Show s fr ft 3 2 tsa tS 4 5 spi 0 5 9 LOP R 1 1 ia n g w 4 ir fal and L for men boys and children mammoth clothing sale for the next 60 days at ww R N on pg where the best line of standard up to date clothing will be sold 25 per cent K 6 less than kanuf manufacturers rs can produce the same I 1 have bought these goods for spot cash and save jobbers profit and can fit everybody or no sale I 1 t I 1 am still selling the celebrated mrs jane hopkins boys and children clothing liw and have a complete line of all styles in stock UR the reputation that werners clothing mouse house has established for honest dealing and courteous treatment of his patrons has been the means of increasing me his sales from year to year and at the present time he has no competition in southern utah if you have not bought your winters supply of j clothing furnishings goods shoes hats caps etc go to werners cloth ing store and buy goods that are up to date remember WERNER sells clothing at prices that defy competition avail yourself of this opportunity port unity call and be convinced yours without a struggle J W WRNEr JR etor RICHFIELD 4 el 1 and constipation for years I 1 was troubled with bil louines and constipation which made lift life mi miserable erable for mo me M appetite failed me I 1 lost loft my usual us ual force and vitality dephin preparations and cathar cathartics tips only made matters worse I 1 do not kloft chero I 1 should have been today had I 1 not tried chamberlains stomach and liver Livor tablets the tablets relieve the ill tooling feeling at once strengthen the digestive functions helping the system to do its work naturally mits mas ROSA HOSA potti birmingham hamala ala the those ao tablets are for or sale by niall drug co A guaranteed cine tile for piles itching chine It blind blooding bleeding protruding piles pile druggists druggists are authorized to re lood fond money it if PAZO OINTMENT alia to cure in 6 to toll 14 days coo richfield crichfield FRich field meat market jessen anderton proprietors alors jr AD KIM rold cord MORIS groceries canned goods confectionery cigars and tobacco AE va I 1 flour etc fish fruits and vegetables an seasor 1 U C C mourison MOn MORR RISON ALEX ALE MORRISON manager treasurer rex ze BROS DEALERS IN plumbers supplies 4 mw AND mw j 2 ka all u var ark done and garan seid 0 of f bu buinis Buin inc cs s in basement of Ani 1 lerton block colorado midland raily THE scenery IN WORLD the kansas kanat city chicago limited leases salt lake at 8 05 05 p m 1012 p m arriving at denver at to 10 oo co 1 p in the following day da bleg int standard in sleepers between ogden and denver our the latest being pro prouder ditled with all ch nr cars car ire are nt asid and of modern I 1 con conveniences through tourist sleeper to chicago every aty it i Bur burlington linton every frulio via rock island B R G V X ky hy act botn eon een orden and G grand rand I 1 addled by tho the colorado midland trains are the I 1 anda anil t P itar Ii the be north and nert oct tl ill all lines lides t for pointe and pueblo 0 with or g e a k i t direct tori at I 1 borth 0 r t h T last a 6 t and bouth tor for further particulars N W e u v ill be pleaded to ar ramire itinerary ir fir your trip H HARDING general agent room dooly salt lake lak city 1 made happi for lite great happiness came into the home of S C blair biair school superintendent at st albans W va when his little daughter was restored from the dread d ful fol complaint he names he a says imy little daughter had st vitus dance which yielded to no treatment but gi diew ew steadily worse until as a last resort we tried electric bitters and I 1 rejoice to say three bottles effected a complete cure quick sure cure for nervous complaints general debility female weaknesses impoverished blood and malaria guaranteed by neill druk drug co price |