS 211 Main c972 MARKET ST PROPERTY H50 FT Houston Real Estate Inv Co 214 Main WE SELL REAL ESTATE THATS all Tuttlo Bros lit Main red ball signs IF YOU WANT TO MAKE QUICK llcs see Peterson 63 W 2nd So Phono 49 GOING FAST OUR C to 10ROOM thoroughly modern new houses near completion com-pletion Como quick and get llrat choice easy payments j J per cent Int cor 1st So find JOth East InQ at premises from 10 to D Anderson Real Estate Invt Co ixio RODS WITH SIXROOM BRICK feoiisu barn shnrlc otc Si 1CoQ Foster A Garrison 300 Progress Blk GS3 SEE US FOR GENUINE SNAPS Stdln 232 Main mllUO B G AND 7ROOM HANDSOME AND modern pressed brick cottanea loan ted t on Srd So and 11th D nnd on bth So and Gth E low prices lflll l payments same as rout If desired or will exchange Bothwoll I McConaujjhyjXiS Aucrbnch bldg H147 CALL AT PREMISES BET 10 AND 12 n m aid sco our newS to 12roorn modern mod-ern houses all ready to occupy easy pay mcnia JI per coat interest Cor 2ndSo and 7th East Andorson Real Estate Invt Co t ± cC75 ij J t FOR SALEREAL ESTATE NONE BETTER NONE CHEAPER desirable None moro Than the following ranging in price from 1CCO lo J2 CO I Corner 4th Sooth and Sth J East Groom I brick 16CO 5th South and 10th East Croom Near of brick lot 510 rods nnd 1 rod of right way 1700 7room brick Its a dandy 2nd West Oth South lot 50x160 2000 near 5roorn house on Sth East I The neatest lot electric light and water In the house 3x10 rods good barn 2000 clean 2 blocks north of Temple neat lawn 5room cottage lot 3xS rods largo J2000 5room 2nd South neir Sth West Al brick cottngc water In the house lot 40x JI5 foot 2 > 00 I 11th East near 4th South a fine iroom brick cottage barn lot 2 > xlO 1750 7 I On 3rd West near fth South new room modern brick cottngc lot 50x120 to I alloy t ZXX > very easy terms 173 Q st 7room modern 2slory framo In porcelain bath line plumbing house best repair Think or It only 2400 Somo choice larger houses Sroom modern 2story frame adobe lIned attic furnace in elegant ropnlr south front on 3rd St barn alley In rear fCOOO Full Sroom modern 2story brick attic front and back stair way furnace between be-tween 2nd and 3rd sts 3400 I 8room modern 2story brick residence larGo cemented basement furnace lot 2 V6xlO rods First tOn 5MO t-On 3rd st south from nnd close in a handsome 8room modern 2story brick residence furnace lot 3x7 rods house i coat over 7CCO lo build only 3500 On a corner on Brlgham st lot 3ixG rods nearly new Oroom brick residence all modern conveniences 7500 On ft corner cl090lnloL 2x10 rods tho finest Oroom modern brick residence In this city hot water heat This place must bo seen to be nppreclatcd will only he shown to thoso who have 10C < 30 to Invest In-vest In a home A few of our choice building lots t ft T lr1 < nllrh nrtrlll 3A1U HJVi > lw uv 4 n and west frontage COCO SVfcxlO rods P st east front 1100 2VXlO rods south front 2nd St 51COO YzxlO j lotls 10th East nenr 3rd So OO 21 ½ x10 rods corner on 6th St 050 5x10 rodr s c front corner Srd st closo In S37CO 3x10 rods 7th East nenr 8th So bOO 2xG rods south front 6th North near 1st West 200 3x6 rods near 3rd South andS h East I 350A Richter Mgr Real Estate Dont tho Homo Investment Company Glen Miller Pros Geo F Sprague Sec 6S and 10 W First South st gC05 FINE BLD LOT 2ND SO NEAR 9TH East nor front easy terms hit G per cent Houston Real Estate Inv Co 244 Main A HOME ON TERMS SAME AS RENT 5room br mod east J25CO Groom fr mod cast 200 7room fr mod cast 2500 I 7room br mod cast 2400 I 6room br mod cast 32CCO I i Groom hr E 1st So iSOOO I 4room br 5th East 51200 I 5room hr near R G W 1400 i 5room br near R G W 1XO e fxl40foot lot 22o 55xl65foot lot C50 41xlC3fool lot ICOO Several line homes from 50CO to 510003 Money