Show 5 Drunkoniics A safe and pcrnianqnt euro for drunkenness drunk-enness and drug addictions Address Kceley Institute 1C1 E lot South or Box ISO Salt Lake Utah ThersAJ Money In GEO E BLAIR 411 Aucrbach Blk Buys and sells I Oil Lands 1 WHITE STAB 1 OIL COMPANY B4L47r Pioneer Company ILABELS Ai SEWDFOnSAMI THE PERFECT EAR TAO tado of ALDMINlSI and ATTAC1IKD IN TANTANEOUSIjY cuttIng ltswcn way through aocnr Ucar fnll name and address numbered If cslrcd Madu only br SALT IAKR STAMV JO Patentees SALT LAKE UTAIL YOllg Bulls for Sale0 Wo offer a carload or less of young HEREFORD BULLS from our ANTELOPE ANTE-LOPE ISLAND IIEREFORDS JOHN IT WHITE Manager Box 771 SnIt Lnl < o City TNIOU ASSAY OFFICE U M S HANAUER Manager Removed to 152 South W Temple SAMPLES BY MAIL AND EXPRESS will receive prompt attention Analytical work a specialty Send for prtco list TORN MVICKEE I ASSAY OFFICE NO 150 MAIN 6T SALT LAKE CITY Ores carefully assayed Samples sent from a distance promptly attended to and returns made the following day Chargeo reasonable I W CURIE ASSAYEB J 4 12 W 3rd South Salt Lake City Prompt attention given to all orders by mall or express Charges uniform and reasonable NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT 1 Little Chief Mining and Milling Company Com-pany Principal place of business at Salt Lake City Utah Location of mine Tin tic mining district Juab county Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a meetIng meet-Ing of tIme board of directors of tIme Little Chief Mining and Milling company held April 25 1501 an assessment of ono 1 cent per share being assessment No 7 was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation Issued and outstanding payable pay-able Immediately to Joseph Obcrndorfer secretary of the company at his offIce 161 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 29th day of May 1001 will bo delinquent and adver Llsed for sale at public auction and unless un-less payment ls made before will bo sold on June 15 1501 to pay the delinquent assessment as-sessment together with costs of advertising adver-tising and expenses of sale J OBERNDORFER Sees No 161 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah Dated April 2Gt 1001 mil NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS STOCK-HOLDERS MEETING A special meeting of tIme stockholders of the Lion Consolidated Mining company Is hereby called to bo held at the ofllco of said company at the offlco of of T R Jones Co in the city of Salt Lake Utah on the 14th day of May 1901 ntM oclock p m for the purpose of haying hay-ing said otockholdcrs approve and ratify tho action of tho board of directors of said company at their meeting hold on the ICth day of May lOO in leasing and bonding and agreeing to sell all of the mining claims of said company to the Stcckton Gold Mining and Milling company com-pany for the sum of JIOOOO upon the terms conditions and payments stated In the resolution adopted by said board of directors as appears in the records of the minutes of said meeting of said directors direc-tors on the said lath day of May 1900 aid to transact any further and necessary neces-sary business which may properly como before said meeting By order of the board of directors W P LYNN Secretary Salt Lake City Utah April 10 190L ASSESSMENT NO 0 Martha Washington Mining company principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Location of mines Tintlc mining district Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting meet-ing of the board of directors of the Martha Mar-tha Washington Mining company held on tIme 10th day of May liwl assessment No C of three and onehalf 3 cents per share was levied upon tho capital stock of the corporation Issued and outstanding outstand-ing payable Immediately to tIm treasurer treas-urer at Ills office room No 119 D F Any stock upon which thin assessment may remain unpaid on Tuesday time llth day of Juno 1001 will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is madu before will bo Knlil on Saturday the 2Dth day of Juno 1901 at 10 oclock a m nt the treasurers onlco to pay the delinquent nbsOHSincnt thereon together with the costs of advertising ad-vertising and expense of sale ALVIRAS E SNOW Secretary First publication May 11 1901 go21 NOTICE Notice IS i hereby given by l lime City Council of Silt Lake City of the Inien lion of such Council to make tIme following follow-ing described Improvement to wit CurbIng Curb-Ing and paving Second South street from Tilrst west to Sixth West streets In Paving DistrIct No 13 and defray the cost and expense thereof estimated at nlnctytuo thousand four hundred dollars 02100 or fourteen dollars 11 I per