Show Vo Arc JNolcd For fine work on shorts collars cuffs flannels blankets and lace curtain TROY STEAM LAUNDRY 166 Main St For a stiff neck hove Is nothing better I bet-ter lhan a free application of Chamberlains Cham-berlains Pain Balm I quickly ro t llovch tho stiffness and soreness effecting effect-ing A complete cur cfect1 CURONIC DISEASES CURED For the Actual Cost of the fledicines Used in Each Case to All Who Apply Acupl That There to Drs Shores < Shores at Once to Demonstrate is a Cure for Catarrh Deafness and AH Chronic Diseases 1 treat with th Doctor and that Doctor with and wlh People who suiter year after year from some Chronic disease reatwlh thlSDoctor Ofl1 there Is 1 not perma fer but In the end they perma only temporary relief at the most spend 0 great deal of moneybut in Onc nont cure and In a abort time their ailment Is as bad as before treatment the especial benefit of alment and It JB for lme hope of ever being well agalnAnlIls especal beneft These people often become discouraged and lose juu diseases that apply and ofen < Chronic these that Drs Shores have decided for a limited time to take all curable cases o rE thai LheDr8 Shores Treatment 1of I used I to demonstrate that inc Treatment treat medicine usc tha t1 them until cured for the actual ort of the demonotrne hires permanently 1 I I 1 ii t I L L DR A SHORES This offer Avill hold good to all who apply at once and Is made by Drs Shores to demonstrate that Catarrh and Chronic diseases can be cured permanently per-manently Come any day this week and be ured for the actual cost of medicines mec icines used Remember Drs Shores are graduates Drf In medicine and surgery and hold Diplomas Di-plomas from Americas leading Medical Colleges and in the past eight years In their various offlcesat Los Angeles San Francisco Sacramento San Diego Denver and Salt Lake City Drs iShores have personally treated over one hundred thousand cases of Deafness Deaf-ness Catarrh and all forms of Nervous Chronic and Private Dfse ses thus making Drs Shores Chronic disease experts In fact ac well as in name If you are ailing wIth any chronic disease come to Drs Shores at once and be permanently cured for the actual ac-tual cost pf the medicines ised Con sultatlon free for any disease whether you take treatment or not J 1 1 SPECKALTIEo r ° t Catarrh Bronchitis Neuralgia Heart Disease Dyspepsia Sldn piseases Blood Diseases Rheumatism Malaria I Nervous Disease Kidney Diseases Female I Fe-male Complaints Inscmnia Dysentery Paralysis Rickets Scrofula Consumption Consump-tion In the llrst stage Liver Disease Disease of the Bowels Sciatica Spinal Diseases Varlcoclc Rupture Stricture and all Chronic and Private Diseases L YOU LIVE OUT OF TOWN rT Drs Shores Shores for V V I I l Ie t their new symptom list and get their advice free 1 I Office Hours Daily 10 celou m I Every evening 7 to 8 oclock Sundays 10 a m to noon r Drs Shores Wve Their Services free Drs Shores Shores Salt Lake l popular pop-ular Catarrh and Chronic dlsjguse experts ex-perts In offering their professional cerVices cer-Vices free JIT all cases Chronic DIs cases until the patient Is cured to all who apply for treatment at once do so in good faith and the offer applies to the rich as well as the poor and Is1 made by Drs Shores to prove to the aiclc that they can and do cure Chronic diseases permanently 1 Yon Pay Only for the Medicines Actually Used In your own case not a cent to pay cfor treatment or advice untli cured per mancntly The treatment Is FREE l and the Doctors professional services are Freethe only charge in any case of Chronic D I seas otml applies at once I WILL BE FOR TIIE MEDICINES ACTUALLY USED I I 1 i I 0 > a L < t r iIkr4Ib5 H j j I r4 I f L A 4 p 1 1 j 1T i1I Lei < Le-i c DR G W SHORES IMPORTANCE OF CURE While catarrh does not cause all cases of consumption it Is also true that all those who have consumption have been subject to Catarrh All consumptives j consump-tives were catarrh victims They took cold Catarrh had prepared the way t for consumption Tubercular consumption ever requires n break in the membranes which line the breathing tubes Catarrh furnishes the broken places In the form of raw spots The consumptive germs cannot enter