Show amonoy in Prop propel eity ty in and about Ri clifield has doubled in value the Past Year we have had one or more inquiries for everything we have offered we have had numerous inquiries for additional property we could sell something in the line of good houses and lots and farms everyday if we had them farms in in particular are in demand if you have bave one that you want to sell let us try to make the deal for you we 1 have have inquirers 0 on 11 the string scores of people are looking for homes we can do something ID for you if your home is for sale ay RICHFIELD roal nato exchange chango Ex J al LAURITZEN MGR HGR y office in court house A MATTER aaka mx ula A ilk P 1 em R absolutely pure A cream of tartar powder free from alum or acid HA S NO S ab to lure cure i calil old in one di take la LAXATIVE BROMO quint quinine ne tablets druggists druggist refund money 1 if it fails to cure E 1 I GRON GROES E S signature is on each bo be for infants and children the kind you have always bought beads the signature 0 of f beta lota iota si sima sigma t ma i attention is again called to the opening g entertainment co be given under the a auspices ces of the beta iota sigma nov nor 17 at t the star lavhon lion chapped hands are quickly cured by applying chamberlains salve daiv price 5 cents for corsale sale oy nie niell drug co for sale smith premier typewriter new and in first class condition at a bargain for cash I 1 inquire aquire at rea reaper per office 7 T 7 arp when you UE buy a A STEWART 0 L L STO VE M IN or 11 V tu RA N 0 E your money is backed by a bond HERE 15 OUR GUARANTEE the STEWART stove stoc oi 01 R 11 in mgt is tt l to be mule mide of only thi b st m mitcel no old non lion iris ins entered into into it its construction it h ins ts been produced liy by the hig highest liest goolt andt of arro ami liboi laboi it is the greitL r st ildie for the mon men th thit it cm cin be offer offered cd it will opel ite te N hen properly connected and the directions for uc nic me coni phul kith ith the sti ikirt sto stoe e is mida h the oldest ind must most adl ible to tot t in linkers iker in ill the bild oi id hl h L in icam cd ipox Ls contin continuous ly for more thin anty t tn t alty ty L LII M dont forget the lie 1 binous L U 4 calini the acid in ill ehll itol itoi of thi world bold b ry consolidated waon and machine co E NAN AGE ER local air nr OCO GEO T ODELI jeneral general i nr lr s 0 feay Mo morrison prison candy co C 0 i sac W I 1 aresi I ANDIES arid aid ay all new and popular beverages served ja u fruit punches delicious sundaes sundnes and phosphates everything sanitary and wholesome who s Ss ss F the tailor I 1 a OR ar all kinds of suits made to order from best material X cg 4 it atreail at flail order prices t TH 4 dont send away for suits until you yoa examine my stock an and d CO prices repairing Rep ainne cleaning and alterations of 0 every character workmanship and fit guaranteed tj IF main alain street adjoining neill drug co richfield utah I 1 WE SAVE YOU MONEYS tt t T 15 fc tl w tw ien ka ay aw kiy V v t iA aiTt ay iy tf 1 fe 11 isa 1 ari ra ra ii 31 2 4 1 X I 1 I 1 4 r t 44 V sn r N n 17 yaa w ya 4 VIA pt 4 W ft 1 A ill 1 im k edya n ep az yA s ii I 1 i i L aa 1 1 i V 11 A alf 7 I 1 it aa ta ii s I 1 ar A r t let us explain to you how we do it how expenses coni compare pare with the salt lake houses WE 11 HAVE ave THE GOODS AND PRICES EXAMINE THE GOODS WHILE YOU HAVE AN opportunity A piano should be bought only once in a lifetime life time and should be the best article you can got crot foi your money ca the thompson to story ai clarl clarh to 7 50 reial sons we tins and can proe probe it REMEMBER we save you money nican mean WE ARE ON MAIN STREET jones lloyd co richa richfield beld |