Show LADIES NIGHT AT CLUB I Address Education Followed by Dancing The spacious reception parlors of the University club were well filled last l night by college men and their lady friends and invited guests on the occasion occa-sion of the reading of an able paper by Superintendent F B Cooper of the city schools on Current Movements In Elementary Ele-mentary Education Thc speaker said here were four approaches by which Improvement has come and is to come elementary education viz through modification and enrichment of the course of study through better methods meth-ods of teaching through more satisfactory satis-factory nronavnf Inn nf 1r I > nr ir rc mid through perfection of school administration nr adminis-tration Our present civilization calls not for more bookish Instruction but j for the development of manual as well as intejlectual power Better methods of teaching will come about through n better knowledge of the material I Jof instruction and education values and our knowledge of children Too much Is made of the study of methods ut the expense of knowledge of the subject matter All four of these means or Improvement referred to are now being effected in a forcible way by the Introduction Intro-duction of kindergartens and by instruction in-struction In manual training The evening closed pleasantly with dancing and refreshments an orchestra orches-tra furnishing the music Ladies nights at the club are very much enjoyed en-joyed |