front or linear foot by a local assessment upon iho lots or pieces of ground within the following described district being the district to bo affected or bcncllicd by said Improvement mimclyt All oC lots S 6 7 and S block 37 lots 1 and 2 block 48 plat I C all of lots 5 6 7 and S block CO loin I 5 andlj block 61 lots 5 C 7 and S block 1 IMJ lots G and 0 block 63 lots 1 2 0 and 1 4 block Cl lots 1 and 2 block 65 lots 1 I 2 3 and I block 60 and lots 1 and 2 block C7 plat A Salt Lake City survey All protests and objections to tho carryIng carry-Ing out of such Intention must bo presented pre-sented In writing to Urn City Recorder on I or before iho fourth day of June 1901 being the time set by oaid Council when it will hoar and consider such protests and objccllonn na may ho made > thereto Bv order oC the City Council of Salt Lake City Ulnh Dated April VxlML J ONYSTRO3T City Recorder 1 PavlDKlntcntlon < DELINQUENT NOTICE Joe Bowers A ininjc Company Principal place of business Salt lnko CIty Utah Notice There are delinquent upon time following described ntpck on account of naaessmont No 3 of iwo U cents per share levied on the JOlh day of March 1001 payable on or before inc Mill day of April 1001 tho cnvoral amounts sot oiiicslte the nuinert of tho respective sharuholders as follows No No Name Cert Sims Amt Paul Fisher 321 GOO 1o M J Harden Ill 500 1000 Ur J Mcintyre Ill ICO to M J Hnrdln iSO MX 1000 L F Huilek 163 too 1010 t L F Zullok 40 ECO 10 COM I C C IllKgliiB IS > 3 EOO 1001 J A Pollock Trustee 5S 1000 20CO J A Pollock Trustee 575 1000 20 W Edward W Unaon 51S 00 1UCO C F Dnutoll 5J5 500 1000 Fred Mathews 611 1000 20CO 1000W H J Faust Jr r GIS W 100J Thos M Holt GlO FW 10 CO Sheets Thompson 702 600 ioro Irvine Mason Trun 715 100 2000 M W Taylor Trustee 7SS COO 1000 Irvine it Mason Tnia S37 lCOO 2000 Irvlnu MiiHon Trus 7iS lCOO 2000 R L Colburn Trustee KM BOO 10CO W D Ilanco SIU LOU 1000 I F E McGurrln SG2 MO 1000 DeUltt B Lowo S7G MO 1010 J A LlnahaiK S7i iXW 1000 I 11 L Colburn Trustee 8S3 SCO 1000 Charles Vcrcoa Swl 250 cco Jna Harrington 001 500 1000 J A Brown 03S oCOO 10000 M A King 047 MX 10 00 C F Dautoll 9J1 00 10CO Irvine Mason Trus 97S 00 10CO A C Bishop 50 S 3000 CO 00 A Hannucr Jr lOSi 1000 20 00 A Hannncr Jr 1038 1000 2000 A J j antCuran10111 15CO SO 00 II W Doselmer1003 500 1000 15 W Young 1111 1000 2000 Irvine Mason llla 500 10CO Martin Flnley 1118 1000 2000 Goo ttlstlne 1122 2000 4003 J H Lovcndalo 1128 1000 2001 W J Barnolt 113T 1000 20 tO W J Bnrnetl 1137 1000 2000 W J Bnrnott U3S 1000 20 00 W J Bnrnott 1112 1000 2000 W J Barnutt 11 n 500 10 00 W J Barnett 11 K > MX 1000 W J Barnett 114G CX 1000 W T Edsvard1169 1000 2000 J M Burl 118 FXXMX 10 CO J M Burt 11W MX 1000 J M Burt 11W SCO 10 CO R 15 Waterman 1200 lWXI 2000 R E Waterman1210 500 10 TO S S Pond Jr 1212 lCOO 2000 R T Badger 122 1000 tOll C Warnock 122U 500 1000 A J VanKuran1232 500 1000 A J Vankuran1233 500 1000 Campbell Green1213 1000 2000 Campbell Grcemt1241 MO 1000 Campbell ft Green1215 MO 1000 Hudson Sons Co 1255 LOGO 20 00 Joe Obendorfor1250 500 1000 Joe Obendorfer < 12or COO 1000 P 13 Parish 125 noo 1000 F E Parish l2oD 500 1000 W H Tobias l27o 21 4SW II F Eiirlo 12S2 IS W Coo Rlstlno 12S3 141 2SS J W Collier L2SG 21 IS Campbell Greene 1203 rxw 1000 W J Barnett lr01 coo 1000 Lovl O Schofield1123 72 lrjl M J Harden 13j IS 50 Hermann Hill 1352 21 isIS E N Hurd 19 24 is-IS L F Zullck 1J31 4S 00 C F Datitell L393 4S ° II J Faust Jr 1393 21 iS J R Hunt 1419 21 43 Henry B Eden 1122 24 IS 7 A Llnnhan 142 21 45 John Grundfor l20 73 lll Chas Vorcoa 1431 12 21 Jas Harrington 1133 21 IS M A King 142C 24 13 B T MncMasters 1411 21 48 E A Wall 1MS 4S 4 A J VanCttran1450 1D ZW A J VnnKtirnn1451 20 10 Irvine Mason1491 EOO 1000 Irvine Mason1404 500 1000 James A Pollock1510 21 AS John Whittemoro1531 4S 96 Chns Nics j15SS 21 45 Gco Rlstlnc lpo 1000 2000 Chns Nics M52 to 1000 Marcia D BurnhamlS9S 1000 2000 Mnrcla D Burnham 1590 1000 2000 Marcia D Burnham lCOO 1000 20W Marcia D Burnhnm 1601 1000 2000 Marcia D Burnham 1C02 1000 iCOO Marcla D Burnham 1003 1000 2000 Marcia D Burnham lCOJ 1000 2000 Marcia D Burnhamn160i 1000 2000 Marcia D Burnham 1GOG 1000 2000 Marcia D Burnham lGO 1000 20 00 Chns T Burnham 1003 1000 2000 Chas T lturahnm1OQO 1000 20CO Chas T Burnham1610 1000 2000 Chaa T Burnham1011 1000 2000 Chas T Burnhnm 1612 1000 2000 Chns T Burnham1613 1000 20CO Chne T Burnham 1014 1000 2001 Chnx T Btmrnhnrn1615 1000 2000 Chas T Birnham1610 10V 0 2003 Chap T Bkrnham1617 1000 20JVI ChasT 3innhitm1018 1000 2000 Chas T Burnhnm1619 lOfO 2000 Chas T l3urnham1620 10CO 20 CO Chas T Burnham 1621 1000 20CO Chits T Burnham1622 1000 200 Chas T