Show 5 lil 1 l 1 ff lil 54 in r g az u F oaf FALL announcement 14 ig v inn of mons and chi adron s C I 1 0 th ing e p i W i V IM A swell line of ladles ladies misses and childrens Chi drens coats A great line of ladies dress skirts A good line of boys caps A big line of cotton woolen and provo blankets our fall line of dress goods outings blankets underwear etc 13 has arrived we now have the largest and most co malete stock we A have ever shown 04 largest assortment lowest prices 1 L A M ap 11 il V IR sa S 0 TNT coo a M M M I 1 M et 1 2 ff 4 Z ff I 1 a 52 Z 2 0 M 50 REWARD I 1 will furnish a bc bend rid of oe M I 1 to any dentist or patient tor for a case of pyor rhiea Alve Alveo olans laris sore gums and loose teeth that annul annot be cured by SALINA TABLETS for sale by G H herbert I 1 and H K nelll neill drug companies or c communicate om u with W B S hudson dentist south main street salt lake city utah X A A Z YE beginning with the october issues ie c mill ill 4 0 ea cany all the leading 0 n and aie e invite the attention fon of the public to the same ta ar j standard fiction books 1 61 td the latest oui at popular and standard stan daid prices one hundred varieties ties of titles first lot will arrive in a few days 1 S the rage Is on f C 3 fol foi so soe benir nir comic and artistic post cards new S a varieties ar arriving g weekly from the east dont s 4 p writhe write monotonous letters a post card is the proper jr correspondence noNa boadas no adas daAs call and see them ar ja F arg t lr RN SM gi rolla 0 t A W WATCH THIS SPACE 43 THE TE n arcaded ARCADE 9 ta 7 opposite 0 L farnsworth iff S tabernacle proprietor y r richa richfield beld utah 1 |