Show A PETTY ANNOYANCE lla enger i an ama mail held in 1 d aming the people of richfield have to put up with a lot of annoyances on ac count of railroad demce seri ice ou OD the bevier branch but bat there is one which the public bell bellies es entirely unnecessary chrit is holding bold liiK the passengers and mail out in the switch yards while the frught cars are picked LR lf last burday the tha coaches vere nere held about twenty minutes down at the yards while the switching BBS done we cannot aguot see x here bere it would be ally inconvenience or delay tor for the train to pull up to the depot and let and the mull mail olf off and then beck down for its freight cura cars kanj is 19 are the annoyances which vox ilo bare however there is one pleasant feature is at present favored with one of 0 the best mot courteous aud and most obliging station itis she bus ila lial I 1 since tile the whistle his tle ol of it a bus been eitard here bere E 1 J duggan dugean has baa made frioud alth ial by his bis tt tenial nial ways it is a plea pleasure ure to do business bu biness ith him ue lie is the one beut for whom every everybody boly it in I 1 has a good word the railroad company covers a multitude of sins bins by a popular man lu in charge lile like mr duggan |