Burnham1623 oOCO 1COCO Chins T BurnhamMKM 50W 100CO Chas T Burnham1625 5000 10000 < > Chas T I3urnhnrn1626 500 lOliTO Chas Ti Ilur lmnm1027 oco 10000 Chas T Burnham 1613 5000 liKriO Chas T Brniihnm1620 5000 10000 Chas T Burnham J030 500 1COCO Chas T Buinlmam160l noo 10000 Chas T Burnhnm1632 5000 10000 Chas T Burnhnm1OXI 3000 icooo Chas T l3urnhnni1631 ROOO 10000 Chas T Burnhnm1633 5000 1COCO Cling T l3urnham1636 GOOO 10000 Chas T Burnham1II7 FOOO 10000 Chins T Burnhnm 1 63S 5000 10000 John Q Burnhnm1639 lOCO LH3W John Q Burnhmnm1640 1000 2000 John Q Burnham1041 1000 2000 John Q 13unhamn1612 1000 20tTJ John Q Burnham163 1000 2000 John Q Burnham 1614 1000 2000 John Q nurnhimLG4j 1000 2000 John Q Burnhiim1iiIi 1000 2000 Jclm 1 Burnham 16I7 1000 2000 John I Burnham1018 1000 2000 John C Burnhmafi1619 1000 2000 John Q Burnlmam1070 1000 2000 John Q Burnham101 lOCO 2000 John Q l3urnham1652 1000 2000 John Q Burnham1653 lOCO 2000 John Q l3urnlrnmn1654 rooo 10000 John Q Burnham 1633 5000 10000 John Q B rnhrtm1650 5000 10000 John Q 13urnhim1657 TiX 10000 John Q Burnhnm163 ROfO 10000 John Q Burnharn1650 5000 10000 John Q Burnharn1600 5000 10000 John Q l3urnhnm1601 5000 10000 John Q Burnham1602 5000 10000 John Q Burnham1603 SCO1 100 CO John Q Burnham16M 50043 10000 John Q Burnhnm 1t0 5000 10000 John Q Burnimam1060 nOOO lOOCO John Q Burnhnm1107 5000 lUOW John Q Burnoam1iS 5000 10000 John Q Burnham 16Cn fiW 10000 John 8 Burnham1670 lCOO 20 03 John G lurnhmim1671 1001 2i00 John G Burnham 1672 1000 2000 John G lurnhiam1673 1000 2X100 John G l3urnham167i 1000 2000 John G BurnlutmnlOTo 1000 2000 John O ljurnhamn1070 10CO 20CO John H Burnhnm 1677 irro 20X John G i3urnhnm1078 1000 20 00 John G Burnham 1679 1C0 000 Chicago Title Trust Co ns guardian of the < oMtato of Daniel jiu Burnhnm a minor iijn 1041 000 Same 1691 1060 2000 Same 1602 100 2000 Same 1G 100 2000 Same lWl 1430 20 fO Same 193 1603 20ri Same 1696 1000 2000 Same 1IP7 inno 2000 Same 1003 1000 20CO CS 1600 I 000 000 George Rutlne 1723 1000 20 CO George Rat no 1721 lWO MCO Morris Beck 172 lOW 20 no WT Reed l734 lOW 2000 B Schauffelberger 1744 1000 2000 B fichauffclbcrgor IJ45 1000 2000 Cora A Smith3750 700 14ro R L Colburn 17RS 32 G20 W J DernmodyL759 50 J Ill Roc A Deal 1761 31 630 R B Miller 1766 630 13 TO B Sprcncor MS Ji5 rv2 J J Sullivan lti6S T 1JO Tos Hughes 170 6T 130 Ben Thole l l 35 iro H Ballcv 1772 JO 20 D 11 Peory Jr177I llo 230 Roc A Deal VU7H W 12W A R Manca 17i < 310 I20 Taylor Bros 1777 160 320 lrecl SlnlhoWH 17W 310 620 W H DlckBon 17KJ 1m 310 Joe Obendorfor 17fiG MO 1000 roe Obendorfor 17R3 fOO 1000 Mildred M Turnhaml7I > lCOO 000 Mildred M Burnham7ri innn 2AOO Mildred M Burnham 784 1000 WOO Mildred M Burnham 17W lOCi 20no Mildred M Burnham17 lnco 2000 Mildred M Burnhnm 1797 lOfO 2000 Mildred M Burnham1705 lCOO 20CO Mildred M BurnhnmlWI lOW JOOO Mildred M Burnham 1NX iCfO 2000 Mildred M Burnham lSOl 1000 2000 P C Wilson 1827 IPO 200 TI S Joseph 1SS2 1000 000 Hudson Sons ro JM 100 000 Hudson Sons Co11i lOM 2000 Irvine Co l lOCO 2000 < R T Colburn issa m 1000 J IT Stalllngs Ifi23 E0 < 3 1000 And in accordance with law and tIme order of the board of directors hindu iMarth 20 1301V ao many shares of each parcel ojT alwvc stock ns may bo npccs aar > will be sold at public auction at the office of the company at T R Jones Cos bank No ISO South Main street I 11 Lake Cay Utah on Monday May 10i at 12 oclock noon topay the delinquent assessment together with tho cost of advertising and cxponsn of sale W P LYNN dccrctarv Dated Mny C 1001 gIlD i1LINOUJNJ ASSESSMKNT O TICJS Shower Consolidated Oohl and Silver Mlnlnjr Company Sccrotnrys Olllce Salt Lako City Utah May 1 1001 Notice There are delinquent upon the followingdescribed stock on account of assessment No 3 levied March 10 13JI the uevoral amounts set opposite the names of the respectIve sharcnoldors aa follows vfz No Isane cert Shares AmmiL David F Walker 277 1M JOW A C Kllla 2C9 300r 6000 T R Jono 3 > y 2CO 000 T I R Jones 4 07 15 00 T l R Jones 4S1 4000 SO00 J B Thompson 400 GOO 1000 II W Doschcr 191 ECO 1UCO 11 AV IDoschor 211 100 200 II DoBcher 453 200 1UO H W Dosohcr 135 200 fjOO C II Blanchard 130 6000 1COOO V J iJiownlng Ill 500 1000 H S JoDcph 290 100 200 T Ellis Browne 115 lOCO 2000 A II Crabbo 432 f 00 1000 I A II Crabbo 435 GOO 1000 C F Ercanbrack IS9 1000 2000 C F Ercanbrack 510 COO 1000 I C F Frcanbrack 511 fflO 1000 C F Ercamibraclsi FOO 1000 I I C F Ercanbrnck US fOO 1000 C F Ercanbrack r23 1000 2000 F Eicaubrack 627 1000 2000 C F Ercanbrack 623 lOCO 2000 C 7i Ercanbrack 520 1000 2000 George E Husl r 16 500 10no Mrs Emily Kane 7G 13 90 MVH Seymour Johnson 77 Wi 2UO V C Borden 12 333 060 