Show t SCIENTIFIC STUDY E Renan In the current North American Review makes a pica for a closer study of the sciences as a means I of lifting up mankind He tells what t i i the ordinary obvious mechanical Inventions In-ventions have done to reduce the burdens bur-dens and add to the comforts of men but treats that field as almost entirely I explored and tHinks the ane advances In the future must come through a deep study of the laws of nature As a ample of what has been done In that line already he explains how Oersted the Dane and Ampere the Frenchman French-man discovered the phenomena of electromagnetism and eleotrodyna mlcs and shows how the greatest blessings have come to men through the labor of earnest students in their laboratories He believes too that withevcry new I discovery men will become more enlightened en-lightened and with enlightenment L more tolerant more gentle more considerate con-siderate and that one of the greatest moral agents In the world Iso clearer knowledge of the sublime laws that govern and control the vorld Surely all that Is true For years men drank water and were thankful but they never dreamed that within it was a force which when hacncsscd would do all mens heavy work One genius familiar with I made an application ap-plication of It and the oar fell from the hands of the galley slae the sails were furled on the sea the mIner no longer on his hack brought the ore from the mine for the new Genii did all their work For ages the world saw the effect of the lightnings flash they saw it shiver the great oak they saw it annihilate animal life but did not dream that the invisible but tern bio agent could be caught and tamed and put to work But a patient student stu-dent worked in his laboratory until the vision in his soul materialized and he demonstrated that the other dreamers words were true that he could put a gidle round about the earth In forty minutes I In the same way another searcher for the truth toiled on until the secret came to him of how to make it possible for friend to talk with friend as though they were side by side though mountains and valleys Intervened between 1 be-tween thorn over which the loudmouthed loud-mouthed storms were raging1 Another found the way to catch and hold Immortal I Im-mortal the human mortal voice Gladstone has been for a good while asleep in his 1 narrow house but there are machines > i which when summoned will repeat his words in the old tones which were his in his lifetime The simple Inventions suggested by mens everyday needs may about all have been made but those other inventions in-ventions that come through compelling natures forces to perform mens work and to minister to his pleasures they I have but Just begun As one by ore I they are revealed surely the effect will be to soften and exalt mankind for with such triumph man will be exalted more and more until contemplating the mercies planned for him from the beginning his selfrespect will prevent his having an unworthy thought or I doing an unworthy act |