Show S S convention interesting lantere two to das da a beian be he ian ion held nt at manti the twelfth annual convention conTent lou ot of the bali pete county evangelical angelical Er di as iou Lom comprising the sunday ti bools of sanpete San pete peto sevier plate and garfield counties count leB met in ill the presby church at mantl manti utah briddy aud and saturday batur day nov nor 2 und and 3 trout oue one delegates besides many others interested were present prea ent methods and progress of the sab both school work was among other helpful items presented may be noted a 6 discussion of temperance work in sabbath schools by miss serena nielson of mt pleasant and andrevil andRev rev W WL L dexter of richfield a paper the american boy by rev W murphy of americal Arne Ame fork prel dent of the state stated S association a talk the spiritual power of the sunday teachers by kev G W martin D D A 0 frank of sit pleasant of the pastors opportunity in the sunday school and itea J M meeter of ga eaic 0 I 1 ahe essential qualifications of a successful sunday school superintendent tel ident the following off leers were elected for the ensuing year president ber WL dexter rich lie field vice president rev G W cirtin U D U DM uniti auti sec and treas charlotta Jol iDson monroe eich tive committee key dev A G frank lad ind mrs 0 17 wall mt alt pleasant M ss D B ros ios prida city ahe i its at appreciation ut the hospitality extended b thu the friends of mauti aud felt that much hid been added to the profit and pleasure of this session by the presence of 01 state president rev mr murphy |