Clarence Dcnllor 41 lCOO 2000 Catherine II Ncodham10t 500 1000 P A Htll 235 200 100 Richard Hartley 320 100 200 Thos Ames Jr 210 MO 1000 L A Stanley 250 200 100 W F Smith trustee 260 200 100 W F Smith lruslce26G 100 200 Albert NoidqulsL Ill 700 1100 E E Darling 215 200 400 13 l D Miller S5 200 UO E J Mlllor 6l 100 200 E D Miller 362 100 200 Frank Crocker 371 300 3S2 C B Durst 1S3 200 JCO Lena llaguo K > 9 COO 1000 Lena TInguo 1S4 400 SOO Lena ITnjjuo 509 700 1100 Lena Hague DH COO 1000 L ° na Hague 310 200 II i W Lena Hague 517 400 S 00 Lena Hague f > 2G COO 100 Harry Hague 319 500 10041 Harry Hague 330 200 100 Mrs J T Thurmond 370 lWO 320 > Mrs L U Vadlclgh2S2 COO 1000 Chas Hogg 303 COO lOV Luco Jennings 311 100 SOO Mrs P AV Market 2SI 1COO 2000 Mrs P V Marlcol 255 500 1000 Mrs P W Market 336 lOOi 2Jilk Ceo W Barratt 337 600 1000 Coo W Barratt 01 600 1000 Goo AV Barratt 339 176 332 Thos E G Lynch 3IS 2500 BOO L L Ormsby 372 1000 2000 Harriett M Rose 117 30 100 1 Helen Crawford l 200 LOO A Anderson 397 ICO 200 Mr C II Srheu123 100 200 Mr C H Schen451 200 GC Carrie L Cunnlngtonl5 < 23 J6 T3 VS Young 473 100 200 Ellen Lees 512 20 10 F W Mansur 521 100 200 John Lofgrcn 622 COO 1000 And In accordance with law nnd the order or-der of tho board of directors made March 19 1901 so many shares of each parcel of above stock as may bo necessary will be sold at auction at the office of the company Walker Bros bankers Salt Lake City Utah at 1120 a m Friday May 31 1901 to pay delinquent assessment thereon together with coats of adverlls Inp and expense of sale p7 W E LAKE Secretary NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT XO 2 Sacramento Consolidated Mining company com-pany Principal place of business at Salt Lake City Utah Location of mines Eureka Utah Notice IH hereby given that at a meeting of the oard of directors direc-tors of tho Sacramento Consolidated Mining Mi-ning company hold on April 20 1901 an assessment of > i onefourth of ono cent ucr nharo being assessment No 2 was levied on lie capital stock of the corporation corpora-tion Issued and outstanding payable hoI ho-I mediately to S J Carpenter secretary of the company at tIme office of the com 1 1any room 12 Walker bank building Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid un-paid on May 22 1901 will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment Is made before will bo Bold on June 11 1901 at 2 oclock p mf to pay the delinquent assessment together to-gether with costs of advertising and expenses ex-penses of saleS S sale-S J CARPENTER Secretary Room 12 Walker Bank Building Date April 20 19C1 f074 ASSESSMENT NO 3 harp Mining company Principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Location Loca-tion of mines Rush Valley mining district dis-trict Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a mOet Ing of the board of directors of the Sharp Mining company held on the 6th day of May 1901 assessment No 3 of onefourth Vi cent per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation Issued and outstanding payable Immediately to A L Jacobs secretary of the company at his office lOS Progress building Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the Sth day of Juno 1C01 will bo delinquent and advertised adver-tised for sale at public auction and unless un-less payment Is made before will be sold on the 1st day of July 1901 at 2 oclock p m to pay the delinquent nssessmcnt thereon together with the costs of advertising adver-tising and expenses of sale A L JACOBS Secretary First publication May 7 1001 g372 DELINQUENT NOTICE Diamond Consolidated Mining Company Location of principal place of business I Salt Lako City UtahNotlcc There are delinquent upon tho following described stock on account of assessment No 2 I of four 4 cents per share levied on the I ISth day of February 1901 payable on or before the Sth day of April 1901 the sos crtil amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders ns follows No of No of Name Certificate Shares Amt O JR Zlpf SO WO 52000 0 Rssipf 52 BOO 2000 Bocca Simon 173 50 200 E Newman 174 oO 200 D Loowenatoln 519 60 200 Sam Berman 522 1000 4000 W A Johnson 527 200 800 Rose Ambcrg G35 2o 100 Louis Arnberg 536 100 100 Louis Ambcrg 637 100 400 Max Amber 633 2o 100 Joe Ambcrg 539 22 100 Sophia Brown 510 2o 100 W II Shappcl Jr B72 100 400 Albert Mayer El 1000 4000 Joseph Simon ri G3D 100 400 Jjoph Simon 636 100 400 Joseph Simon 637 100 400 Joseph Simon 633 100 400 Joseph Simon 639 100 400 Milton Bejach CG7 25 100 Ferdinand Bejach 60S 2o 100 Herman Bejach GOD 2o LOOP LOO-P P Huston 676 500 2uOO P P Huston 077 200 SOOT T > P 1luston I 673 200 SOO Cora Ambers rg 2 > iw