Show AGAIN TAKE 1011 ARGE AN aih il litin 1111 IN III ittiline man ut of his william johnston is getting in readiness to resume charge of the johnston hotel on OB friday of 0 next week when mrs gentrys Gent rys lease empires P r rid mr johnston va will ill not lot be d I 1 n new h hand at the hotel busi business riess in richfield he built the faral modern up to date hotel building in this city ind and tor for several years conducted a very popular host lery he leased his premises ure three years ago to give eive his attention to mining interests having disposed d ap oed of a part 0 of those interests I 1 he h b ts d decided s to take charge of his hotel bote again that the johnston johnstan hotel will continue to be one 0 n a ot 0 f the t he favorite favo ra fin bos elenes of southern utah will not for a moment b questioned mr and mrs johnston Job have had bad years of experience in that line and know just what is required for the convenience and satisfaction satia faction of hotel guests mr johnston Job will operate tits his own hack back outfit and depot rigs W H blake will agaid be installed as office clerk and henry christensen as hack driver richfield has the distinction or of providing the best hotel accommodations in southern souther utah she has two large commodious hotels well furnished and modernly arranged throughout |