Show HOW DO YOU LIKE IT boost firms would Appie tat C lout ow opinion ot of game to reaper readers some time ago every family in richfield and nearby it loans owns was as presented with a game of boost which ua a the compliments of the following fol lowine firms leander dibbles co J C uder son lumber co richfield implement co Forni tat e co J asen anderton co tle the richfield Rich flold reaper jones lloyd A co richfield roller mills morrison candy co foutz and the regulator Re eulator it was quite expensive to place this game in every family free and it 1 you have received any enjoyment from same it would be appreciated by au an one or ill all of oc the advertisers for you to mention the fact tor for if this was a sue cesa the distributors are going goine to favor other localities thanking you in ad vance tance for replies respectfully alexandea DIBBLEE co P 0 box 1578 salt bait lake city |