Show THE PESSIMIST RA RAVEN V EN P PM bird nothing jioie than the lie clock of the calamity Il olei an editor in a neighbor county lias has evidently eaten something that does not agree with him and he has lot his disposition sour and his temper got the best of him ile he elucia ites as follows lou ou have read poes 1111 caien men of course and know about the doleful croak of the bud w with ith ebony v wines somehow or other the idea icea has found a place among the shrubbery of our mental makeup that poes raven veil vas as nothing more than the squab of the pesi pessimist mist at the aspiration and hopes of the optimist ne nevermore armore i it matters riot not what good work is planned or prophesied the raven croaks his nevera nevermore ore there are plenty ot of men in this town who do nothing but predict defeat calamity failure route ruin these are the ravens from rom poes nights plutonian shore 1 arid and they are going to sit it and croak their mournful dirge until the cow coir is blessed with a happy funeral al that will w ill sing their requiem |