Show k dinoui the tha most famous strike breakers in the laud land ore are dr hilj kinks a new lite life pills when liver and bowels go eo on strike they quickly settle the trouble and the purifying work goes right on OD best cure tor for constipation headache and at neill drug co A renild lor for choup siro mr S rosenthal Rosin thal ot of turner tamer allce I 1 igan says we have used atam clamber ber lalu linua a cough medicine for find children for several yours years aul aai I 1 like it very much I 1 think it is the on only ay remedy for troup and cau an bohly recommend it lor sale by drug co ff T f aji W 1 17 good only for one week andin ending nov 24 4 1 1 pt 4 1 0 A your our WINTE wa NE R goods 4 we wa are selling lots of winter goods n now 0 vv blankets goats flannel and underwear hosiery I 1 overcoats and shoes it pays to keep 54 warm in winter and you will live longer and have a better time and be of more service to your friends 3 we are making some good trade bargains now A fine new lot of meus mens and boys clothing in I 1 the latest cuts and patterns just in I 1 15 now we told you to watch this space last I 1 b week and get in line for the low prices you would find here we have a f fine ine lot of skirts that we wish you to have the benefit of the extreme low price ih this sale sor this week we will sell for on the dollar all skirts in the store we will give 10 per cent off on all waists for this week and we have the finest lot we have iaz ever shown we are pumping away sleeplessly and tirelessly for your trade and we have the goods o to satisfy you 0 I 1 Q bring this ad with you and get one of the presents 3 we are giving away hn ad will get ta M 9 li i L S C R C tk 11 4 C NO ff present fa ff v WITHOUT 12 0 AD C FL M qt if ui bring this ad with you any day this week V and trade out one dollar and get one of those thos e beautiful presents FREE be sure to bring the ad you cannot get the present unless you bring the ad a buhs uhs J 0 O abarr CL M 0 f ALWA 11 24 IN ifa ILE e |