Show FOR YOUR convenience we vt c have opened a evl store at richfield Rich HeId utah main street opposite postoffice Post office where our p patrons aarons will vill receive cai easeful eaul atten attention ion and all are invited to call chis 14 these machines by sign you m kiy ay iy enow are arc neier sold and will find Q LINGER INGER to dealers dealer TORES only from makar t to user in every city singer machines are now sold at lower prices quality considered than any other needles and repairs for all makes of cewin sewing Ma machines chires SEWING MACHINES RENTED AND EXCHANGED singer er F sewing s e W 1 n g machii 0 ne C C 0 ED ANDERSON manager R 1 9 caf beld F annit U ec 0 tl E acs ics 0 only enxel LX si 5 ve 17 furniture and al carpet house in central and ii utah we carry a more complete stock than any other company in this business and are prepared to supply or furnish everybody with anything in the line of furniture carpets curtains wall paper quilts rugs sewing machines ml HU i WIS WK ME mm win IN ETC we do not sell below cost but bell a I 1 a e ey r y I 1 lov ONN inal faigin yin call and see us it s libie N I 1 lei e the people go yo soren oren mer mg A M I 1 thum thos ogden sons solis I 1 A DEALERS IN F a er I 1 R A L 21 I 1 ME lit R C R AN I 1 E 1 T I 1 4 grain CM cb in and nd P produce handled in carload lots 4 ga grain and lucern seed wanted at once a 0 0 ff pa T 1 A os U it C i A vh no woman can make good bread S 1 t y if she alic does docs not hac banc good horn but she ca cannot miss it if slie she uses use our flo flour ur let youl 1 ife cyle cyl gie i e it a thial both like it we lian w e N ai adious ious grades grade all good andee and we manufacture all kinds hinds of mill enill product si 1 richfield roller mill axel nielson propriety Pro proprietor J WWW aak I 1 4 aa ra tl p bil W vibo house the in nn only alonzoe rt it C 1 hot tv tvs S ll 11 l l la 13 H ana 1 the ei act no g T ables R Ws an I othel e spiced to make gui guc st jtb WV fi ft 4 j i livery a and nd feed stable sta ble cl kii r li l i tn i ii raj ci t r t wi n Z 1 cl alt 1 CIk fr S z hlll M 11 1 1 ol alt lk y tl A taa c l CAC fr x A lio l io i fett toi C P HANSEN prop g A ai good liniment yoi yoa need a good reliable liniment try chamberlains pain balm baim it has no superior for sprains and spellings A piece of flannel slightly dampened with pain balm is superior to a plaster for lame back or pains in the side or chest it also relieves rheu rheumatic matio pains and makes sleep and rest reat possible for sale by niell drug drag co Eist brn guiti via via the colo ada midland 1 idland railroad 20 and 18 one far are plus iv v 0 dollars fiona utah points to ch chicago iea g I 1 lin city amab a denver ver and intermediate points limit 60 days stopovers for further information li formati write L H harding bur ding general agent salt lake city AU the county news in the reaper t Z sanpete sevier 0 er branch bianch TIMETABLE TIME TABLE NO MID 61 1 lt i IS lt t jiin too i 1 5 5 p ar salt like L soo S oo 00 i t rn n 3 3 35 5 P m LN L thistle 1010 a m I 1 yant manti 1 0 05 5 p in I 1 4 1 1131 1 31 ain m salin salim 2 21 1 p ill 11 II 01 t ain m sigurd 2 19 9 p m I 1 10 1050 50 a m richfield 3 35 P pa III 3 ci 5 9 50 5 am m elsinore 4 1 5 1 m r 4 1 9 35 a m joseph 1 I 30 p m azzam a m se senar t 1 r 15 u P i tit 6 i 40 0 i 1 m mr s lie ar 5 5 1 in trims stop on oil deml I 1 it relmond lUd mond cantril ind belknup Bel knip i fast daily thi ono 1 4 h trains to the east 2 1 aullman and 3 r nning eining car rree i calir aits Verso nill conducted incursions 1 I A BE benait gen Ait piss pass dept deft SIR lal lai e citi E J local adent A c cy ww an enviable reputation on oil no railroad in Alli america erica is the ot of discipline andow among i and watchfulness for the safety jf ot pacen gei ZW s dc developed eloped to A higher acree degree 0 than on oil the chicago milwaukee st paul railway to trims dail to chicago ogden to chicago or denier to chicago Chic igo another good food route to fr the eist is nia la kansis city and the famous south 7 veit limited no fre tickets of all agents or of C S WILLIAMS commercial agent ia 06 west second south street SALT LAKE CITY il 0 REDUCED RATES FROM UTAH AND IDAHO TO all po points in ts blast and return via FROM C LAKE CITY TO missouri rive points 32 chicago st gt louis ai 50 proportionate rates from froin idaho and others points dates of saleal sale no 0 to dec agog return limit 60 days send for literature Litera tuie Q C F WARRED gan abt A T S F ry I 1 41 dooly boc block salt lale lake city utah EL rol s sum fl B fia arb a sr M u sn in e r dri n 0 wt FA excursions I 1 17 PI T ITY 4 S TO 1 b Ls s angeles Ange Ses long beach 14 1 I 1 04 9 catalina coronado tent city 0 g o 0 0 THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME r H M P ro ask nearest agent of sin san pedro LO angeles and alq ts silt like or write to q 1 l gi J 11 II BURTNER D P A silt lake rutih ji isa zat 1 ats 34 W MM 3 M 9 0 7 eia it 0 0 0 0 0 xa Z lemore r imle 11 ca ai A i because the hive hie found out from experience that there is none t better thit it nc acier er fuh to make good bread she KNOWS mill produce of all kinds PARRY PAMY GREENWOOD lessees lessels 1411 |