Show NO SNAP TO MARKET I Wall sfreet was in the Doldrums Yesterday LITTLE MOVEMENT IN STOCKS Bears Disinclined to Renew a Campaign Cam-paign in Face of Recent Indications that Holders aro Willing to Let Goof Go-of StocksClosing of London Stock Market for a Holiday also Added Another Factor of Dullness There was Simply a Sluggish Drift of Prices all Day I SILVER Now York Sic London r 2871Jd LEAD i Now York brokers rJro COPPER V Now York brokers t 1625 lGW Silver and Drafts Now York July 7Bnr silver 61c Slvcr certinciics 61g623iC Mexican dollars 4Sic New York Metals New York July 7 Brokers price for lend Is 3PO and for copper JlGftlGoO Costing copper i0fj10yc New York Mining Stocks Chollar S Crown Point 5 07 I C C Va llOOphlr GS Deadwood 40PJy mouth 10 I a C QuicksIlver 100 j 31 r N zoj preferred 7CO J HomcHtako 5000 Sierra Nov 2S 1 I Iron Silver Standard l 30 I Mexican u 10 Union Con 20 J I Ontario G57iTel Jacket 12 I I I BOSTON MINTNG STOCKS 121 i Adventure 5 JnA M Co S 100 Am Cop S375 Osceola romA rom-A Ua nUc 2200 Parrot 4000 B M 230529100 Qulniy 13000 J3 B rfGO S Fe Con 150 C II 1 000 Tnmurtxck 17TCO I Centennial 1GOO WInona 275 Franklin 12100 Wolverines CO50 Utah i52S I TRIBUNE SPECIAL Boston July 7 There was loss demand for copper shares with a free offering to be notod In todays tradlnir with prices I generally lower The volume of business busi-ness however Is very small and confined con-fined to swapping of stocks between traders tho public taking very little In crest In the market Ilornblowcr Weeks brokers 53 Slate street Boston furnish the following quotations quo-tations I Sales High Low Close Amalgamated 50 JSi7 i S S r BlnRhnm 1000 950 Coehlll 100 900 Cent Eureka 100 2300 Utnli 50 2350 United States 700 600 Vhlto Knob 1300 Curb Boston 002300 Navaho fl Ico1 5CO Grain and Provisions Chicago July iWhetl tho wheat market mar-ket started todays business among other things In consideration were good rains In tho Northwest As to whether tho ruins would resuscitate tho perishing crip In tho portions of that section where the spring wheat Is not now numbered with l the dead was n mutter of controversy The opinion that It would do some good caused a considerable drop at the opening which was at il Ij y c for August In the mciinllmo Liverpool was resting after a days work JITld over the previous pre-vious session and later that fu > oared statistics showlnr a srnall batch urre jcelpls at tho bltr l markets Flic tado changed Its vlows for n moment after dl Kestlng tho situation and wont up to Mc That was as high as thr market got The rains logether with some messages of a chccrlnRjSort from the spring wheat country animated the trade into ceiling ot various sorts and under this pressure August slid oft to 795Gc An Encllsh cable prophesying smaller worlds shipments would be shown In Mondays report together with a lighter Southwestern movement as shown by receipts re-ceipts caused a reaction from the bottom to TOTfec but somo of this was lost and tho close was easy Aueust closing UIHa under un-der yesterday a I 79ic Corn sold oiT on the prediction oC rain for Kansas and Nebraska where hot weather and scorching winds have benn holding forth The market roso a bit from the bottom on some buying by I Western Interests Trade was rather active ac-tive August close Ilthc down Oats were steady without any particular trade August closed Ac up Provisions were dull and easy and partly with the cereals hut mostly on the letlinp out of lonr stuff Ifotr receipts were light and there was a faIrly good I scattered demand through the commls HlonhoUsti September nork close lOfp 12Xc under yesterday lard 21j5c lower and