Show REGULARS FUR OHA Uncle Sams Boys are Ordered to the Orient r TO BE SENT TO PHILIPPINES f Total of 6254 Soldiers Trill Sail from San Francisco and New York i These Troops arcr Intended Primarily 1 Pri-marily to Relievo Voluntcer i i I the Archipelago but Hay bo Diverted I Di-verted to tho Flowery Kingdom in i Event Circumstances Demand It I Force will bo Forwarded at Once i i I Washington July iAs I n rcsult a thorough consideration of the subject by 1 the Secretary ofWar Lleut Genies Gen-ies and AdjuGen Corbin orders were Issued by the Wm department i I this afternoon for the dispatch of C251 regular troops to the P1ii1pi ncsa with ncs-a view to utilization Jn China IClt Is fouhd necessary to send them to that country The force is made uptof two ba talons each of the Fifteenth Second Fifth and JSIghtlr Infantry two squadrons squad-rons each of the First and Ninth cavalry cav-alry one squadron of the Third cavalry cav-alry and a company of engineers These troops will be forwarded as rapidly transportationarrangements can bo perfected and the entire fleet I of transports at San Francisco and Ncw York will be employed in the worlc The issue today of the formal orders for tho dispatch to the East of more than GOOD troops from the arrrfy posts In the United States was a manifestation manifesta-tion of the energy with which the Government Gov-ernment Is now about to act In the Chinese matter True these troops are nominally destined for the Philippines to replace the volunteers now there but I Is admitted that theyare being sent out by a route that will easily admit of deflpptlon to Taku or some other I convenient Chinese port i Possibly ConsulGeneral GoodnowS cablegram reporting tho legations as being active as late as the 3rd inst may have something to do with this I radical action Whatever the cause 1C j these troops are landed in China the I force together with the Ninth infantry supposed to be now at Taku and the marine contingent the United States will have n force In action commensurate I commensu-rate with her infcrrosts and tn propor nSt tion to tho Eurepifan forces Japnn Is to begin today with the full ful consent of Europe and it is calculated I that full forelfm reinforcements in cluding1 our own will arrive In China jf they arc landed at all In season to finish the work left by the Japanese The orders today to the troops It Is believed at the State department have an indirect but most important bear Ing on the situation In China Once the viceroys of central and southern China become satisfied that the foreign l egations are actually coming In force they may be counted upon to take the I warning to themselves and continue to i I conlnueto observe neutrality at least Evidently Eidenl ConsulGeneral Goodnows suggestion jf yesterday has had Its effect for he 11 pointed out himself the beneficial ef benefclale I facts that the addition oC troops to the soldiers now In China would have |