Show qiII jJ EKafloaI1 not es VII hc < closlm days of the term lh fhe burden of the Ilnlshlng work OI1rRtre iikII 1 feli especially by the higher wllllII rd6S The past week has been full I SPpinilnations und lnlk ° 1 closing 6ccxamlnatons 4 i programmes The little people I dY felt the stress as have their I < hftve tcbl t06 lu1C I and Miss Holtons tests for S tCfnnrvgradeK In spelling language 1irInl8Y number luivo occupletl the greater aJ O ft he wc k iMauy of the little h11t have realized that the path to Sing is not strewn with rosca and 5i niTtlimat week was plentifully the nrlrtkled with Clears Great care in I Vmiotlon will be exercised and strong i flaws lnal grades next year should r be the icstilt S I c A few days since In one oC the school t of this city a teacher during a roms exercise Rave the words langunse Jave and banker to be used In rocer scnlenic Tu her surprise and r srnlenC nICfnCnt the following was offered I il ljI grocer gone banker up T a i a The seventh tuid eighth grades at the Riverside enjoyed one of Dr Whitney Jealth talks Thursday afternoon Friend of Mrs Wetzel wife of Principal Prin-cipal Welzel 1 of the Riverside 1 10 Gret to learn that she is still seriously III at the hospital o S Silt Lnle teachers are awaiting with treat Impatience the appearance of the ilolton Impatence since nppctranc feel an t JlSecial Interest in the book compiled c pelnl Ilolton by Primary Supervisor as It is > HOIOl of our schools S The beginners and rooms 1 2 and 10 of the Hamilton enjoyed picnics to the during the week at Llboriv park durlnb school period i close of the regular 5 5 5 Misses Bqrch and Brlnton teachers 4 in the training school were welcome Ssltora at the Oquirrh and Webster tr Friday S 0 S Dr Paden visited the Sumner school Friday afternoon and gave a most Interesting In-teresting talk to the seventh and eighth grades on his trip I through Russia The pUpils of the annex and room 2 of the Franlclln with their teachers enjoyed an < excursion to Fort Douglas Wednesday afternoon after school They returned in the evening Urea and travel stained but thoroughly happy 9 v S The students in the training school I department of the University have 7 been spending much time at the various I vari-ous schools of the city recently inspecting inspect-ing the work done o I S Messrs Young and Newman of the i Board of Education were visitors at the Lowell Monday and Wednesday respectively O Mrs Custor a teacher from Pana C 111 Ir was an interested visitor at the i Oqulrrli and Lowell Thursday and Fri I dny S a S c The teachers and pupils of the I Twelfth are delighted with five beautiful beau-tiful pictures and two casts Night and Morning purchased with the I I L iirrHw > ils of their art exhibit t I li O Miss Barbara Hopper In letters re cehcd from various friends here writes located and that she is very pleasantly finds her new work interesting She Is fortunate in being with air and I Mrs MeQuesten In their beautiful home near the reservation where Mr SlcQuesten has I lucrative o the position The sixth and seventh grades at the Emerson had a very exciting spelling match the llrst of the week which resulted re-sulted Jna tie to the great delight of J the sixth graders 04 5 txhevaenls meeting held at Emerson Em-erson Fridayafternoon an unusually large and enthusiastic audience gathered gath-ered Jo listen to Miss May of the Unl icrsfly kindergarten in a very interesting inter-esting talk on Professional Training for Motherhood Alias May handled her subject In a masterful way and her talk was an Inspiration to all who heard ifs S 5 5 t Misses Beatrice Anderson Minnie Coleman Belle Scbolleld Edit Herman Her-man and Jane Cutler training school pupils visited rooms 5 and 6 at the Brant Friday forenoon I 0 The pupils of rooms 7 and S Bryant enjoyed a treat Thursday afternoon In Hslcnlng to F B Clark who spoke to them most entertainingly on the Civil war varOn S S SOn S-On Friday afternoon Principal Eaton of the high school visited the Bryant nnd Rave a very interesting and practical prac-tical talk before the eighth grade pu I pHs on the value I of a higher education JJr Eaton