ribs jfi7V c depressed RANGE OF THE LEADING FUTURES Open High Low Close Wheat July ZS4 70 781 7S11 August MoL SOs 79Vi 104 V Setember 80 1i SI SO SOj Corn July I33 f 43 l3I 131 I August I JJ 415 43lfc 43JL Senlombcr 4Ii Mi L 43 1 1IY Oats JulY 23T W 23 2371 August 2Vl I 2IVJ 23 111 September 21 1 21 13 21 I 21 i Mess Pork July ± 12GO 12CO 1250 12CO September 1282 1285 126J1S12C7V6 Lard Ill < U ° tiE 675 G75 September G92 t fi92 l 6 5S5 6 S7 5 October 603 603 GMa 690 Short Bibs ul o i OJI 9 Y7J Seplombcr 705 7074 005 C07 CASH QUOTATiONSV Cash quotations were asi follows Flour qUiet nnd sUMtly round 3l7iX < il8o for standard pa Ionise No U 1 spring wheat 7c No i med SKftSl ic No 2 corn Ujjic No 2 yelloW 439l34c No 2 oats 218 2le t No 2 while 23fi2fi = ic No 3 white 2Jlr2G1Ici < fair to choice mnllinc 3JHi > c Nol riax seed 5180 No 1 Northwestern SlSO 11lm timothy seed 5310 mess pork per burrH 3UI3IGO lard per 100 pounds GG7A4 < a8Zi short ilbs sides loose 6SMiJ5 dry salted shoulders Doxod Gy g7c short clear sides boxed 73J57I3 whisky busls oC high wines Sl23 iniKaifl cut loaf unchanged clover contract grade SOO RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Articles Rccins Shpts Flour barrels 33000 ir000 Wheat bushels 111000 94000 i Corn biiHhcs CM000 31SCOO Oats bushels l liJOOO WKKX Rye bushels 2000 Barley bushels UWO 5000 On tho produce exchange today the butter but-ter market waa ntcudy creamery IMf HlC dairy 1JilH7c cheese Ilrm lr10Hc eggs steady fresh lOVjc Stocks and Bonds ANew A-New York July 7Iho steen market was in tho doldrums this morning with scarcclv cnoiieh way on to indicate the direction of nrlco movemenU ester days iiollt movement took all the anal out of th6 bulls uul the heats are dlsln ellned to renew a camniilKn In face of recent re-cent Indications that holders arc unwlll jg to lot go Wh1London lnrVe closing or the London stock exchange ex-change for a holiday added soother factor II fac-tor of dullness There was nothing more than a sluggish drift of precs In sympathy sympa-thy with the run 01 Special stocks Missouri I Mis-souri Pnclllo turned heavy on 1clhzlllr saleS Tho whole market wcaironoii and roll below last nights prices on tho stir I nrlalngly veak feature of clearinghouse hn nks nThellihl volume of aelllnjr Inicw ot 1 thIN astonishing rilaiement lcc t slilk ng evidence of the conllrmod dullness of lie I V market Tliu showing Is I quite Inopllc able on the basis of any known titrli or the ovlilencc of the tone tf lime money market ilurlnc tho wook Loon contraction contrac-tion of 357SrrCO scorns to show fleiriy thut the lock market Hquldutlqn III Berlin Ber-lin lbs bopn aecoinpllHliiMl hy tho jnylnfr oa ofHomo of the heavy jlllcrAtlon4 to the New York munoy mnrkit WJiu JaH become of Ill I 2S70COO sjcple and 1ttlJ tuiulitrtt which rc lost Co Lift I hanks there In 1 nothing to Know These institutions I institu-tions have culncd nearly rCOOWO from the Hubtreasury according to the oniclni i I statements of detriments lollowJiiR 1 i the statements of lendlncr banks of lime I I currency movement In the Interior the most conservative authorities were led to estimate thai the gain In rash for the week would aggregate over J3000VOO Tho markot closed dull and weak under Influence Influ-ence of the statement Tho bond market has moved IrrcRUlarly In sympathy with stocks and there hay been little evidence of the expected pressure I pres-sure for reinvestment oC July dividends and Intercut United Stales old 4 H advanced 7 Iho la I and CM Vi and refunding 2s when Issued In the bid price I IJOND LIST I US 2n refund DRGlS ICC I rcB at Is ICO 4q 97U I coupon 103 NOi Pae3s 65W U S 2s