Show RlchanJ Calbiirn Stock Broker V Room 25 IGW 2nd South Tel 670 M V JI Irvine ifc Co Stook Brokers 21 West Second Soulh Tel 7M > U 1ccry Jr Stock JBroltor 10 Vr 2nd South Tel 603 James A Pollock Stocks nnd Bonds No C West Second South Tel 675 1 > f Promoters Attention All those flecking Investment In prom ising prospect or to Incorporate will do well to call on me information carefully furnished Address C S P O box 120 Park City Utah Cynnitliriic Have had charge of five mills and worked In every part of pro esa from shoveling to laboratory work Testers and outline process for treating thorn For three years treated slimes sue ce 8fully Wish a position after July 10th Have studied to excel References Refer-ences an lo character and ability Address Ad-dress K C Is Boise Ida box 3 SALT LAKE STAMP CO JTLt 63 W 2nd So St pr Phone 715i i rings Rubber and steel L stamps Seals Stencils Sten-cils otc Send for catalogue NOT the CHEAPEST but the BEST MADUTC t Steam and Hot Water 1UU1UU 0 Heating Apparatus RO Jo MORAN V Board of Trade Bldg W 2nd So Salt Lake City Utah PHSME LYBJB General dealers In VOOL HIDES PELTS ETC Carry also a full line of growers supplies Agents for Blacklcaf Dip Coopers Dip Littles Dip Scabcura or Nicotine Dip Laws Dip Utah Sulphur Co Dovoo a Branding Paint Natural Leaf Tobacco Manufacturers agents for all kinds of Grain and Wool Hags twines etc Dealers in Altalfa and other crass seeds Office nnd Warehouse 151 btcto St Salt Lake City Utah NION ASSAY OFFICE UNION M S HANA1JER Manager Removed to 152 South W Temple SAMPLES BY MAIL AND EXPRESS will receive prompt attention Analytical work a specialty Send for price list JOHN MVTCKERASSAY ASSAY OFFICE KO 150 MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY Ores carefully assayed Samples sent from a fllBtaiuo promptly attended to and returns macho the following day Charges reason bloW T blo-W CUBBIE ASSAYER 159 Main st Salt Lako City Prompt attention given lo all orders by mall or express Charges uniform and reasonable V V BROTHEES WALEER V Bankers V SALT LAKE CITY ESTABLISHED 1250 Safety deposit boxes for rent 7 B JONES CO J o BANKERS V SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Transact a general banking business in nil its branches Special attention Is given lo selling ot ores and bullion of which consignments aro solicited 150 SOUTH MAIN STREET r > ESEBET NATIONAL BAN3E DESEBET UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Salt Lake City Utah Capital 500000 Surplus 330000 L I S HILLS MOSES THATCHER President vicoPresldenb H S YOUNG Cashier Safo Deposit Boxes for rent r TATIONAL BANK OF NATIONAL THE REPUBLIC U 9 DEPOSITARY FRANK KNOX t President GEORGE A LOWEVIcePrCsldonU ED W DUNCAN Cashier CAPITAL PAID IN 300000 Banking In nil Its branches transacted Bxchaniro drawn on tho principal cities or Eurooo INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS cCOBNIOK CO Bankers V Bait Lake City > T7teS ESTABLISHED 1S73 x 012MEBCIAL NATIONAL BANK LI CAPITAL PAID IN J200000 General banking In all Us bronchos Directors Dr Theodora Mover John 3 Bat 0 J Salisbury l Moylttn C lox ThcmmasMaFs1mall W P Noble George M Downey John W Donnollan A I Kolden T YT ELL3 FARGO i CO BANK SALT LAKE CITY UTAH AccoUnts of banks bankers corpora lions firms and individuals solicited Exchange foreign and domestic oousnt aVifesraphlc transfers mado on all tho and prlnclpa cities of tho United States Europ Lo ue ° r3 of Credit issued available id too rrmncipa1 cities of the world ltoSoIUflof ores nU bUillOOflfljSp NDENTg Vchis Fargo Cos BanrNOW York olls Fargo Co Or Wells Irohnaai Fargo Co S st Chicago JoatniCfl U Buflk First National Bank C Bank tlrst National Glyn Mills Qurrie athUel Montagu IYcfthlor ESTABLISHED IW1 150 OFFICES THE OLDEST AND LARGEST CO I BUN Q x The Mercantile Agency GEORGE OSMOND Gonera l annye Offlco iuVTQKTCBsbWG stLcLt > |