Show I I FATE OF TilE LEfiAfIONS L Stories from China are Very Conflicting One is that Diplomats were Safe on July 3rd 1 This Comes by Runner from PekingAnother is that the Massacre of the Ministers the Women and Children of the Guards at ue Chinese Capital After Eighteen Days of Resistance Re-sistance is Confirmed I London July SThcre is nothing in 1 14 the few dispatches received last night to add to the my oC hope regarding the r I late oC the legations at Peking by yesterdays 5 yes-terdays dispatches from Washington i and messages from other sources Indicating Indi-cating that the legations were still S Standing on July 3rd and that reccnt r attacks by the Boxers had been slight News from other points was distinctly S disquieting A report from Che Foo i dated July 7th says the Catholic bishop two priests and two nuns have been i murdered I DANISH MISSION SURROUNDED s A report from Moukden dated July 5th says the Danish mission at Hin Yun was surrounded by Boxers According Ac-cording to the report it AAOiild be possible li pos-sible to hold out only two days A h party of Cossacks residents of Mouk den and the British Consul had started i 1 start-ed for the relief of those besieged at the I L Danish mission b SERIOUS AT TIEN TSIN The situation at Tien Tsin on July 3rd Is said to have been most serious Japanese and Russian forces are reported re-ported to have been hurrying there from Taku but according to some accounts S ac-counts mutual distrust exists betAveen the allies I I A report from Shanghai dated July 7th says the British warships are vigilantly lantly watching for the purpose of preventing pre-venting any attempt of the Chinese to S cross the Yangtse Kiang HOLDING OUT AT PEKING I x A cable dispatch dated Thursday S 5oO p m receded Saturday at thp London ollicc of the inspectorate of I S Chinese maritime customs from Shanghai Shang-hai says S Courier left Peking July 3rd when iAvo legations Avere holing out against S troops and Boxers Troops had lost COO men and Boxers many leaders J S MASSACRE CONFIRMED r Tli massacre of the foreign Minis S cere the Women and children ofXthc Cr guards at Peking ret eighteen days e 0 of hopeless resistance is confirmed says a IIHAVS agency dispatch from S Shanghai dated July Oth and received in London 7 1 BODIES OF VICTIMS BURNED When the ammunition and food T ere exhausted continues the dispatch dis-patch the Chinese fends Inclosed S U S upon the legations and butchered all who remained alive Afterward they set fire to the legation buildings in which the remains of the victims were consumed in one horrible holocaustS holocaust-S LEGATIONS EXTERMINATED The dispatch does not state the source 1 from whIch the news of this confirmation E confirma-tion is received but it IS thought that L this lb Indicated by another Shanghai St dispatch which states that the Taot or RGB officer In charge oC several departments Ifi at Shanghai and vicinity now admits that no legations exist in Peking They I are said to have ocen exterminated and it is admitted that no foroigneis g have been left alive lTb ATROCITIES UPON NATIVES I Mat Reports of the atrocities committed Ia by Prince Tuan upon the Chinese arc S j appalling He had four thousand Chinese D Chi-nese butchered It is said for merely d netc during to petition to control the orglo of blood and restrain his followers The dispatch concludes with the announcement S I an-nouncement that ex > VIceroy Chi Li 1 Wang Wen Chao has been killed by the Boxers S 3 Reports from natives who left Peking June 21th continue to arrive but they arp to I large extent merely variations of the stories already published i13 CONGERS LAST MESSAGE A dispatch from Taku says that the UVI last message from Mr Edwin II Conger Con-ger the United States Minister at Pe J dng brought there by runners reads as tallows S Ve are besieged The provisions areS are-S becoming exhausted and the situation is desperate The relict force should fl1 advance and give us notice by signal Vr NATIVE CITY OP PICKING BURNED Runners also confirm the report of iVe the burning of the native city of Peking Pe-king In London it is hardly doubted < t9 that the worst has happened though UI the friends oC those who were besieged H at Peking cling to the last slender hope tR that Sir Robert Hart the Inspector th general of the customhouse who was trusted t by the Chinese managed by lIto Ri Promise of bribes to induce the Boxer t9 leaders to protect the women and children Old chil-dren from he violence of the mobs REPORTS MORE REASSURING JardIne tallies Co of Shanghai ii have ielgraphed to their London house follows r as rolws i Shanghai July 7Tue British legation itIg lega-tion as standing July 2nd There arc ivHKfiUiing reports regarding the lives ADtl of the Europeans JAPAN IS WILLING dP The Japanese Minister Kalo Takka lt 11 received a dispatch from Toklo giving I giv-ing his Governments reply to Great S1QCC Britains question whether with the S consent of the other powers Japan Is O7t willing to send large reinforcements to 4 China Japan replied that she was prepared rS 11 pre-pared to carry out the suggestion and tlinl tone division would be dispatched j immediately 01dc NEWS IS RELIABLE 7 The Foreign oillce has issued the itJ text of a telegram from Acting Consul r 24 General Warren at Shanghai confirm ing from thoroughly trustworthy Stit S Fourceb the news received by courier from Peking July 3rd by way of Shanghai I to tho London ofiYce of the inspectorate of Chinese maritime customs > S cus-toms saying that two legations were WIIC C1l the day the courier I f holding out tja igalnwl the troops and Boxers andS and-S that the troops hud lost 2000 men and zT tho Boxers many leaders l BOXERS DISHEARTENED cP lr Warren adds that the messenger r ayn the troops were much disheart niri by their IOKBUU and that the ou ii Boxers claim their mystlp powers have been broken by the foreigners and JgnorR S that they IIa re not approach the iGga I 5 lon l Is I further asserted that the jeiiIL I Ia foreigners at P king ought to be able I to hold out for a long time as they have sufficient food and ammunition |