reg 100 45 10lys U S 5s reg lOSOr Nay la 107 U S 3s coup 100A isO 10n U S n Ls res 131 is-O S L Oa 120 IT S n Is I coup 131 con KM 11 HI IT S old is I rcjlH9i Rio G West 13 07 IT S old la couplll lao Pee laU 7S4 la-U S 5s rcg 113V1ISO By Sit 103111 U S Us coup imiiUnlon Pac hl10Ik Colo So lu SI3 CLOSING STOCKS Railroads I preferred 72 AtchIson 21 Hs vabnsh 1i1R preferred I 71 preferred lS ¼ 11 Ohio ia e Wheel Si Ij E S Can Pac S8 2nd preferred 22 > iCon i-Con SoC 18 Win Cent 1J5 So-C Ohio 254 Third Avo 110 Chic O W 10i U3xprcM companies C R Q 1 i6 com-panies Chit 1 L oo ff Adams 115 preferred 61 American 17 Chic K 1 07 United States 45 Chic N W 138 yVplls Fargo 122 Ice C St L G7Vt Miscellaneous Cob So G t Am Cot Oil g Isl preferred ISJ I proferred bi 2nd preferred 15v Am Malt a Del Hud HO preferred 1 I U Lack < c W 175 im S U f D K G l Jprcrelrcd Si s preferred Go Am SplrfLs ife Erie 10 preferred 17 preferred 32 I Am Steel Hoop 20 G Nor pfd 1BOL preferred Ci Hock Coal v 13A Am S fc Wire W hock Val SI I preferred i24 llllnoln CCnLll Am Tin Plato 21 Iowa Cent ISIS preferred 7H6 i preferred IS-IS i Am Tobacco Wit K C P G lH preferred 125 L 13 t West 2 I Anaconda M Co CS preferred e SS Brook R T D3V4 1 Lake Shore 200 Colo F 8 I S2 > 4 L Nash 71 l4 Conl Tobacco 2lVi I fllnhat L SHz preferred 77A 1 let St By l1fJ Fed Steel 2 101ec Cent 123 preferred GT ½ I 1111n St L 4t1l Gen Else 123 preferred l Glucose Sugar JOvi Mo Pu c 4 tfI preferred IG I M l Ohio h Intcrnu Paper 21H Mo K T av preferred t1j preferred It aclede Cia iON iO-N J Cent 2sf Nat Biscuit Kl I KlSJ N Y Cent 12i preferred SJ Nor West 31 Nat Jcad n preferred 7i preferred PIJ Nor Pac Y Nat Steel 24 preferred 7Ui preferred Kl l Ont West 1tiYl N Y Air Brakcl33 0 R N 12 Nor Amor li1 preferred 76 Pac Coast in Pennsylvania 127 1st preferred 13 Heading 1f l 2nd preferred 12 Isl preferred 3S I Pac Mall 26 2nd preferred 28 Peoples Gas 93 R G West 59 P Steel Cr li preferred iS preferred 7 St L S F 9 ½ Pullman P Car 170 V 1st preferred 5 Stan II it T 5 2nd preferred 32 ½ Sugar St L S W 111421 l prefernd lir preferred 21 reno C t I St Paul 11031 U S Leather preferred 170 prifcrrid St P O 110 U S Rubber 21 So Pac 31A preforre1 91 Bo Ry 103 West Union SO preferred cOli Rep T < c S 11 Tex t Pac li preferred Union Pnc C0lr C O St L Money and Exchange Now York July 7Close Money on call nominal no loans Prlnio mercantile piper SViOl1 ½ percent per-cent Sterling exchange steady with actual business In bankers bills at HESrl for dc innncl tnd 163 W 4SJ for sixty days posted rates 4So and IS7 > commercial bills fJSSV Weekly Bank Statement New York July 7The weekly bank stitomont for live days shows the following follow-ing changes Surplus reserves decreased 1270175 Loons decreased 557 600 Specie decreased 13370Q Legal tenders decreased 1V6046CO Deposits decreased GIOOSOO Circulation Increased ttflOO The banks nowhold 15S9200 In excess of the requirements of the 2G per cent rule V ruleTho New York Financier says The statement of the Now York clearinghouse banks for ihe week ending July 7th was In direct conflict with nil preliminary es llirmtcH Theoretically the banks should hnvo exhibited a i heavy gain In cash owlnfc lo receipts from tho Interior and treasury disbursements Instad of that however cash holdings were reduced 52870200 No explanation as lo this falling Ing off but It is probably true that tho July dividend period has confused lie averages It Is only fair lo Infer that the position of time clearinghouse Institutions is much stronger than statement Indicates Indi-cates for receipts have been heavy the past few days The Interesting feature of tho weeks