Show reclamation experiment k to begin with without 0 I 1 it delay C 1 eniti PI to in sini tat t on li di annu iiii igo I 1 in fit tins this ille tin TIJI M wait rol ailin r 1 C r of the ep e P erimena station of oc the department of agriculture gri culture at was lu in again bunday to confer william odeil and lilliarn ll linni G ardner in rel to the proposed draina g nt ou on their lands la in the fields northeast of tins this city ab ri irod lu ILI the reaper a few leeks aio ago it Ds stated ut at the time that air jr B blown ionly did not thlu know kaow ghether sh ether he be would be permitted to make it batin ou oil the work this season but sincee 0 ti feiring with the s station W at lagau and wash i laeton he has been given pet pel mission t to 0 inaugurate tile the mork as roon is 1 possible dod and carry it to comp completion lotion as rapidly as the vW ved edther ther conditions ill III permit it will be ne nece cesary abury to advertise for bids tor for th the tile to lie be used in ill tile drainage dud and this will on borne bome delay delaty but in the meantime ogden and gardner can go e ahead ith digging tile the open ditch from th thi 3 river riter to the point on their lands bl I 1 eced for the head of the drains the government go and agricultural college pay the cost of the wing tiling delivered ut tit this cost varied 00 OO 50 per 1000 teet feet for itar lo It urinch lr 0 11 tile I 1 1 71 si for fire fare inch tile and 92 50 for sil si inch tile it will require feet feel of tiling tor for the experiments the sost cost of 0 digging the ditch will be about 75 fa cents a rod this 1 must ast be borne by the parses owning the lanc it if the Is 9 ane success it is believed it will be it will reclaim land which at one time was wap some of tile the best in the valley but which has had bud to be practically abandoned on account of sub irrigation forcing alkali to the top the reclamation of this laud land will be worth orth several hundred dollars to the owners it will vili also be an inducement for others to establish drainage systems and bring thousands of acres of land back to n cultivation again |