loaned to buy or build with I Elmer B DarlingCo 9 W 2nd SoSL LITTLBFJELDIIAVE YOU MET lrimG E 3rd So 8r house on E 2nd South S3 00 4r houso on 3rd South 27GO 10r house on 1th East 2 small houses East 2nd South Gr house on 4th Ft I 4r houso on East Sth South 2250 3 houses on 2nd East 1 12r new modern houso on znci r usi Sr now modern house on llth East 3r houso on Sth South 400 7r house on 10th South 1SOO ICO cash and 15 per mp no Interest Gr houso on Lace st JGcO 7r house on 7th St 51E50 Gr houso on Jefferson st 2600 7r house on 5th East gGM 1 0RM MQD BR STEAM HEAT 3RD St close In 1500 Houston Real Estate Inv Co 214 Main ALL BARGAINS 9Ioom modern East bench 3500 7room modern North bench 5000 7i 0011 modern nice grounds 1000 6room brick southeast 1100 4room brick southeast 1200 6room brick near Liberty park 1700 Groom frame West Side luOO 1 Building lots nil parts of the city E J Wills 15 W 2nd South St gCM I ELEGANT HOME Close In cut alone 12 rooms attic barn cut ston copings thoroughly modern in every particular line barn shrubs trees etc A large lot fronting on one of tho best strums of the city Sidewalks sow enL Within three blocks of the center of business An Ideal home for a physician or any on < wanting a lovely homo at a low figure closo In Price SlGfOO Houston Real Eslate Inv Co 244 Main 3RD SOUTH BUSINESS PROPERTY 5x110 feet 6th East and 11th So 500 Fine building lot 2nd So near 9th E 312 x10 1st W near 7th So 4 rm br 1GO5 9rm mod br steam heat closo In 51500 6rm mod br 3rd St 4200 Grm mod br 7th So near fat W 2200 Srm mod hr 4th and C 3200 brm cottage 2nd W near 10th So3600 4rm cottage Colts StSOO We have others in all parts of tho city Houston Real Etate Inv Co 241 Main I NICE 9RM MODERN RESIDENCE good stable city wateri iclcctrlc lights g 0lilr modern frame i lot 2x10 E 2nd South St 2250 Nlco new Iroom brick cottage with stable lot 0x157 shade trees cast side 51300 51300Now Now 4room brick cottage on tho westside west-side easy terms 1200 5xS corner suitable for two modern bricks fino shade trees east side 51000 5x8 rods on 6th South J10CO Splendid modern brick residence with 10 Imo largo rooms large shado trees excellent ex-cellent location 5x20 rod lot on E 2nd South St 9500 Insldo lot 10x10 rods on E 2nd South bet 7th and Sth East Sts S2500 Harrington Courtney GO W 2nd So 5ROOM MODERN NEW BRICK side close In 2500 easy term Others from 450 up See us for lots S L Adjustment Ad-justment Co 73 W 2nd South GGt l L1TTLEFIELD HAVE YOU MET him No6 E 3rd South Has acreage at dlitorent points closo to city See him early to get choice locations g6S3 MODERN SROOM HOUSE ON 5TII East St opposite Liberty park lot iOxlSO ft barn J2MO easy terms Frltsch 12 E 2nd South g7J3 THESE ARE VERY CHEAP AND will advance in value within CO days 5x10 rods on 7th St 600 Vacant ground 6th So and West Temple Tem-ple 500 per rodS rod-S lols near 11th So and 4th East S3CO 2 lots near 9th East and 10th So 250 10x 0 on North Bench for 150 2xS near 8th E 3rd So 100 A neat 1rm adohellned frame with barn etc on State St SlOW A nice 5rm brick cottage on State St 1G50 4rm new brick near R G W shops SllCO 1CO 1 wish aol 15 per month 30x10 j ft lot 4th North 1th West 350 Lots on Stir East 3rd So at 330 rod 29 on 2nd East 5400 1310 on 2nd West near 2nd No JS75 O F Peterson 53 W 2nd South gUT 6RM MODERN BRICK EAST SIDE I cheap owner room 5 Eagle Block g33S I 2000 4X7 RDfa CTH AND STATE I small Improvements part cash a bargain bar-gain Consider the location and call on B B Quinn Co 111112 D F Walker bldg Tel 1045X Smi HOUSTONS THE IIOUSERS HAVE bargains In houses 211 Main cD71 76 ELEGANT BUILDING LOTS Must be sold quick Have good car ser vice city water etc Ten of them sold last woclc E J Wlllo 15 W 2nd South