Show CAME UNDER THE SEA Tho imperial Government has accepted Victorias offer of a naval contingent for service In China Tho ConsulGencral at Dresden reports tno I exports from there past six months at 1130101 an Increase of 1SO72 o < The absence of bulls find parties hns driven society to other forms of amusement amuse-ment the last diversion being evening park boating parties on the serpentine In llvdo At Rotterdam the dock laborers strike ifs assuming threatening proportions Tho carmen havo now Joined in the strike and police and marines are guarding the streets The exports from time northern hnlf of o Germany for the fiscal year recently ended end-ed amounted to o7l lr63 1 an Increase of J3C03IG1 of which sum Hamburg has nearly fCOOO BnmhurS The statement published In Paris Au roro that a young attache of tho United Stales embassy disappeared a week no and Hint It wns feared he had boen murdered mur-dered Is I absolutely unfounded A Albrccht who has Just died In London Lon-don was a manufacturer of chemicals at Blrmlnsham During the American Civil war ho was mainly Instrumental In collecting col-lecting fr OOGO for distribution among tho freedmen For time first lime In CHI the Princess 01 Wales accompanied the Prince of AValos to Ncs market and It was IL bitter disappointment to her to see Diamond Jublloc the Princes entry and this years winner of tho Derby beaten by Merry GalTho Tho resignation of Lord WcmyslsH the honorary Colonel and Col Enstaco Oal four thc commanding officer of the crack London Scottish volunteers as a result of their dcslro to protect against tho Governments treatment t of the volunteers In tho ser Ice has created a sensation IVIonslgnor Chappello to whom waa deltatcd tho adjudication of the dispute between < the religious orders and the civil authorities In the Philippines states that during the past six months ho has carefully care-fully examined every point bearing on time subject and will soon make his personal per-sonal report to tho Pope |