C E Pearson TOG BjO 2000 C E Pearson S17 lCOO 40CO Mrs B Herman KO COO 2000 Nay Mlckcls S 32 400 1000 J II Trlslcr 333 100 1 00 And In accordance with law and an order or-der of the board of directors made on tIme 18th day of February 1901 tio many shares of each parcel of said stock as may bo necessary will bo sold nt time secretary olllce rio 101 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah Thursday April 25 1901 at 12 oclock noon to pay the delinquent assessment together with costs ot advertising ad-vertising and xpcnses of sale JOS ODEItNDORFER Secy No lOt South Main street Salt Lako City U ta ii Darted April 9 1901 f02 Suit Lake City April 25th 1901 Pursuant to an order of tIme board ot directors of the Diamond Consolidated Mining company made this day the date of sale on delinquent stock as above ad vortlaed is hereby postponed till May 2rth 1901 at 12 oclock noon By order ot the boar JOS OBERNDORFER Secretary VOTICE STOCICHOljtXEIlS1 MEET INC The Sacramento Gold Mining company having neglected to hold the regular stockholders meeting for tho election of officers on the tlrst Tuesday In January 1001 notice Is hereby given that a general gen-eral meeting of the stockholders Is here bv called and will bo held at the office 01 Uio Knld company at room TO3 Aucr bach bujldlnG1 No 100 MalnBtrdcX Salt Lake City Utah on Mqnduji Mny is liWU at 3 oclock of said day for tho ipurposo of electing officers for the naidcompany for the ensuing yfirr and for thc trans i action of such other business as may regularly come before the said meeting ff03 H E MCONAUGIIY Secretary PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP S NOTIULtS Consult County Clerk or the respective signers for further Information IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO I bate Division In and for Salt Lako coun ty State of tJtahmImi tIme matter of the estate of Marlon C Kohl docciuicd No 1 ticeThio Tho petition of Henry Kohl admlnls trator of the estate of Marlon Q Kohl i deceased for an order to romortgnyo the followlngduacrlbcd real estate oT said dc i ccdent to wit y j An equitable Interest In and to tho fol lowing part of lot 2 block 10 plat G Salt Lake City survey situated In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Stale of Utah Commencing at the southwest corner of said lot running thence north eilmt cS rods thtiice east Iwo and onefourth 2Vi rode thence nouth eight S rods thenco swest two and onefourth 2Vi rods to the place of beginning An undivided onefourth Oi Interest In and to those two certain patented mining claims situated In the Tlntlo Mining DIstrict DIs-trict Juab county Utah known and designated ns tho Blackbird and the American Star J Tho followingdescribed property ell i tinted In Eureka City In said County of Juab State of Utah lo wit All of lot one 1 block II and part of lot two J 2 block II and one hundred and soy onlylive 175 feet of the east part of lot Qlcvon 11 block two 2 plat llCr Etiroi ka Townslle survey being part of a pro J I posed street In East Park Subdivision of j < said Eureka City All of 5011 Property being appraised and valued at 12300 i Has been act for hearing on Friday the 17th day of May A D 1001 at 10 0 clock a m at the county courthouse in LImo courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the Heal thereof affixed this 7th day of May A D 1901 fScal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldrcdtfc Jr Deputy Clerk Dlnlnny McMastcr Attorneys g425 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE division In and Oor Salt Lake county Stale of UtahIn the matter of the cs tato of Benjamin F Howells deceased Notice The petition for approval and settlement of first account of the administrator of tho estate of Benjamin F Howells deceased has been sot for hearing on Friday the 21th day of May A D 1901 at 10 oclock a mj at the county courthouse In tIme courtroom of said court in Salt Lake City Salt Luke county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with tho seal nfilxcd this 9th day of May A D 1901 fSeal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk Jas II Moyle Attorney gISl IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE division In and for Salt Lake county State of UtahIn time matter of the es tate of Reuben E Miller deceased Notice Tho petition of Margaret Miller praying for the Issuance to Reuben E Mlllor and Uriah G Miller of letters of admlnlsira ion In the estate of Reuben P Miller deceased has been set for hearing on Friday the 21th day of May A D 1001 at 10 oclock a m at the county courr house In the courtroom of said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this 9Lh day of May A