St gittl 1 OIL LANDS NEAR OPAL WYO and Green River Utah C S Kinney S L C g5S3 TWO MODERN HOUSES JUST COM plated gas and electric sewerage barn I cement collar walls llecorn tad cheap small payment G per cent on Fourth E bet lat and 2nd South No 143 aS17 I WILL SELL YOU AT A BARGAIN vacant lots a cottage or a model house In any part of thu city las 1C Shaw under Wallcor Bioa bank ur07 FOR GENUINE BARGAINS SEE PE iernon GJ W 2nd SoPhono 4JI d070 I WILL BUILD YOU A HOUSE ANY Niuo any style any plcc nnd furnish lot very small cash payment bill llko 1 rQnt P O box i3 1 > ife 1 i i J i cd i FOR SALEREAL ESTATE ped P d REALIZING THAT YOU KNOW THE an 3 price property in this city wo nuoto you the following pIcccH knowing that you will not have to ask whether they arc bargains or not Elegant twostory eightroom modern residence in eastern part of city built with 25 pressed brick finIshed In oak thrco beautiful mantels large rtlry bedrooms bed-rooms nice nickel plumbing two nice verandas Incgo lot all In lawn good barn only 5000 Nice nineroom strictly modern real dence In eastern part of city In first class condition Inrge lot good barn an ehort Ideal home only 2t00 Nice sixroom modern brick cottage on led 9th Enst near 2nd South 3000 Nice sixroom now modern pressed iliocl brick cottage In eastern purl of city only 2700 l1tr01 Fiveroom cottngo on 6th East near 2nd VI South only 2lOO P i I Fourroom brick cottage on East Brig rft t ham St south frontage lot 21x10 rods d6 all a snap only 2000 Fiveroom modern cottage In eastern tJgton part of city only 2000 Fourroom new pressed brick cottage Anon An-on East 6th South only 2400 We have choice building lots In all parts the city If you buy a lot from us wo will furnish you the money to build a home to suit I you f 7AJ I have a nice eightroom modern residence resi-dence on N St near 2nd for 2400 i cl e Wo have over 409 pIcccH of property oU listed with us which comprise building lots cottages modern residences and L acreage COIT We will make you easy terms on any of our properties a d1 Before buying call and look nt our list VI No trouble to show our properties McGurrln Co tho Home Finders 33 trru W 2nd South g600 c3 the FIVEROOM MODERN BRICK les rloso In good lot east frontage Price D Hr 2cO 2cOHouston Houston Real Estate Inv Co 244 Main OO 4 1 LOTS 214X5 RODS t 325 EACH 1 1 lot 21 xlO rods 1175 Central location U JnntJfrp 3JI I OH fPn lql = H = CT u bV KELSEY GILLESPIE HAVE A laigo and varied list of properties In all parts of the city Call and see us 5250 perhaps 51EO handsome modern brick house of S room hardwood finish 1st So St east Must bo sold this week owner leaving city 49500 buys the cheapest the finest 10 acres for platting on tho market 1 block from Liberty park fronting East boulevard I boule-vard and Waterloo car line Business property West Temple and State streets at bargains ret Kelfley Glllcsple 52 W 2nd So SL BUSINESS CHANCES ww BAKERIES COO Bakery central location SOBakcry and lunch I a interest sales 525 per day 17 0 Bakery and lunch clears 3250 10000 Bakery J wholesale and retail Barber Shops 575 Barber shop clears t15 per month j 300 Barber shop 2 chairs 51000 Barber shop 5 chairs 1500 Bnrbcr shop best In the city Cigars L SWOCigar store a little daisy 51300 Cigar store a big daisy Confectionery J500 Confectionery cigars and fruit Confectionery clears 5200 pot month Delicatessen clearing T100 per month Drug Stores 3600 Drug storo central location 520600Drug stone good wholesale trade 35000 Drug store wholesale and rotallj cash LnUry nartsincss 1000 Dairy established 4 I years 5000 Dairy business good trade Furnished Rooms 350 Furnlohcd rooms 10 rooms 5200 down MOO Furnished rooms 9 rooms 5450 Furnished rooms 12 rooms j