Show JCbiJs aios Tho Workers I r Building forever building day by day A little added to their 1 sum ot toil ca And thus from yca Y to year from youth tO ilRl Forever foes the treadmill o their hIves rue Howeis I blossom all along the way That leads to whero their dally tasks are dore I By thorn unseen unpluckcd and lad I inlred Tho birds their tuneful voices ralso In sorpr From very gladneflR of hell sunny lives I And note yet they donot hear ono bllihsomo I Tho laughing hrooks the meadows verdure ver-dure dressed Tho lrca of hue brcnzo at evening hour Tho music of the bees among tho Mowers fOlr Tho height sublime of lordly mountain Ia mc The stilly beauty of the mountain dell All these they dwell among yet sense them not But blinded by l a toll that never ends I A lasting want that drives them ever on No time have they lo ralso their lov bowed heads To see the beauty that surrounds them nil I They rear up mighty cities lofty domes And gilded palaces and mansions grand Grow nealh I tho magic of their loll and yet When the last touch Is given to tho whole 1 They pass without and never enter more They fashion with a skill almost divine Fabrics HO dellcalo and beautiful They seem the Illmy flgmenti of a dream And yet t thcniHOUcs go ovor meanly dressed V They dig down deep into Iho mountains heart I Aid from hue dark and raylcss chambers bring hlln TroajJureH of tho yellow gold theirs aro jiandM That gird the continents with bands of stool And make a highway tlnough tho mountains moun-tains bounds And yd 1 for want of gold remain for ayo Hemmed In by the environment of home IIS constant treadmill and Its narrow sphere They gather In fair autumns golden sheaves That they who toll not may have swcat lehrcad TIs theirs within tho holds oC mighty ships To labor that tho commerce or n world Across the mighty oceans may bo borne And for that purpose trim on every sea Tho gleaming sail yet others reap not I they The prollt l of their toll Dangers untold 1 I On sea and land ore in tho air they face Yet theso creators of a nations wealth Who leap to arms when called to Us dc fenso hosomsl I And baro their bosoms to a foeman stceU Are deemed Ignoble I pass away unsung Scarcu worthy thought to breathe tho J selfpamo air I Breathed by tho ones for whom they live and toll High honor to the workers of the world Those lowly patient uncomplaining ones Gods noblemen RIO lucy i and when tho sum Of earthly deed by angel hands Is cast Thehs will tho scat of highest glory be And so on to tho end twill be as now i That nation which uplifts Ahem ocr tho mosd 10gb Stands first among the peoples of tho earth A r < For though from ocean sj bosom waves may rise No tide can ralso above tho masses height artini Ti V1la 1 n fnnn U v J v A SONNET A canyon wild and deep midst mountains grand A river rushing madly l Its way To a fair lalte within the pleasant land FoamHocked of many rails thrf sport I the play I 1 Tls alwiy hero spread itJn filmy sheen Down from C lofty mountains dizzy side A streamlets waters fall till lashed to spray prlY They bride form a veil like those worn by a In vestal purity spread far and wide Fleecy and of as ISJT summer cloud Not with a roar tho pearly waters gjldc But with a geiitlCf music sweetnot loud i r I A beauty weirder there Is nono beside Midst scenes of beauty thut around you crowd I Duty i I A hard taskmaster duty is Indeed Only by death from her demands were reed But when a pleasure In her tasks wo find Her face from frowning beams Lwlth smiles most kind r Em if I J9 shirk her vNo and Just docrcer r jusLcccrc lo Holllffh onda we turn 1 away our oycR A iiV1 she nns cf teaching us to see CR Woro wamlHnpT from tho gates of paradise A Bit of Counsel That t youvo struck your cult Moses Wo heed not stnio Moaca SInce they draw you away from your business In town Though you must range Moses rngQ Jar from change Moses You can still bo a broker where you oct Ho t downl TIs C shame you know Moses That men should go Moses Doth wifeless and careless and bo Mormons Mor-mons too And as youre a broker Now MoapTni no joker Start a matchmaking change tlo tho business for you rim you fu led with Urc Moses Theni is a cure Moses With n little more practice youll get In your hni1 And Summit stake Men Will take the cake Moses And of Its the famo mail RO abroad thro the length 01 nn No spinsters then Moses No lonely men Moses Just Hunk of It now what a field theres foi you I With every one mated 1 need not bo stated When Hint 1 glorious time comes youll bo rich as n Jew How tho Night Fell TN MEMORY OF C A JORGENSEN And then the shadow fell Fell when tlic nicy seemed not to have n cloud Stole oor tho scene all brightness to enshroud en-shroud Oh who can toll What glorious deeds had In that day been done Had not the shadow hidden all tho scene A silence long and deep Hushed lips that ever uttered words of Cheer And words of love fell ona leaden car I He sank to sloop And In his sleep forgot ambitions call Love tenderness hope Joy forgot them all all i Wo cannot understand We search for reason and no answer find TIs hard to at his passing bo resigned A promise grand Of noblo deed of manhood and of power To meet such end while scarce It was In flower I I With those who weep today Tears wo would mingle share with them Owl pain Tho well wo know nil earthly power Is vain Now to allay I A sorrow as the ocean dropwind tossed I Knowing lost full well tho Jewel they have I S Forever i I I FCC the boys all playing Out there among tho trees I hear their Voices floating I 1P9n tho evening breeze And then T sit and wonder If any there will be Who In the long years coming Will be a fool like me Across the street there I glancing A group then meets my eye As prcttv as entrancing I As In the years gone by With hall brown black or golden And eyes all sparkling bright With cheeks all fair and dlmnled And garments fluttering light I My question there found answer Twill be aw It has been I As long as there are women I They will mak fools of men I Lines Suggested by the Itecent of Butterflies Flight uterfies Up from tho meadows tho butterflies como Flitting In wayward flight Strange they should leave so fair a home Thro the streets of a city at last to roam When the meadows with flowers were I I brightOn bright-On the stony pave in the suns bright glare I Taking a moments rest Or pausing f time on the brick walls bare Or the cold plate glass where mimic blossoms blos-soms are iOn i-On through the streets they pressed Oh say can It bo that they came to bring To the weary a tiding fair That out In the meadows the wild birds sing That verdure Is spread over everything And beauty Is everywhere I i 1 And when ever northward they took their flight WnH It this that they meant to say That tho Bouthwlnds had chased old win tor white Back to Ito polo and tho endless night And would KC < P him for months away I have Itat last how thoy came to roam From meadows and smokeless skits Up i the nlony streets o l city to como They Just took a notion to see tho homo or their alstcr butterflies i Inevitable I Theyre bound to do IJ and thntls3 And wo might lH well bo resigned Lor whether we like combining or no We aro auro to be combined 10 The Penalty i I The plllcrpat of llttlo feet I I Is very nice Indeed 1 And keeps those grownup hearts of ours From going qulto to seed r There Is no music In tho world That one would rather choose But goodness how It takes tho cash To buy the darlings shoes Tho plttorpat of Ito feet Is sWeet In every way But then you know the time la short The make shor They their music gay And If I by chance It Is a girl Some morning youll awake 011 Shot making music Homo place else And you your own may make |