Show EVERYBODY particular place to buy t their h air w wines i n e s and beers for table use get the habit phone no 9 the beer that made people like it pabst budweiser etc A bis Us droke in cigars cigar the corner saloon omorse jeorge where the boys stop A R P 11 scientifically distilled ared aged 1 0 best and safest arc for all uses FOR FOP SALE BY H W RAM LOSE if prin bowlin alloys rd SURE gallory A P beutler Beut lers proprietors good Whole ollic amusement and recreation Ie creation fol foi men and aidel ly h I 1 conduct enforced eni elli open day and night except sunday confectionery and cigar stand alle alleys b free to ladies aery ery wed from froin 10 lo to 4 L I 1 M best quality every pound guarantee no rock or coal dust to contend with any juanity furnished on short notice richfield lime cement company S G GCLARK CLARK HARNESS A full linof impelled single md ind dokht doi hc 11 irell and iloie alloi e lliel lr r good bidle 11 II illel NN hip hill L ip I 11 p itous etc ibid ind edits eti i of 0 f ill kinds complete stock of leither Leith le ither cr foi boot boor nul and ill 11 kinds of 0 supplies for ailers SHOE 11 and REPAIRING G lowest prices possible Sible al C elsinore HO 91 JOB mm HAN GAI bf BE mam at HE REAPER OFFICE it hid id A lose itsie ca tail A dangerous surgical operation involving gt the he removal ot of it a mali malignant gant ulcer as large us as my hand from my daughters hip was prevented ad by the application ot of BuTil euolene Eu olens lens arnica salve says A C Sti okel of miletus ava persistent use of the salve completely cured cared it cures cuts c burns co and injuries ikc fie at neill drug all the county news in the Ite reaper aper VS T if t f 4 aris r at T J P alt a j J 41 9 6 liv f ik k t 4 c 1 4 p TA Q 9 A people are keeping the troas treas aurer busi not paying in their tae this is tile the last v eek of grace I 1 richfield haq as without electric lights saturday night something ment bat wrong with the exciter and repairs could not be effected until midnight goods are being bously di displayed played by all the mercantile houses of this cit it tile the arlet ariely y ind juanity is fa ahead of any lot ever offer offered erl for sale here reform in floral decoration art arf that I 1 hero I 1 is no ila longer an dent deni ind foi tile hie glib orate house honse tile i to supply din daims ing the s sc ibon in I 1 aiji 01 ahe 1 I he ind floiad forni formerly for merli erl popular at veil dings or dances lit in holise s ire now no used ahen liebi such silo tune lions it I 1 pst maint aid it d cintr intili bull in china shop A bull dupal I 1 a china shot shop at a t ash h hn do di la 11 bouch england the ollir day tok a wilk arouni the llie apparent int insist ind tie de pl v ithone ila Ii biln ing ln don doii allore lian hall 25 3 cents bolth 01 hi ot of dimege 1 1440 aa aro a ohp patterns sold anth n ii st stated ates ehno of any 1107 other make I 1 fila LS on account nt ot 0 t dr try cy A acty ac cc urcy ty an nd simplic ty mt fah of filth fath on hr hh moro TB lh 0 i an any other e I 1 lad d NI mc e on ill k bp b P on onil n b I 1 11 30 jaen ceaf tt T t n numb mb r 5 cream afu E evary uber ber tet halall mc lt pt pat tern free b dy A a e d P I 1 her heral cach r h m SK III ot n r rait 7 cm caillot of loo I 1 IT ant in an I 1 pi 0 n ni C 0 ho 9 A 00 oo 1 i rf arnt a qt it breo we kd 1 THE mcc MI CO csc arlt MCCALLS mag MAGAZINE A Z I 1 N E AND RICHFIELD RE REAPER APER one year one I 1 I 1 attern FREE V A 1 I f the zil jolt call W reason f I 1 I 1 in the he the drift enters the front pa ca up iii zit the fire ind out our the hue flue it the top ili 1 tin this wi ofil about 60 60 per cf acu ecu fit of the barniol proper pieper 4 j tie tic ot our fuel ire consumed the rest mst pl cs ul up the die urn d in the forni form of gt g aises t it iii mall in ill the wilon the hot blit it down drift dr ift enter iron ironi i the lop circus te throughout and oss oer er the fire and producer produce ibi feet ellich consul consumes nes all ail of i he na ire H bar barnable nible rl m n our fuel thus the wilson ill Is give I 1 ve on oa lo jo PST p r cent morl heat th a kien I 1 cn amount t ot t tuel 1 el thi tail I 1 any other heater jin other vord ord oui alsi bill III al oz oi reduced to 10 per cent Is ib thit this borth orth considering v i SOLD SO LID BY r az A I 1 john ca christensen hris co dealers in hardware implements paints oils and glass 0 0 0 P 0 borg 15 or arg sons leading harness dealers of southern utah manufacturers of and dealers in harness saddles bridles pack outfits horse furnishings medicines and all kinds of extras i 1 no to the barp borg n ifandy abide goods WE GUARANTEE THEM REPAIRING PROMPTLY I 1 DONE is out oui t specialty alty EB zi OFFER of deduction le ili the price of coal in ili i I 1 JOUR ten ton toll lots lias has cap ned C we now offer special inducements on sp ELECTRIC win KING 1 for the next 30 days call and see about wiring your house te we ha hao e just ed a fine line of electric 05 appliances for the home hoine home medical batteries with book on oil electro therapeutics door bell sets electric clocks curling 0 iron heaters electric hair brushes and the wonderful thermostat for use regulating the heat of incubators 0 0 ELECTRIC SUPPLY ROOM any g 7 F 1 M 0 the official government weather reports furnished daily by this company to all its rural and toll is worth the pi pike ice of eveir eveia tele telephone jhone we sell keep in touch with the b world use this touch ROCKY MOUNTAIN BELT TELEPHONE CO L 1 B LT T X K S A full supply auppl of all kinds always ahvah s in hi stock at the beaver office at salt lalie lake prices |