D 1901 Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldrodgc Jr Deputy Clerk James H Moyle Attorney glSO IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bate Division In and for Salt Lake county coun-ty State of UtahIn the matter of the cstato of George G Symes deceased Notice The petition of John Weir Jr administrator adminis-trator of the eatato of George G Symcs deceased praying for the settlement of final account of said administrator and for the distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled has been set for hearing on Friday the 24th day of May A D 1001 at10 oclock a m at tho county courthouse in tho courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Cldrk of said court with the seal thereof aUlxcd this llth day of May A D 1901 rbcal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk C B Jack Attorney gOI4 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate Division In and for Salt Lako county coun-ty State of UtalmIn tIme matter of the estate of Sorepta M Heywood deceased Notice Tho petition of Lucrctla IT Kimball administratrix of the estate of Seropta M Ilcywood deceased praying for the settlement of final account of said ad ministratrix and for the distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled has been set for hearing on Friday Fri-day the 24th day of May A D iDol at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse In the courtrooom of said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lako county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this llth day of May A D 1S01 Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Pierce Crltchlow Barrette Attorneys IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate Division In and for Salt Lako coun tv State of Utahln the matter of the estate of Ashford Twlgg deceased Notice No-tice The petition of Tlllle Twlgg praying for the admission to probate of a certain document purporting to bo the last will and testament of Ashford Twlgg deceased de-ceased and for tIme granting of letters testamentary to herself has been set for hearing on Friday lie 21th day of MayA May-A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse In the courtroom ol said court In Salt Lako City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof anixcd this llth day of May A D 1C01 Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk W R Hutchinson Attorney sSI2 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate Division In and for Salt Lake county coun-ty State of UtahTn the matter of the estate of Nellie Spencer Adlard Hop Williams Wil-liams deceased Notice The petition of Jabez B Adlard praying for the Issuance to himself of letters of administration In the estate of Nellie Spencer Adlard Hop Williams deceased has been sot for hearing on Friday the 21th day of May A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse In the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness time Clerk of said court with the seal thereof alllxcd this llth day of May A D 1901 Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk D O Wllloy Jr Attorney g041 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate Division In and for Salt Lake county coun-ty Stale of UaumIn the matter of tho estate and guardianship of Fred Hop minor Notice The petition of Jabez B Adlard and Sablna Adlard praying for the issuance to themselves of letters of guardianship on tho pci son and estate ot Fred Hop Minor has been set for hearing on Friday Fri-day the 2lth day of May A D 1C01 at 10 oclock a m nt the county courthouse In the courtroom of bald court In Salt Lako City Salt Lake county Utah I LIe i r jL uu1 1L1t Lime seal thereof alllxcil this llth day of Mav A D 1901 fScal JOHN JAMES Cleric By C Frank Emery Deputy Cleric D O Wllley Jr Attorney gO10 NOTICE Notice Is hereby given by time City Council of Salt Lake City of time Intention of such Council to mnlcc the following described Improvement to wit Extending and laying sower lateral along the following follow-ing named streets to wit On the south side of South Temple strict between Second Sec-ond and Thirteenth East strootb and defray de-fray tIme coat and cxpcnse thereof estimated esti-mated at eight thousand three hundred liftytwo and 0100 dollars JSaj250 or ono and CQ100 dollars 5130 PIT trout or linear foot by a locil assessment for a depth of twentyfive feet upon time lots or pieces of ground within the following described district dis-trict being the district to ba affected or benefited liy I snid Improvement namely All of lot fi i and thin west CO feet of lot 6 block 73 plat A all of lots 5 G and 7 timid tIme west lID feet of lot S block U3 nil