Show ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE The consolidation of the Pacific const salmon canneries la still in tentative shape Baron i von Bergen for two years secretary of the German legation at Peking I Pe-king has arrived In San Francisco on his way to Europe The 1 Alaska Northern railway bill I providing for a railroad from PyramId harbor to Dawaon has been rejected by the Dominion Senate Railway committee A number of Eastern Congressmen most them momhora of tho Rlvoraand Harbors committee will noon visit California Cali-fornia and during their stay of three > ivecks will thoroughlv Inspect tho rivers riv-ers and harbors of the State Hundreds of horses which havo been running wild during the last few years on the plains between LlMooet and Carl goo and Okanogan B C are being captured cap-tured to be sold to the British Government Govern-ment for use In South Africa r |