operations Is the decrease in the loan Itm the reduction for tho week having been > ri73COO This makes a total decrease de-crease of 713o900 From the high point reached June 23rd and there Is reason to believe If the movements of the past years afford precedent that the loan lo tab will contlnUo to decrease until well Into ho fall season The contraction of GIOOMH in deposits Is not as large as tvillcd for by tho other exchanges but It sots free 1GOO000 heretofore locked up in legal reserve requirements and this accounts ac-counts for the falling off of only 1270173 In surplus In the face of an actual loss of S2S70300 In cash The future mpney market is rather uncertain un-certain The loaning rate In view of present conditions of surplus reserve is abnormally low but there Is a notlcoablo tendency to put out only shorlllmo bars The expanded loan account can bo traced to Investments In Btecllrg and this means thai a rise In rules should one occur oc-cur will bn met by liquidation of foreign accounts and an Import of gold But so far as explanation on this ground attempts at-tempts are being snide even now to negotiate nego-tiate additional foreign lOans It ts also known that within tho next few weeks receipts from tho Klondike will be transferred trans-ferred to New York So far as time crop season demands are concerned there is absolutely nothing to show money Is goIng go-Ing west In fact moven nl Is tho other way Live Stock CIIIVAGO Chicago July 7Cattle RecolpK 2W Nominally stondj gond to primp steors J5JMi575 poor to medium J4G5U10 selected se-lected feeders 3S3HS5 mixed tOcki 2C0if375 cows 29I1l0 helfers 3fli 500 caimbers 0Mft5 bulls 2oiN0 cniios 15g630 Texas fed stcCts Si40 520 grass StcorS 365I25 bulls 261VJ 3 25 iTossRecolpts today 14000 Monday 35000 estimated left over 3000 sh ulo low ct closed strong good clearance top 515 mixed ammd iutcliers 505i5 goon to clloicc heavy 520i645 rough heavy 505qj515 light 5105I5 1lilt ot sitIc 2T00 sheep and Iambs steady medium to choice wethers Ituft 180 fair to choice mixed S315fiMlo Western West-ern sheep IDOjrJ75 native lambs I2v GS3 YVriHtcrn lamba S300fiti10 OMAHA Omaha July 7CulllcRcccIpls MO market steady Native beet steers i4W SCO cows and heifers JiOiTLCO canners 200J350 lockers and feeders > j 2or I4Q calves JJCOSGGQ bulls stags eta 30U jrOB3RCcclpts 77CO market Cc lower IlouVv S510tMi20 mixed 551tl312Vit UPht 1 S5C0851 Hr pigs lo00300 bulk of Jalea Sheep Recoinls BW markil dull weak Yearlings SlOOfjf ICO WOth lS SjCO fJOO stock giicbp vSCOtScO lambb l50tiU 3 DENVER Denver July 7Cattl Rocolpts JCOO uurket 111101 and weak BeOf steers 100 t45C0 cowr t75i125 feeiers Irelgitt paid to river L50ri45 stoctcers 1reIht paid to ilcr 375IlIiu bulls stags etc 20dWiC0 IlogHKccelptB 300 markot 5c lower Light packers and mixed jOOt 505 heavy l70t IUO ShcLp Receipts none London Wool Auction Tondon July 7At the woolen sales today to-day 7DS9 bales were offered which Includ l Il it good Selection of good greasy stock at occiBlonally higher prices 9roS broods were In strong demand at full rates coarse goods soiling at prices prevailing pre-vailing at tho la lralo owing lo American Ameri-can rind boise dehnind anil greasy wool was bought InV In-V i St Louis Wool 3ilnrket St Lou In July 7Wrool dull nod feW Western and Territory medium Jj itljbSc lino i 1fJCVi e conrne V Butter and Eggs New York Julv 7 Butter Receipts 4EI5 packaJC farkot steady jrcnmery l7iic Llctem3 IU1bC EsgaRccclptsV 135J pKclcascs larcct steady Western at mark logiBc foi average lots AVcslern loss off 11Il ½ c Coast Grain San Franoimc Jul 7heat caay Deccmbr lJOtsh i05 Uarteyitrnctjvo December 744c cash 72c |