Show f ABDUl SHIPS AND SAILORS I II Tho battleship Indiana arrived in Hampton Heads yesterday from League Island and 1 will proceed to Annapolis tot to-t on the cadets for a orulBi Tho steamship Lake Superior from Liverpool for Montreal IB dot d-ot Grosse isle for iwoniyonfe duys with smallpox on board She hUH 700 pastcu gels The New York Shlppliyj Utildlng qom pany at Its nov yardSiicm Gloucester N 1 huts begun work on four steel passenger pas-senger and irslght stuamnhlpH for tho Atlantic Transport company I Tho Norwegian steamer Douglas Capt Erlcksen which sailed from Havana Ha-vana April 21th for CartuRcna haHbe totally wrecked bit tin liosulle Islands near Cartagena Colombia Tho crcw have IrtunHavecJ < A survey of the German steamer Schleswlg Cat Schlulur which wont a Ilihoro lust Tuesday near Port Maria Jamaica hu been made and the survey piij declared the vessel a total wreck She I i will w broken up untl aoldj < Tin Hte inipr Npnihwosterh of tho sorllnViqeri steamHhln line bound froni Chlcagoi p Hamburg wlth H cargo of I farm implements IiBCc1 CKiIoitaburg1 N I Into Citilcup Huplds yesienlay Tho St Lawrence rapids WPIP safely run to I Cornwall from which point the Northwestern 1 North-western will canal to Montreal |