Furnished rooms 7 rooms Furnished rooms 7 rooms 700 Furnished rooms 10 rooms 300 Furnished rooms S rooms i C JJ2CO Furnished rooms 25 rooms 15t0 Furnished rooms 21 rooms 5IGCO Furnished rooms 22 rooms 2000 Furnished rooms 2f rooms 2500Furnlshcd house and 2 lots In Eureka Eu-reka Utah 11 rooms electric light good well and pump Cost 2750 Must bo sold 25CO Furnished rooms 23 rooms 52750 Furnished rooms 37jrooms Flour Mills i 2000Flour mill capacity barrels Flour mill capacity 150 barrels finsat In the State Investigate Groceries 5400 Grocery rent 30 2 living rooms 500 Grocery A each 1 SS50 Grocery 2 living rooms 1000 Groceries and meat building Included In-cluded 2000 Groceries and meat good trade J3250 Groceries and meat central location loca-tion 5500 Groceries sales 30000 annually wXO Groceries MaIn street 7500 Groceries clearing SOO per month 15000 Groceries wholesale sales 130 coo por sear Hay Grain Etc GOO Hny grain and feed business 1500 por month 1000 Hay grain flour and need 4210 Hay grain and seeds Hotels 1250 Hotel 25 rooms a snap 2750 Hotel 50 rooms 4800 Hotel 31 rooms Hardware 2X00 Hardware central location Job Printing 2500 Job printing plant A interest Lunch Business month Manicuring and Hair Dressing Manicuring and massage Meat Markets S50 Meat market low rent clearing 5100 per month Optical Business 3CO Optical goods and jewelry Produce Commission 1500 Produce commission good trade Produce commission wholesale fine location Restaurants 5200 Restaurant 2 livIng rooms 750 Restaurant everything new Restaurant and Sanitarium health foods 2200 Restaurant a good one S2CCO Restaurant central a fine one Rubber Stamps 2CO Rubber Stamp business clears 150 per month Saloons 4CO Saloon central good trade G50 Saloon business 50 per day 1350 Saloon choice location low rent 2400 Saloon 1000 down 500 Saloon JiCOO dawn Main street 5000 Saloon firstclass trade 10000 Saloon place always crowded SecondHand Stores OCO Secondhand goods clears 350 per II1UI1UU 1UW lllll Shooting Gallery 5550 Shooting gallery clearing 5150 per month Stationery and News Stands Stationery and news fine trade Sporting Goods SIECOEstablished IS years Slab Quarries f Investigate Summer Resort SSCOO Improvement coat 510600 Ticket Broker SO Established 9 years central location loca-tion Wall Paper and Decorating SOOO Clears UXX per month Como at once tomorrow you may bo laic B B Quinn Co 411412 D F Walter 4 Bid Phone 1015X HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR LAND I warrants and soldiers additional claims For sale additional claims and script of nil kinds F M Heaton 900 F St N W Washington DJ3 gTW WALL STREETSTOCKS ARE booming and Independent fortunes are being mndo from small Investments Wo manage customers accounts for one quarter of the profits Our compensation therefore depends upon our success Clients of long standing given ns reference C refer-ence SIM Invested now may result In making a profit of thousands In a fow days Remit direct Brandon Stnrbtick Co < 2S3 Broadway New York gSfc TX SNAP CHANCE TO GET CHOICE business location on Main st near Second Sec-ond South bv purchasing a small now stock of mcrchandjso at cost and fixtures nt half price if takou In time to let owner accept another proposition open only this week Address L 1 10 Tribune A COMPETENT RELIABLE MAN with JlOi cnsh capital cnn secure permanent per-manent Bllimtlon us manager of branch office for established corporation salary and commission netting 0X > per annum Address Secretary 315 Manhattan bldp Chicago gi03 SEE QUINN it CO FOR BUSI floss chances real OBlnti and homos Watch arid rend our Sundays list and anything you want that l is not advertised wo will get it for you 411112 D F Walkor r building Telephone 1015X ff375 |