Show PERSONAL NOTES ANO AND GOSSIP COSSI jllen arm 1 f mrs almon peers went to salt halt lake tuesday lues day i mrs 0 A kelly vi cited la in balbua list week weak C D heech went to mantl tuesday on oa business wight meteor meteer visited in si bt lint lini last week L S woodring and jay morrison Morn spent sunday in salma salina C CG G goldbranson made a business trip to this geeki WJ huellon was down from the gold mountain country monday E E hoffmann spent part of 0 this week in kimberly on legal business miss millie 0 of glenwood went to kimberly friday for fop a short visit miss estelle morrison went out to Mays Matys vale sunday sanday to remain indefinitely tr dr weaver who now resides at los came over last week on his way to millard county state Irea treasurer surer jamis spent a couple of days in richfield last week on business miss lydia hackett returned to salt lake friday atter after a visit with relatives la in glenwood enwood Ol I 1 PT J U H and AV V L dexter attended the sunday bunday school convention at monti last week weak walter christensen lensen came doa from circleville Cir cleville monday to see his camill and finish up some of his bis photograph work charles Lam lammersdorf Lammers dort andyjohn and john lt it jensen alutto elt to salt lake sunday to serve unile uncle uni le sam in the tha capacity of 0 federal jurors christian slayer meyer has disposed of all his property in sigurd but his farm arm und and is is preparing to mo labov a to salt lake for a future home L S woodring ug returned irom from mt plessant sant saut I 1 lie he reports his hia wife vito to bo be improving but bat her condition 13 still somewhat serious mrs j W joanson and mrs william Lobin robinson sou left richfield last week for their home homa in ID gila arizona they have hare been away from home bone for or three years visiting ith relatives in idaho md and utah john F Edi ediarda ards rel returned arri ed from idaho last wool week after J looking kg after his sheep for several weeks mis L M roy of green river utah returned home last week after uniting asit ng with the family of 0 her son john L roy at glenwood Glen nood C 0 larsen laren of salt lake spent monday night with J M peterson they being companions when they were on a mission EL a few years ago john joha watson R R T tanner anner and J J thomas of 0 the state board of equalization lz were in richfield on business I 1 with the county commissioners yesterday HG snyder came down from salt lake sunday and went over to elsinore elsinora to see sea his bis family he is getting in readiness to go eo to nevada in a few days 3 0 andreason went to marysvale MaryB Marys vale monday to see the now new meeting houses housed it is all finished but bat the painting and that will be completed by another week george boyle nho mho has baa been working at kimberly for or the past three years has grown tired ot of mill work and left for salt lake sunday bunday to try something else R W foster manager of the sevier consolidated mine was on his way sunday holiday to arizona where he be goes as consulting engineer tor for a mining company down there sheriff morrill of pin plate to county took the young man lamere who was recently convicted ot of larceny committed at Koos barem to the reform school at ogden last week A me newcomer w comer arrived in the household of mr and mrs A W anderson andersen saturday night it i 9 a girl mrs andorson anderson NN as quite ill this week following the event but her condition is a improving fortune has baa been smiling liberally upon 0 H crosby jr siule since he went to arizona Ati zoua he has reached an enviable position in ia bno business iness and political circles in ID apache county on october 21 his bis wife ifo gavi gave him the its greatest surprise ot of his bis life by presen presenting him film with a pair ot of twin girls girla we can imagine seeing george tor for a day or two alter after this lbs occurrence occur renoe warren sevy rame came up from pan duitch sunday aith a couple of car oada of oe cattle hev hevral rat more car dodds were picked up here and the lot forwarded to the kansas cit market mrs josephine jorgensen returned to her home in salina friday after a visit with friends here heie mrs N C poulsen and mrs laura staples accompanied her home and visited with her a couple of days mrs morten jensen of this city presented her husband with their flate eth child last wednesday a girl this I 1 makes n ekes the girls one majority in the f family amily the record before this event being seven bivs and seven girls eirls 0 C thurber got home sunday after another trip out to black borso claud says that district is improving right along and is beginning begin nini to attract investors A well known mining expert has just examined the district and pronounces it a good one drs neill and mcgregor went to salt lake last week as witnesses in the suit salt of the young lewis ut u this city against a mining company at en ea reka tor for damages tor for injuries received while working for or the company which are alleged to have bare caused his death about ft year ago mrs francis jensen who was the file popular landlady in charge dt at the richfield hotel last week dri deping ing the absence ot of mrs gentry returned to her home in sit mt pleasant friday mrs jensen is an old hand at that business and knows how to make the boys feel at home E burr of 0 los angeles manager of one of 0 the largest creamery concern of the coast will wali in richfield this week looking into creamery conditions here A let of 0 cream from p pote and sevier counties gres goes to los angeles through the agency of the sevier valley creamery Cre 0 A peterson of salt bait lale was war in richfield thid week to see what t the he opportunities were here for or establishing sheet metal storks lie ile found an ail inviting field and ma inai decide to to go into that line of 0 business in this cit metal cornicks cornices cor nicea nices is 13 one of 0 the prin principal cipa features of this business peter johnson of glenwood arrived from the western pacific railroad construction st camps in nevada sunday he reports that work has bad to be temporarily suspended on a nearly 40 mile stretch of on the bosert on account ot wet miry land but bat the trade frado work has been taken up tip beyond this it is still impossible to get all the laborers wanted |