of lot 5 i and the west 303 feet of lot G block 62 the cast 110 foot of lot r all of lots 6 and 7 und the west 140 feet of lot 5 block 61 all of lots 5 C 7 and S block 51 the cast SOS feet of lot 6 and thai west 205 feet of lot G block 53 all of lots 5 C 7 and S block 57 plat B all of lots 5 and G block 3t nil of lots S 6 7 and S block 35 all Of lots 5 and G block 31 platf F Suit Lako City Survey All protests and objections to thd carry lug out om such Intention must bo presented pre-sented in writing to tIme City Recorder on or before the 21st lay of May 1901 being the time sot by raid Council whoi H will hear and conslqcr aucli protests and objections ob-jections as may be made thereto By order of the City Council of Salt Lnko City Utah dated Aprll 1C 1901 J O NYSTROM City Recorder Sower Extension Gi C1105 PROBATJE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICUS Consult County Clerk or tho respective tiigniers for further information IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bate division In anti for Salt Lake county Stale nt Titahiin tho matter ot the estate of Richard D Earls deceased Notice The petition of L E Hall ndmlnls traiorof llio osintoof Richard D Earls dcccnied praying for the settlement of final account of said administrator and for the distribution ofrthe resduo of said ostato to the persona dritUled has been net for hearing oiUFrlday the 10th day of May Ai D U OI Hi 10 chock a mat m-at tIle county equrthoUst inthe courtroom court-room of said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lako county Utah Witness tho Clerk of sniq court with the peal thereof anixcd this 23rd day of April A D 1C01 rSeItLj JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldredge Jr Thomas Adams Attorney fl317 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bate division In and for Salt Lake Coun ty State of UtahTn the matter ot the J estate of Peter G Anderson deceased f Notice The pclltloirof Betty Anderson praying for an order to amend tho inventory of certain property also to amend dcscrlp 1 tion of certain deed has been sot for hearing on Friday Hid 7th day of May A D iroi at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse in thin courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah I Witness ihe Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this the 2nd day of May A D 1901 fScarJ JOHN JAMES Clerk f By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk A L Hoppaugh Attorney g94 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bate division In and for Salt Lake coun ty State of Utahln the matter of tho estate of Lydia Wilkins deceased Notice i The petition of Charles A WIlkins administrator ad-ministrator of the estate of LydIa Wllk ins deceased praying for the settlement of final account of said administrator and for the distribution of the residue of said estate to iho pcrsonn entitled ban been 7 sot for hearing on Friday the 17th day of May A D 1901 at 10 oclock nm at the county courthouse In the courtroom of sal dcourt in Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Ulan Witness tho Clerk of said court with tho seal thereof affixed this 3rd day of May A D 1GOL Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk Richards Ferry Attorneys g23 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bate division in and for Salt Lake county coun-ty State of Utah Jn tIme matter of the estate of Clan L Clinton deceased Notice Time petition Melissa D I Clinton pray leg for tho issuance to herself of letters of administration In the estate of Clna L Clinton deceased has been set for hearing hear-ing on Friday tIme 17th day of May A D 1S01 nt 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse in the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county coun-ty Utah Witness tho Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this 4th day of May A D 1901 fScalJ JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk Chrlstenson Ryckman Attys gIll JN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate division In and for Salt Lake county Stato of Utnhfn the matter of tho cslate of F S Cowley deceased Notice The petition of Efil E Cowley admin istratrix of the cstato of F S Cowloy deceased praying for an order of sale of real property of said decedent and that all persons interested appear before the said court to show cause why an order should not bo granted to sell ao much as shall bo ncccasary of the following described real estate of said deceased to wit Commencing at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of tho southeast quarter of said section 11 township 3 south range 1 east Salt Lake meridian running