Show t GOT THE BEST OF RILL Story of a Big Deal in St Paul Over Twenty Tears Ago TY The renewed and Increased prominence promi-nence In the railroad and financial i world of President James J Hill of the Great Northern has brought to light an 1 Interesting story or more than twenty years ago It all happened before the present Hill system was much more than a local road running up through the Red River valley of Minnesota But even In those days Hill was a great man and making money in many ways In that section of the country In which j t he was deeply Interested It seems that at SL Paul he was a prime mover in p the firm of HlllSaundera company coal merchants at the wharves at Du luth and had worked up a splendid business But the time came when Hill realizing the importance of the com any decided to reorganize and it was 4 lo his advantage to buy out the stock held by his partner Saunders TJIe latter it seems had been apprised of S what waR coming and began to take flops necessary to build up his defense z Al lr a u meeting one day of the directors or Hn the company IIIH Suggested to Saun dens that he sell him his stock offering S 8 certain price tncrc or but Saunders InBisted what that the prIce was far below the stock was really worth The I y waiter dropped for the time being but L at a subsequent directors S meeting the matter Was again brought S affaAn up irill made Saunders thc same offer A aia Saunders he demurred and asked Hill if would he willing to for sell his stock baL figure and the latter said S1 Certainiy Saunders then asked the 5 elon directors If 1 and stockholders in succes h j they though It was a fair price and Ii i M Sat LCy would Bell theIr Btock at dared figure Each and every one her he-r a that they W0re doing Saundra I the great prIce act of kindness in offering him Then Saunders er S f around buy nil and the said Gentlemen turned I will that slack of the company at r flJUre I have here certified chocks S to o pIty from vnfr the same and will take it rom Wanl i YOU to now Not only that but I tell t l how JC you something you dont I S nmihXat all the contracts for the rol three years ° C the HlllSaunders 5 i S I think cornpan arc held In m v name and S ot thhlnk plan that we had better arrange an t S but or reorganization 31Th1a Is 7 5 body eo tile only time on record that any 7 compan1 got thc best of air Hill The S S was reorganized under the t name o f the S S Northwest Fuel bo I is said an1 Mr company nuthe got his price Saunders retIre er CIng hen he hoard that the move was m S to Clceland made to oust him he went doWn D and got lots oC ack capita to 111 c hlnl in his plan and then had cf Contra ts the h W made out In hiM nnme 30 that 5 5 vt flthe ln i a position to hold hIs oWn The lime caIne for the showdown 1E rnThe Trlhunc S Informant Is > IrQ Inan Who a genll lived In St Paul find O S Colely was 1e Crests connected 1 with its i railroad In i S Cer > Ct lJeadd that thc story has found its wn into way print but cr r vouches for it ts truth crln llt IB i v and claims the n opportune to relate It at ew Ir present time S |