Show Memorial Day The Joint committees from the G A R W R C and S A P have made partial arrangements for the observance observ-ance of Memorial day as follows The several bodies will attend services at Phillips Congregational church corner Fifth South and Seventh East streets on Sunday morning May 26th The general service for the dead l will beheld be-held as usual at the G A R monument i In Ml Olivet cemetery Details from I the several organizations to attend to the decoration of all poldlcrs graves I in he neveral cemeteries The commil I tep of arrangements is made up of R A Iff Lleul GIbbs W P Rowe A B Richardson Mrs W H Jones Mrs Jennie Tcasdale Mrs E B Burns Mrs J W Campbell and Col M Mr Ivaighn Committee on finance Col 31 M Kalghn CaptJ F Crltchlow A B Richardson Mrs W H Jones W P Row > and Mrs Jennie Teasdnle The committees mpctv again on Wednesday afternoon at I oclock In i Odd Fellows hall to complete arrangements |