Show J AT SILVER BEEF J Signs of a Bsvivnl Humor of a I Strong Company Talcing Hold Silver Reef May 7Silver Reef once I I employed loOO men while In 1895 thero f i I were but four left hut now there are r I in all about twentyfive men working I steady at chlorldlng and some others d assist while the mill Is running The I I old town s gaining a little The Ear II I bee mill now owned by 1 Andrews Sons of St George Is making the most i successful run It has made for a number I num-ber of years Several new bodies of I ore have been encountered on the white I reef below the Thompson and McNally mines and are being worked quite In J clustrlously and the mills run will place about GOGO worth of silver bullion I onto the market Yet that Is but a shadow of the fleet of the early SOs Thero are vague rumors here and I theme that indicate that better days are in store for this oncefamous camp and a person who seems to know informs in-forms your correspondent that Colorado I parties are negotiating for the purchase pur-chase of the Savage shaft Buckeye and Last Chance from the old Stor mont company and the Maggie California Cali-fornia and Silver King from the Christie ChrIs-tie company These mines arc all flooded and when last worked had to bo pumped out at considerable expense ex-pense It is i now proposed to run a drainage tunnel from them to ahollow two miles away and do away wIth this trouble Then for power an electric plant will be built on the Virgin river Jive miles from the mines A good mlll I site is right by the mines and on It a fortystamp mill is to be elected This in I not a mere I dream There Is money behind it and the vast bodies of sandstone ore that lie near the Rcef arc far rom worked out only touched but the low price of silver the cost of pumping the great expense of wood and of the orcnauling was too much but Silver Reef seems destined to see good times agnln in the near future Strike at Mt Truinbull St Gcprge May 7Athur Snow returned re-turned home from Citccnhorn mine this evening The Greenhorn is I located east of Mount Trumbull and is cne of the newest propcrlley In these parts II but according to Mr Snows statements I state-ments it Is going to be one of the best I properties in these parts The vein is large the ore rich and water handy A Mr Hunsaker of Salt Lake City is now In control of the property Inspected the Surprise Messrs Robert Carey and John C McComb who recently purchased an I interest In the Surprise group of copper and leadbearing claims near St I George came up from that camp yesterday yes-terday after an inspection OL the property prop-erty and departed for Denver last night where they will hurry the delivery I de-livery of material toy two blast furnaces fur-naces one with which to smelt the copper and the other to handle the lead In the meantime Arthur Wllfley the well knowit engine8rx conducting a preliminary survey of the branch line of railway that is to connect the 1 Surprise owners camp with the mainline main-line at Modena and In sixty days j I 1 everything will be In most active operation op-eration Mr Carey who visited the property for the first time was very much pleased with Its condition and Is relying upon it to develop Into one of the most productive the Western country Strike on the Salmon A dispatch received in the city yesterday yes-terday rom Baron Rosenkrands manager man-ager of the Queen of the Hills mine and mill near Salmon City Ida brought news that In the lower level he has Just opened up four feet of highgrade milling ore with the real extent of the body yet undetermined The strike explained Dr Franklin to whom the cheerful message came was made nt a depth of 260 feet from the surfaefc and affords final proof of the continuity of the goldbearing chute for that distance The proposition on whose ores ten stamps are now dropping drop-ping is being operated under a bono by a New York syndicate in which is Included not a few of Tammanys most prominent braves Thus far the tel opmonts have sustained every expectation expecta-tion and with thirty tons of ore going dally through the mill the property has already been made selfsustaining Ore and Bullion Settlements In the ore and bullion market the week closed with settlements tIng t-Ing to 325754 as compared with 313 220 for the previous oiiethe shrinkage due entirely to the absence of the gold producers for which lt was the week antedating the rerular monthly and semimonthly cleanups Again the Bingham Copper and Gold Mining company is permitted to forward only a small percentage of its matte to the converters of the Highland Boy smelter to which It Ss i going under the contract with the United Metals Sell Ing1 I company of New York although matte of the value of nearly 300000 Is heaped within its yards The days settlements reached a total of 810700 divided as follows T R Jones Co Germania bullion 51S400 gold silver lead and copper ores 515SOO McCornick CoGold bullion 1800 gold silver lead and copper ores 1700 l In the metal miirket t silver ruled at 59 > cents an ounce lead at 3 IOI er 100 pounds and casting copper at 15 cents a pound The Sunshine Campaign The organization of his forces completed com-pleted the present week George C Moore managei for the syndicate by which the Sunshine mine and mill at Sunshine Camp Floyd district will inaugurate in-augurate his campaign underground and follow It up in the autumn with the starling up of the mill An examination ex-amination of the mine said Mr Moore yesterday shows that the main Incline In-cline which has cached distance of 800 feet in the zone went under tho vein at the 150foot station and con tinued under It from that point To get Into It from this avenue he will accordingly upraise and connect the upper workings with sonic station above that will afford a direct outlet 1 to the surface In the rehabilitation of due mill it is the Intention of Manager I Moore to provide It with additional leaching tanks and a roaster such as is being employed at the Consolidated Mercilr with which to tieat the ar senical ores Having carefully sampled sam-pled and resampled the ore bodies he has no doubt as to the success of the undertaking May Day Concentrator The dry concentrator with which the management of the May Day of Tintic will undertake the reduction of Its low grade ores Is rapidly approaohlnr completion and will be in operation within tho next few days it will have been the first practical attempt to np ply the principle and more eapeclallv tho prcsunt method to the treatment of Tintic ores and results will according ly bo awaited with keenest Interest by every management in tho district A success it must revolutionize the method of milling lit a camp In which are almost measureless volumes of milling ore and in tho reduction of which to date the expense of water has been nosmall Item Not a poison but wishes those who have undertaken the plunt success and that it hag succeed 1 I ed is an announcement upon which scores arc Impatiently awaiting I |