Show 1 CASUALTIES IN ISLES f MEMBER OP TWENTYFOURTH AMONG THE KILLED I Gen McArthurs Casualty List 1 Made Public at the War Department Depart-ment 1 I L i Washington July 7 Gen I > Mac Arthurs latest casualty list dated July 7th Is as follows KILLED l h tii Manning Luxon company tf Twentyfourth imWiy Will Webb Junft 10th Atlao Panay company D Twentysixth Infantry Frank J Kague j Julyist Rosario Cavite company M Thirtyeighth Infantry Claud M Davis Juiy 3rd Tibagttan Luzon company II Third infantry Sergt Alfred W Merrlam William Cheatham Charles Gadd Caddy T July lili near Malolos company G Third Infantry Corp Albcrt Cqpke Charles rilppler Patrick Mu len j s WOUNDED May 29th Polo Leyte company A Fortythird infantry First Scrgt Wll iIciln Ebbert wounded abdomen serl Clfs May 5th company D Fortythird volunteer Infantry Capt Lucius E Polk wounded In arm slight company I C Fortythird infantry Musician George R Shaner wounded In arm serious John J Frances wounded in hand slight May ± Jml Tabaco Luxon company G Fortjlscventh infantry Frank sit s-it > idy wounded In arm slight tJuiy 4th Manning Luxon company ng comptny ci Twentyfourth rWmtlourth infantry i Second l Lieut Edward B Mitchell wounded In the shoulder slight Thomas Brown wounded In shoulder moderate Penardna Luzon company I Thirty fourth I man try Sergt Samuel Burdel son wounded In thigh slight July 3rd damage o bridge Luzon company E Thirtieth infantry First Scrgt Ernest L Hamilton wounded in arm slight William D Cook wounded in mouth slight May Cth Hllongos Leyte company I Twentythird infantry J transferred company JI Twentythird infantry Owen McCafTery wounded in thigh slight I COL PETTtT ACQUITTED The fqllowing cablegram ha been received at the War department from dnv Gen MacArthur at Manila dated to Col James S Pettlt Thirtyfirst U S volunteer infantry acquitted by gen eral courtmartial gn Cot Pettlt was tried Pett on n charge of having turned over a native prisoner to R Dato In Mandano who cruelly exe cuted the man The courtmartial was founded upon a charge that Col Pettlts conduct was unsoldierly tended to bring the American arms into contempt It was at once reported that Webb Hayes a LleufenantColonel of the same raiment had thrown up his com mission because of dissatisfaction with Ccji Pettlts conduct In this affair This statement was contradicted acalr verdict of the courtmartial meets with the unqualified approval 6f the War department authorities and of Col PctitsbrOthci officers here r PROVOST MARSHAL AT MANiLA G Gen James Bell iLi Is announced will succeed l t BrIG p n 13 i < B wi llstpn the provost marshal 1 Manllu Gen Bell will enter upon his duties July home loth Gen Willistonwill return |