Show SV r nt tt itji MONROE J al I 1 dr christie is again in town livin linn Jolin joanson soll bb ba goue gone to provo prove to go 9 0 to school dr 3 B nielson went to salt lake last wok on business s lars nielson who spent some time in idaho is 19 home again go to G W V indria clu tor for ready made ints and overcoat overcoats over coati linn clift liss lat moed bis big family domn from ile for the winter minter haveril teams are leaving for the creek reservoir to do some work there joserh enson is down from km herly berly to lo move more his family into tile the G NV V Andrea andreason sou bihla ilisa hiis khoat ransom has relur returned ned from balt bait lake where she bas ba been taking vocal cul culture tre another house houie in monroe is under quarantine quiri antine latine for smallpox J T jukes little boy has the disease mii mi i ada da has gone to marys vale and expects to have a position at tile the grand for set sei eral months lute winget is s flin fix iiii up big building near the hotel to open up a grocery and meat market in ili the near future I 1 J S herne and 1 it D young met the saints ot of mouroe monroe in ward conferee ce sunday and a very enjoyable meeting was had caits chits tuft went to salt lake I last st week to attend a meeting of 0 the utah r packing car co of which he is a director it was decided to rebuild the ill plant an which as destroyed during the late heaby jay wind storm james bergenson Ger Gergen genson soa received internal injuries last m neck eel which has affected his liver and put him on tile the invalid list he vas aas driving a horse attached to a V ind and filling the water pipe trenches the V struck a rock ana threw mr gregerson Gre gergon into the ditch john nar on byron received injuries to one of his bones last week k may result seriously lit he rl was mas u in some manner from ins on a beet wagon ind one of the pissed oer his bis thigh I 1 tile the bone to splinters lie he may ila haie 0 to be sent bent to salt like lake tor for in au 0 oj antion er |