emphasized he fact that the high school was but a step upward from the grades and said he wished the pupils to think I of it as being only the ninth tenth eleventh and twelfth anc 4 grants of our school system and that there Is not the gap between the Krades and high school which so many imagine exists I Is all one complete lioie w S hol18S Miss Edith Hunter who has taught HI successfully in Bountiful the past I three years visited the Lincoln on Wednesday S o A memorial and May day programme1 I i he rendered by room 8 Lincoln school on Friday afternoon + 9 v The last parents meeting of the year lng F JJ II I be held at te Lincoln school CI on Thursday afternoon May HJth 1 9 Mteses Shdre and Sorcusen and Mr p ° ie were Longfellow visitors 1 last t S V 5 Col Logan spoke before the fifth Brade pupnn nt Longfellow Friday af lernoon on reminiscences of the war o > I 10 The teachers of the city will regret jo Itarn of the resignation of Miss Iss J oihgcnild of the Webster school Miss otnschlld has endeared herself In wany vays t0 those with whom she has lated and her place will be hard I t till both In a social and a profes onal wayc The teachers of the Web tOr ll look occasion Friday to express to I hUes Rolhsohlld their appreciation of er Worth and to wish her happiness ora In her new life She was the recipient in a beautiful berry spoon The fol oiung rofoJutlon was presented at the Fouton Inrtlru liTfee l II his inscrutable wisdom Itt It-t W uul da young man from St Paul 111 < from nur midst and to butt u m ir from I whence a few travelers rc 1 traflerf IC Iurn u WMK lady who ban heretofore ne ea high reputation for stability of I Jrps and a personality which has fvrr IL proof Salnst blandlshmcnts how 1 rr Dlltind wiles however ccductlvc be ii I therefore 11 cducte I WpS That we the toachorx of thee the-e l II I 8coll who have not yet been orel SMU in the meshes of tho tempter In I r mat I there may bo no further de t I ei fln Iii our ranks do band ourselves Icr In one solid cordon of deter tl rcsistahcu ugalnst any further a riIatIon of our rights In this insidIous IVtin HThc working of this resolution lllTbtonl hot to 1 of taunt1001 Impair the efficiency lsllne contrcls ThIa a lesolutlon was unanimously meuude1 with great enthusiasm by In Lertlng tho words and possible after t llle afer IC Word existing clicR Mr Srlahl with hIs nrstyear botany Batiir H of lie CollegIate institute spent atu1rda f 111 i n ur or In Dry canyon inthe inter Hdence the Jear oi second and third lasse 6K 5lapsos haperonod h l Miss ur tri had park n delightful aftrnooru at Lib CQB At C the late alumni I I nice ting held at the institute Friday evening it wns decided to hold the annual alumni banquet Friday evening Juno 7th of commencement week The meeting was a pleasant one and largely attended Mrs Gertrude DullPutnam S J presiding A Misses KatleMnsterson ffLoulse Tire and Bessie Allen were visitors during tho week al the Union school Friday afternoon Mrs Sundry was in the building Mrs D L Davis Mrs Tj B Jacobson and Mrs Hnhn visitedroom 6 during the gweek t > tI 0 Superintendent Cooper will give the address before the Davis county graduates grad-uates next month 0 5 Di 1 Clarence T Brown lectures on Books and Culture In thu Gordon academy free course tomorrow evening even-ing The public Is cordially invited 4 l > The county schools will close for the summer vacation on Friday May 21th On May I7th and 18th the pupils will be examined for graduation sit Murray The examinations will be conducted by the teachers The commencement ex ercises will he held In the Salt Lake Theater on May 27th Tho programme which will Include an address to the graduates by Dr J E Talmagc is I now being prepared by 1 County Superintendent Super-intendent I Ash ton State University Prof William G Ro lance will be chaplain this week Moses Thatcher conducted chapel exercises lust Thursday Thurs-day morning and Mrs Emnui J Mo licker conducted the exercises on Wednesday S r A letter was received at the Unlvcr I sity on AVednesday from the University of Nevada which had been eagerly looked for on account of thb recent hitch in the