the blood of one whose bodily health Is perfect whose blood Is rich and pure unless un-less there should exist In such persons body a broken sore or Inflamed discharging dis-charging spot where these germs may lodge and enter the system Catarrh forms Just such broken places and those persons whose Throats and Bronchial Bron-chial Tubes are raw and Inflamed are ever exposed to the danger Qf acquiring acquir-ing consumption If the people were only alive to the fact that If they attended at-tended to their throat and bronchial tubes and allpwed those skilled in the treatment of these parts to cure them there would be but few cases of consumption con-sumption To show what can be done in the way of preventing consumption nothing is so convincing a this Among the hosts that are treated at these offices every year scarcely a person who has been under care ha been known to develop lung disease This is proof beyond question that by curing catarrh ca-tarrh the development of consumption Is prevented DRSo SHORES SHORES EXPERT SPECALISTS r HARMON BLOCK Entrance Room 210 34 East Second South St Salt Lake City Utah ANDERSON INSURANCE AGENCY ESTABLISHED 1871 131 South Main St Salt Lake City P O Box 977 Telephone 195 FIRE LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCBol 1 Alliance Assurance Co of London 25172537 Scottish Union and National of Eng land 18352302 London Assurance of England 18216786 HamburgBremen of Germany 5000000 Aetna of Hartford 12089089 Firemens Fund of California 3300405 Royal Exchange Assurance 23412149 We Treat and Cure Catarrh Bronchitis Neuralgia Heart j Disease Dyspepsia Skin Diseace T 7 Blood Diseases Rheumatism Hala p < ria Nervous Diseases Kidney Diseases Dis-eases Female Complaints Insomnia Dysentery Paralysis Rickets Scrofula j53k1 Scrof-ula in first stage Liver LkI Diseases Diseases of the Bowels I I Home treatment cures Write for zIire symptom list Consultation free I WEAK MEN 1C you suffer from any of tho weaknesses weak-nesses or dloeascu caused by Ignorance haw been OXC03H or eontULlonU you lccn robbed and deceived until the more mention men-tion of tho vonl Doctor causes your blood lo bollYOU ARE THE VERY pumsoN wis WAN r TO i ALK TO Wo liavo proven our skill In curing all CHHONIC cUaoaupa by publlahlnc thou Humla of volunliirv leUimonlalu of homo pcoplo Klvlny names pictures und ad lreBMe4 WO CANT PUBLISH CUR CUIIES Itif PRIVATE DISEASES Because It would bcirav confldeiico H lonca w Imvo to provo our sldll In this clasH or iroublo In another way This IB our plan i SHORFS SHARPS JEXPE1 1gs DRSStORES l u SlORESEXJ Si PAY WIIEN CURED 1Vo CUre you flrst and lllon uak A flEA SONADfE FEE when you arc cured You can donond upon our word un bank in any Utah will Indorse It thousands ot im llentB havn Indorsed 111 NOW WE 11 WANT TOCUT115S YOUwlth th dlstlnc n V slaniUnT that we will not demand A FEE until wo curl you We euro LOST J MANHOOD Somlnnl VenlttJ9 Spermn I Slcrmn torrhoca GOlorrhoca S pIIR anti all I ealciicse at men 16 absolutely ni uiiuukyn or It dont cost you a lietlllV Conciliation and advlco FREE by luttcr or In purapi CALL OR WRITE htcr OHco hours 10 to 5 evening 7 to 8 Sunday 10 to 12 ovcnnDl I RT SPECIALISTS HARMON BLOCK alt Lako City P 0 Th ur 1585 FOR Suppressed 1 Menstruation ro PAINFUL f I I Menstruation T AndaPREVliNTlVBfor D 1RREGULtiRIT1ES c ci c J IRRGUITIE9 Safe and Reliable Po Arc Relable U Q U lUfeiliIV PerCchtIrmlcsQ Purel Veec C f 1 t 58 g f I Wti1 o 9 Verc f 11 II I II I PR1CE31OO 1 Sent posipaid on receipt Of I J I price Money refunded I not aa wo I ety fin l Cincliona Go CY Yin de GOhODiGO Dea Molnes Iowa Druoh Franken a o cor Main M s A G Smith Ill So Main 5 cure Primary Secondary Tertiary S In LO to 40 darn wilhput tho nso of potosli or mercury to slay curod forever Eollcs dlbnrclos from oxceS3 51 I early lio > lost manhood rni i ilnbility promptly ami poniiniionUy oncrt Kvorv cato accoDtcd unrk unfrp1Vloo C0 book W A Cook W u or Spud sUimp for f roo bpk Cok THE COOK MEDICAL CO DENVER COLt 63 CURTIS ST LLCOX TANSY PILLS Safe and Sure Ncer Monthly ncQUlolor nnt t by Mail Price S 2 cr9i Fslls Druggists or Mol Fls w U n Send fur Womans SarcQunrd ftCO 329 H 10Ui SI Phlla Pa I J L WILCOX flED CO I Phi Q |