Show NEW ROAD FOR GRASS VALLEY pi preliminary Pie eli survey Is a Coult completed Acted I 1 1 ackfield Q ach field Citie hs hold meeting and Dp Acus deide decide to io 0 ahead NN V ith undertaking com nnttie appointed an duport important ant meeting of 0 the citizens if was held last friday evening to receive the report of 0 the committee selected some time ago to investigate ft a now route from glenwood into king bing a meadow le adow canyon bud and to tale take what further action x be deemed advisable udy isable J b horne was elected chairman and A B williams secie tary of the meting meeting anderson andersen presented a report J boscar oscar compiled from a preliminary survey which had mapped out a roadway with the from BU an present route in the canyon across the divide north of the present road down by sage aage flat to the oldred plate ou on the outskirts ot of glenwood enwood Ol E lb bl GRADE this report gave ju an estimate est imato on a roadbed ten feet ade ide with a slope of from tho the s south end I 1 lu 1 the arale ridge would not exceed to the first and would 49 pir estat aut at auy place berane about 3 7 berlent per Lent k rom the ferado woula A be ridge tu to tile the anide tho the about 1 3 2 per lout i aut irom I 1 roin the divide of klat hat about GOJ per cent anu aad Oid royda not to ea exceed tuu blat to 7 per lent cent that this grade it was wag pointed out would not be hult half of that from rom clear creek to Nim kimberly berly which is about 16 per cent the distance would be from the canyon to the divide feet beet an and ds feet from rom the divide t ta a total of 0 feet or 3 C G miles estimate EiT iuA or coar ot of the road baloe ilia ibe eftim ilott lost ug pay it at 1 50 per day for men and bu be about abou t ta 1 tor for teams team would cost would exceed but at present the reach 2000 tilts it would W H diegmiller Sieg steg miller millor stated that he had and been with the surveying party had found that ill thi 1 proposed route roote a afforded facilities for or road first class could be but a few ew tiia Inaki klug Dg chere rods of clay soil the entire route the roadbed would v be almost wholly in gravel sandstone and decomposed volcanic rock which could be comparatively ively easily handled bandied and would make a good roadbed for all kinds of weather ambr NO HO bridges mr pointed out the advantages ot of the proposed route ovet over tile the present one he did not bolli believe lve a single bridge or culvert would have to be made not to exceed one at most J H erickson presented a report of the assistance provided for the surveyor in making the preliminary survey the reports were adopted and a motion prevailed that it be the sense meeting that the road should be built mr andeeson An deison stated that he he had followed the surey suney closely dud and made careful computations of 0 the character ot of work nei essaiy all along the route in making thu road GRASS VALLEY WILL HELP it D I 1 stated that the he people of 0 gra gras villey had sieni Bed a will anguess to assist in building the piece ot of roadway and he was nag of ane opinion that material assistance in labor would won id be had from that f BENEFITS OP OF ROAD the matter was nas discussed iu ill many chabes its advantages to richfield Rich Held from a business standpoint were enumerated me rated besides be the it would tie by tu to ti ivel between this valley and gra ards 3 valley valles and wayne lourita it was as ill the e opinion foamed from roro talks with people from the sel east thit hii a roadway as 9 aay nith the tha bleek bleep hill bill climb chubb now nov daross the b bill I 1 it from rom hides ilea doft canyon mould di AW to ili littell it great areat deal of the shipping slid and trade which abich now go BO elsewhere all other conditions being equal the people prefer to come to richfield tta as it affords better opportunities port unities for eradin salina has completed i a new roadway from that town into grass valley at a cost of nearly idoo aud and rich flold it WILS sutie sted not be behind hir town it it was wag an object for salina to make such a it is as much of au all object for to do the same COMMIT committees rEES NAMED atler after fter the di cassion committees to solicit it funds and supervise EUper the work were e elected as aft follows one finance finances ceW W A J M peterson guy lewis 11 C christenson find and W II 11 ingham to solicit work and supervise con st ruction R D loung oune andrew jena en morten jenson jensen soren jr JH H erickson Enek soo ed dark clark william fl r jan Cli natian peterson and 0 P F I 1 it was to complete the data and alid inaugurate the work as boon as possible to have the road as nearly completed this winter as it can call be |