negotiations between the two institutions over the definition of the question for debate But the letter mysteriously disappeared from the lel teVrack before Chairman Ray of the student debate committee saw It After three days of inquiry and search the letter was not found and Nevada was I then telegraphed for a duplicate of the lost letter ctel at I Next Friday evening May 17th the fourthyear normal class will give n klrmess at the University Dancing will he the principal pleasure of the evening but other features will be introduced I with an effort to distinguish the naughtyone students in class history a M o There was friction between the college col-lege freshmen and the naughtythree normals on Thursday that looked for a time as if i would strike lire ASU introduction to their eenlng serenade in town the normal students of the 01 class hung their large class flag from1 the ceiling in the hallway of the I library buildingA number of ircshies I spied It soon after and hid around until nobody else was looking when they tore I down the Hag and quickly concealed It The news o the Insult was quickly spread among the students and the Indignant In-dignant normals were about to call a class meeting at once some favorIng the suggestion to haze the whole freshman fresh-man class But Inspector Young godfather god-father of the class calmed their tempers tem-pers by persuading them to consider the action as a childish thing which nobody no-body but frcshlcs would ever do The naughtytinecs however went on their merry lark of serenading that evoninir un without their flagft ft O Dr Orson Howard and his botany I students spent Saturday in City Creek canyon where they collected a large variety oC Utah flora i I a The geology students accompanied by Dr J IS Tannage had u field excursion on Saturday spending the earlier carlcr portion por-tion of the day among the hills northeast north-east of the University grounds The students More provided with hammers chisels and hand bags for the study of rocks and the collection of geological specimens ft SUnder u S-Under the instructions of Principal McKniglu of the trainingschool the fourthyear normal students have begun be-gun lo visit n number of the city schools for the purpose of making a comparative study oc methods In the training school with those In other schools IS SOn On Thursday afternoon the normal class of 1902 gave exercises In commemoration com-memoration o the late John H Park Addresses upon the life of Dr Park were given by l President J T Kings bury and Lorenzo Elggren The musical musi-cal l > r of the programme consisted of a piano solo by Ethel Smithen and n song by the Misses Annie Ericksou and Eby Larson and Messrs John Z Brown and Free Anderson S 4 a The fourthyear normal students received re-ceived their class pins last week I Is a circular tllalSC bearing the letters U of U 01 Ni I Is especially unique in that nearly the whole pin Is covered with green enamel the class color I 0 a u Upon the request of President Kings bury the Utah Light and Power company com-pany will remove the line of electric light poles nowrunnlng across the University Uni-versity grounds They will be removed either to Thirteenth East street or to a line on the Fort S Douglas > f reservation Miss Voungberg and Miss Herman of the tmlnlng school took their pupils together to-gether to Liberty park on Friday Besides Be-sides enjoying the pleasures of the trip the pupils did some nature study work t V On Tuesday afternoon Miss Vimont of the training school had her pupils visit one of the large nurseries thelnie south of the city where the pupils were given a practical lesson 1 In botany S a 0 I Prof Stewart left the city Thursday evening for Moab where he will address the graduates of the county schools I an Isaac Russell now at Leland Stanford I university has been appointed n mem ber of the staff of the humorous paper published there by the students Mr RusHel will return home on May 27th flftcr a three yoars absence two of which were si > i ttJn tlje Philippines W B McBride of Provo visited the University on Monday c a Lieut William Col noon a fur lough