Show MUNICIPAL PROGRESS In our municipal government at present pres-ent there Is a great and wholesome struggle toward a Ilgher and better or der of things This vigorous movement takes many different forms four or five of which may be noted very especially The first of these and in i some ways the most important is the general movement move-ment toward better principles and methods In the technical organization of a municipal government A Ito inquiry In-quiry shows that municipal reform In the United States Is proceeding upon the whole very hopefully and It Is truly remarkable how rapid of lato has been the growth of the sentiment in favor of nonpartisanship in municipal elections i elec-tions and appointments Many men who only four or Jive years ago wero strict I Republicans or Democrats oven in local elections arc now avowedly I with I the Independents where municipal mat i ters are Involved Thus It was the independent vote that turned the scale I In Chicago and elected Carter Harrison I again although if the Republicans had nominated John 11 Harlan as it was at first supposed they ymild do they I would probably have carried the day by j virtue of nonpartisan support From The Progress of the World In the I I American Monthly Review of Reviews for Mar j I |