thenco north 17 rods thence west 80 rods hence south 17 rods thence cast 80 rods to the place of beginning together with ten hours of water right being ten twentyfourths of one share in the Des pain ditch belonging to said estate has been sot for hearing on Friday the 17th day of May A D 1001 at 10 oclock a mat m-at the county courthouse In the courtroom court-room of said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lako county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with tho seal thereof alllxed this 3rd day of May A D 1901 5 goal JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk Wilson C Smith Attorneys g20 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate division In andvfor Salt LaRe county coun-ty Erato of UtahIn the matter of the cstato of Nephi Wilkins deceased Notice The petition of Charles A Wilkins administrator ad-ministrator of tho estate of Nephi Wlllc ins deceased praying for the settlement of linal account of said administrator and for the distribution of the residue ofsaid estate to the persons entitled has been set for hearing on Friday the 17th day of May A D 1S01 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse in lie courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof alllxcd this 3rd day of May A D 1901 rSealO JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE Division In and for Salt Lake county Stale of UtahIn the matter of the estate es-tate of George Bettinger deceased Notice No-tice The petition of Annie Bellinger praying for the Issuance to herself of letters of administration In the estate of George Bettlngor deceased han been set for hearing on Friday the Irth day of MayA May-A D I 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse In time courtroom or said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lako county Utah Withers the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this Gthday OC l1ny A D > mi rsoati I JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk D S Truman Attorney g3i IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE Division in and for Salt Laki county State of Utahln the matter of the estate es-tate of George W Howe deceased No lITho petition of Ledyard M Balloyml mlnlHlrator of the estate ol George W Howe deceased praying for the settlement settle-ment of report and final account pf said Lcayard M Bailey administrator and for tIme distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled imaS been set for hearing on Friday the 17th day of May A Di 1901 at 10 oclock u mat m-at the county courthouse In the courtroom court-room of sttil court in Salt Lake City Salt Lalco county tjtahi c Witnss the Clerk of said court with lImo seal thereof affixed this Gth day of MiyA D 1MU MFsealO > JOHN JAMES Clork By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk J R Bowdle Atty gSSl IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATP3 Division In and for Salt Lake comity State of UtahTn the matter of the PS tate of James Whlttaker deceased No U Fred Gibson praying The potlllon of t for the Issuance to himself of letters of administration In the estatoot James Whlttakcr deceased has been Pptfor hearing on Friday tIiO 17th da ot May A D 1 ° 01 at 10 oclock a m at time iv courthouse In the courtroom of county court Salt Lake said cqurt In Salt Lake City county Utah Witness tIme Clerk of Bald court with the seal 1 thereof alllxcd this 6th day of May A D 1901 TT T > fT7C ClerIc rseal 1 JOHN jAMES i CierH By C Frank Ertiery Deputy Clerk Stephens Smith Attorneys g30 VI J NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCIUIOID h ERS MEE11NG YonUco Consolidated Mining Company Bv authority of tho board of directors of tIme Yankee Consolidated Mining cons panv a special meeting of the stpckhold ers of the corporation Is horoby called for time purpose of submitting to the BtoclcholAoia the following amendments to the articles of incorporation First To Incinaso tIme amount of capital stock of the corporation from twenty five T thousand dollars to live hundred thotifld dollars Secondro increase the nuniber of hares Into which the capital stock shall ho divided and the par value thereof from 250600 shares of a par value of toil ents each lo H VH0 1 shares of the par value of dollar eacii one rimirdTo onipower time board of director direc-tor to purchase with the additional 20 OM Chares of time increased capital stook sitch mining propcrty asmay bodiletnOd alslmctbio y the stockhOicitirs asmnblcd at iaId p0cim TtOot1n I Said ce01ng Is callecr or 1i6 thday of 2day lOJL at 2p m nt the offices of tIme colnliafl Ntj 521 Doilly block Salt Lake CIty Jtnh L 2 A 1I FflANKLINPEe1dCfl |