from cu tyln Florida was a visitor at institution on Monday J I i C 5 Miss Gene KImball 6 the Sumner school and Miss ThcfeFa Godbe of the Franklin I were visitorslastwet Tay lor Bronkbank H N and T M Reese 00 normal were also visitors during the week I Salt Lake High School An extra fcpsembly vfU hold on Tues day to qivo the bchjol opportunity of hearing iho wonderfully deep rich bass voice of Ha hart n c Mn oLOsl It I was an occasion long to Ho remembered V j sAt s-At the regular assembly on Wednesday tho programme consisted of recitations bv Miss Stnynor and Mri Rood between which numbers III tlo Janet Mllllron taught Homa wholesome truth by her rca bring Mlc of < few mqral S c lessons set to mu Tomorrow promises to bo a memorable day In the history of he I high school for tho unvplllntf of the casts and Mr liar woods picture will take pinco at tho hcncrrl assembly tobcJ then held Instead In-stead of on WednesdayS f II The members of MSK Gorblns first year English classes prepared some CX cillcnt papers on themes drawn from the Iud l and tho criticisms by the class were InlorostlnfC as well us helpful The question before the clasu In political I politi-cal economy Monday wius Resolved That trusts should be prohibited by law The leaders wcro Edith Lovther for tho atllrmatlvu and Nan Short for tho nega tlva I o S The rornniltlcQ orl touchers all seniors has aeleqtftl tho following persons to appear ap-pear In tho JJt rUry nunibers of tho comment com-ment programme EdgarRocerfc U Rosfi Young Foster Curtis Kittle Eager Mnud Jones 12mma LI > WK The selection haG been mndo not imon the basls of percent per-cent attained In scholarship but UI 0 the ability of iho pupils from all points considered con-sidered lo beat represent I ho class a S I Tho botany class made excursion to Ted Bulto In Kcarch of npcclmcnn nnCClmCIR Wednesday und the geology claws visited the Gcrmanla slclte on tho same hdlcl Tho manyv visitors at the armory laat week scorned very much pleased with the progress tho cadets are making Drill hour Is 330 Mondays and FrIdays Dri V V Visitors liirltiir thy week were Karl wcrc Moench and Ilagbart Anderson of Ogden jvnys Arvilia Cmrk Mrs Walters MIsS Scary Mrs John Reed Miss Stnynur Mrs IMllllron and Superintendent Cooper nol Superintendent Cooper at Brigham I I BrIgham May 10The teachers of Box Bldor county turn finishing1 their Institute work for the season by holdIng IL two Iuvs session Superintendent Cooper delivered two Inc lectures t the teachers giilhernd from all purls of tho country This morn Ing the professor said Each one even tho savage has a desire to excel with none should this desIre ho moro prominent promi-nent than i with Ihe 1 teacher What makes tho dlffeioneo between Iho I aluo of the work performed In two IHYeront persons Ono II Indlfforonl roc the work because he has 10 or as n makeshift make-shift The other puts his soul Into his work Anything Is hard work when wo leave out part of ourselves Tho high cst glory 01 God Is I that no matter what has boon accomplished there t is atlll moro I to achieve This afternoon the professor look for his Mibjtvt Lighteyed vs Darkeved People The lighteyed see boauty In everything They have faith and hOle and behind tho black cloud can sec tho silvery lining They aro happy becnttso thuy work to happily others Tho dark eyed see no good hey arc looking for evIl and llnd It The teacher must belong be-long to the former class She must have faith in her pupils and sec good In them Schools of Springville Sprlngvllle Miy IK 1 I Library day will be given Monday evening at tho Central building to which all are Invited A number of citizens will present books to the library From 150 to 200 volumes arc expected Dr J M l Tanner will ho tho speaker of the evening I Principal E JOfjgcvtson apokobefore the Mothers meeting at Provo Wednesday Wednes-day evening Miss Ella Mower spoke before tho Acron claps Friday evening the subject being Queen Victoria I has been decided that tho county graduating exercises will bo held In Sprln vlllo on May 31st This will ho a proud day for Springville A royal welcome wel-come will be given them |