Show OR1S BECOME COOKS Work of the School of I Domestic Science I I PLANS FOR THE FUTURE r Thirty Young Girls IJnjoying Instruction In-struction in a Study too Often Neglected Proposition to Make the School Permanent and Connect it With the State UniversityMost Tempting Dishes Being Made by tho Class Training in Housekeeping I Housekeep-ing Duties i r One of the necessities of Salt Lako City has been a school 10C domestic science an institution wherein the hundreds of girls who seek employment employ-ment as domestics In the city might receive the proper training to lit them to become competent servants And not only has It been desired for girls who may bo compelled to earn a livelihood through the training received re-ceived but by the mothers of the city generally who have learned that among the many accomplishments they may bo able to better bestow upon their daughters none Is more to be desired than that of being a llrstclass cook and housekeeper that while she may never be compelled to do either she must be skilled In I the art herself In order that she may know it is or Is not properly done by others And now in a little way at least this necessity hasbeen filled Through the endeavors of the local womens clubs an experiment school of domestic science has been established and is flourishing in the University normal school Hore every morning thirty young girls all of them daughters of wellknown Salt Lakers sew keep house and cook WHAT IS PROPOSED The school it Is hoped by Its promoters I pro-moters will be the nucleus ofa branch of training to be added to the course in the University and with this thought I In mind Its promoters are now endeavoring endeav-oring to make arrangements to include It ns a special course at the University to be an elective study as it were until un-til the Legislature meets when an attempt at-tempt will be made to secure an appropriation appro-priation to make It a permanent Institution Insti-tution This work has progressed In London with such marked success that now a school of domestic science is made apart a-part of the training of every girl and I many boys the latter of whom expect to follow the occupations of chefs I There the training Is of tho most practical prac-tical character the I little gjrls being obliged to each day make out a bill of j I fare purchase the necessaries for a certain amount prepare and cook the meals themselves But of our own school For several weeks prominent clubwomen have been at work arranging for Mie opening of the school securing the names of prospective pros-pective pupils etc Two weeks ago everything was in readiness and the thirty young girls ranging in age from 0 toIS entered upon a now experience j I Every day since betwccn the hours of i I 0 and 12 oclock have these girls been found busy at their various tasks One morning they can bo found In the kitchen making dainty delicacies and I the more substantial foodr next day wo find them quietly seated In the sowingroom hemming basting running run-ning darning In fact doing all kinds of plain sewing On still another doy the visitors found them deep in Ufo dust and dirt of cleaning day sweep lug dusting and polishing with an earnestness and with results good to j l behold 1 beholdTHE THE COOKING BRANCH First let UB visit the cooking department depart-ment which Is conducted in the science room Here are found long tables where the busy hands have plenty oC room to work All kinds of crfoklns utensils and dishes are found here and the cooking Is done on t largo gas I stove Each girl wears t big white apron and carries a lifter a piece of linen padded with cotton j A new bill of fare Is served up each day These bills of fare are prepared I by Miss Emily Cannon who has proved herself to be a most capable instructor instruc-tor The plan Is to have each girl pre pate one of tho dishes or perhaps two work together and when everything is ready the cooks enjoy a feast And many people would bo agreeably astonished to say the least to FCC ann taste the rcaults of the efforts of these I young girls Nor do the bills of fare include only delicacies For Instance the first days I lesson Included the leaching of how to mako bread coffne how to poach eggs to cook cereal with fruit and dried beef with white sauce The bread and coffee mado were splendid and one of the I patrons of the school said during tho week that they had not had such fine coffee In a year OH one of her small girls made for breakfast after that morning and the little one had her first lesson at the cooking sehopl Among the other good things which the girls have already learned to cool are boiled rice with the grains plump and whole graham mufllns cream of tomato soup cream of Lima beano I potatoes baked In half shell veal birds lady fingers cocoanut souffle custard sauce baked haddock shrimp salad Parker house rolls wino jelly soup stock and cream sauce GOOD LITTLE COOKS It seems a kindly fate presides over the kitchen for everything has been a success And such interest as Is taken The hurried consultations as to whether this Is sweet enough that quite brown enough and the other ready for the frosting and oh the delicious sips I and just a taste It is safe to say that in the opinion of the girls no such I feasts wore ever spread by Just such another I an-other band of good cooks There are little girls and big girls girls whoso hands are yet sweetly dimpled I I dim-pled and girls who are almost society buds all happy and carefree and full I of fun but while they indulge in what to them seems play they are learning one of tho most useful accomplishments to be obtained and no doubt when in a few years more some of the young men who arc now boys begin to think of settling down they will choose for tho partners of their joys and sorrows graduates of the cookingschool The girls will not be likely to forget what they learn either for every recipe Is written down and carefully preserved THE ART QF HOUSEKEEPING Tho housekeeping department has as Its presiding genius Miss Edna May Davis a thoroughly competent instructress instruc-tress in the art of doing away with cobwebs cob-webs and dirt Every phase of correct housekeeping will bo taught from the building of a fire to the serving of a state dinner The course Ill Include dishwashing tablesetting bedmaklng sweeping dusting washing ironing scrubbing folding of linen arranging of furniture pictures rugs oniamcnts and the thousand and one little things which go to mako a wellkept house For instance they are taught that long strokes of a broom should never be taken ta-ken tis the dust Is scattered thereby that pictures and walls must be dusted before sweeping that the carpet may not be soiled after having been thor oughly swept that Ilcccclincd dusters are the best that everything possible should bo covered up on cleaning day and so many many little things that would save a housekeeper many a trip I and yet which so few observe STITCHES IN TIME I In the sewingroom we find Miss Mary Smith busily engaged In leaching the I girls tho different stitches in sewing that Is even brisling uneven busting running backsiltchlnff chain stitch cat stitch feather stitch anti darning Here too they Avlll be taught how lo match stripes on the bias straight or cross weaves of tho goods how to hem to patch to make buttonholes to gather to put on bands and tapes to make and put in gussets In a word they will be taught plain sewing Intermingled with the lessons are songs and games which liven up the i mornings work and which arc entered Into with spirit by the girls I The cookingclass seems to be the favorite fa-vorite with nil the pupils and It Is not r strange for all children and young people peo-ple arc eager to obtain results for labor expended and with such results as have been obtained In the cooking school It Is no wonder they arc partial to It The training in the other departments de-partments will of course bring forth good results but they will be slower In coming and until then will nOl be so popular A SCIENTIFIC DINNER A decided treat awaits a favored few of SaIL Lakes residents Before the close of the course which will be within with-in three weeks a dinner will be served at tho University to which invitations 1 will be Issued to a very few every bit of which is to be prepared cooked and served by the girls of the cookIng class The event will be awaited with eagerness especially by those who have already tasted tho fruits of some of the mornings labors and will no doubt provo a revelation to those who will for the first time enjoy the delicacies and subslantlals set forth by the pupils of Salt Lakes first school of domestic science Tho girls who are now taking the course are Jean and Reah Spencer Nan Clawson Louise Walden Beth Critoli low Pearl and Nor Van Colt Judith Rice Grace Bunting Florence Robinson Robin-son Georgia Hamlin Georple Young Llta Young Annette Ferguson Bessie handler Irma Watson Vivian and Jvittlo Llllle Florence Johanson Edith Khiffsbury Louise Spencer Emily Richards Ann Cannon Grace Clawson Louise Bassett Helen Trent Ada Bird Nellie Calvin Amy Rich and Mrs Charles Cannon |