Show I BUSINESS AT STOCKYARDS Ei 7GoOcl During Entire Week and Exceedingly Ex-ceedingly Lively Yesterday I The week at the stockyards was fairly I fair-ly busy and yesterday It was Cult I lively The shipments during the week Included a trainload of sheep b l y T W one to Wasalch twenty cars of she6p I by E J Arthur Son to Soda Springs n tralnload of cattle by M K Parsons from Huntington to Mr Parsonss ranch in Colorado Then there were ten cars of hoistsnqut on the 8th inst by Irwin Grant Co from Whine mucca to Kansas City twentyfour cars of sheep for Wastach by W il Marsh with several cars of Immigrants Immi-grants live stOck for Idaho points from Colorado aid Kansas E Wells of Halley shipped a car of fine bulls from tho Salt Lake yards to Shoshone Schelllp Brackett drove in a bunch Of cattle from Grantsvllle for Knight Co and Jacob W Parker of Farm Ington drove In n bunch of cattle for Hopworth Co Ford Bros of Tooelo county drove in a bunch of cattle for Ideal l slaughtering for Newland Co and Knight Co J S Smith of Farm inglon brought In twenty head of > beeves for Ward Co for local slaughtering The shipments of yesterday yes-terday Included thirty cars of sheep for Soda Springs for Russel Bros Manager James Leary of the Salt Lake stockyards will be home from hlsi Eastern week trip about the middle of the |