Show PERILOUS TRIP ACROSS LAVA mi sinnai s lamoin islands 1111 of licit b 1 Ill ioli and ga ill I 1 lt ii spring lit Ll olind ill hi ret allne aine it aist 11 t it continued from last week abe intense ero iring and display of fireworks on tile island of svan kept up till nil about the alist of december when it subside dd tile LIB big lava laia flott began ac A cone one about 25 15 feet hili had been built up nith a hole in ill the top out of which came clouds of glib and fumes fume A rent was made dt at the base of this cone which was vas in td escape N alve alre tor for tho lva lava imagine u river ot ili ie a about 80 30 yards wida ido and luumi g nt at n rate of ll 11 roots knots au an hour boli it if spread pread s out over the country melt ing vegetation befort it like snow in a furnace but gradually cooling al nil I 1 the time leaving as its track a blanket of binck im linn it rook rock the is now about seven miles long and fit hie e miles wide de ahern aber it pours olf off into inlo the ocean here bere nature smiled a year ago in all its beauty yielding foith its rich neb cst fruits in abundance bhele tho the natt es leisurely sat in the shade of the beautiful trees and sang their songs of love lore there is now a sheet ot of lava rook rock more than twenty feet thick hundreds of abresi of the most beautiful laud land on all these there it is lance is destroyed fhe people are lift left with inith only the canapi calop of heaven lor for a covering and the land of their friends guldi jd then thell bodies upon not until the dim ages of the future shall have drawn beai will they be permit ted to return and aad rebuild their home channels have been formed and underneath der deru neath eath this blanket of rock the lava is noa flowing into the sea build trig ing farther and farther out its igneous track the top crust has now become cold so that by discretion one can cross all right VENTURE ON THE LAVA I 1 happened to be one of the first to venture v ture across the llie wind was blow aloa i lug iii g quite trone strong from the sea ass and the rock biad become corl cool enough so as not to burn my feet it was not altogether get hermy my desire for adventure that took me tn in it day but duty called me and as the sea was so rough that no boats dare dara venture out that was aa my only way I 1 started alone with my knapsack knaps acL on my bick back llis sun was as shining brightly as only a tropical sun eun cat can but the lie heavy ivy wind p artly counteracted that the rhe harst tro miles were covered rd with till practically no difficulty dilU culty iio ever there were gret great cracks two or feet wide nide out of 0 which came the sulphur fumes fames in clouds molook to look down into the bottom of those cracks at the hot lava creeping along I 1 assure you look very enticing specially should a misstep be made I 1 cattle came to a little grove of cocon nuts that had escaped esca perl the fire here I 1 stopped for a tev fett minutes minn tes rest and a refreshing drink from a cocoanut coco anat anut that had purposely fallen for me I 1 journeyed on when I 1 arrived at the next flow my heart jumped to my mouth A fresh output had just come down the steam rising from the ocean combined with the sulphur fumes enveloped tile the whole in dense smoke I 1 stopped stooped and looked to turn back now would never do to go ahead looked perilous per ilois I 1 touched the rock with my hand yes it was quite warm however I 1 thought ill try it so I 1 gathered my knapsack and started oat on a rud ran the heat beat was intense and I 1 could hardly breath for I 1 ahe he smoke NEARLY EXHAUSTED I 1 ran tor for nearly yards yarda I 1 was sarly nearly e exhausted the rock was wag too warm to sit oi 01 and I 1 began beean to onder nonder if I 1 would get across As I 1 went staggering along alone I 1 looked ahead a few feet and to my joyful surprise I 1 saw an old rock still holding its held head above the lava flow I 1 id drew row a breath of relief and sat down for a few seconds rest but the fumes so sa thick I 1 get relief so I 1 continued on NN bin I 1 finally slid did get across and over into another little clump of tf trees ees I 1 tell sou I 1 was thankful I 1 dropped down doin in the shade of a palm tree and had a few minutes of good rest I 1 still had one more flow to cross when I 1 reached it my heart was quite at rest it apparently had bad not been running for several days davs and looked perfectly cool I 1 walked leisurely along UK over the clacks and thinking thin klug how fortunate that I 1 had been pi pia served in crossing safely fafel t thru bru that fire fare when ill ot of a sudden I 1 gave an involuntary jump to my surer surprise i I 1 was surrounded by moling rock aith ith molten material creeping around thru the cracks I 1 gave gare a few extra jumps and aDd soon landed myself on safe ground once mora mor aho soles of my shoes scorched and my legs above my shoe tops blistered flout aiom hot cinders that flipped up destination AT the channel thru which the lava drained oil into the sea hail bail become clogged up thus causing the lava to burst up thru the crust again here I 1 stopped for a few minutes rest then oame came on to t be little native village of mato chere here I 1 had bad dinner it was 2 the sun san bad kissed the hilltops their last goodnight and tile the western sky was robed in scarlet and gold when I 1 reached the little village of lualua where I 1 stopped for the night my feet were blistered and I 1 was vias really ready for supper which was kindly prepared after partaking of our meat meal prayers were said mats were spread down and I 1 was soon in the land of dreams L when tho the clock alook struck 12 1 I awoke the moon was shining brightly my feet were sore and I 1 had ten miles to go before reaching quasi baash 1 I 1 my headquarters I 1 thought though of limping along the road in daylight I 1 arose dressed myself gathered my knapsack and was on the trail again the roosters were crowing and the clock struck 1 4 just as I 1 arrived it was sunday morning thes thea were some of wy my experiences experienc ea on savall savail the half told but I 1 must stop atop tor for the present 1 it E CLOWARD |