Show ODD TANGLES Word definition unless othorwlao ed arc according to Websters I nt 814l i tlonal Dictionary LSpplncotts Gnt GazVtu or PhllllpaK Dictionary of Bop34 r I Reference Original contributions will m welcomed communications for thin V parlracnt to bo addressed to E i > C bourn Lovlston Mf tJ ly SiS Robus t 9A 0 C 8 ij 00 eel E < Y A slartllng announcement to M corn in I Bummer II 241 NOAHS ARK 1 Which of the beams that entered by lon Was best supplied should you supp 3 with shoes vv I Which larrror far than many of his mllM Just tipped the scale nt twenty pnn weights J 1I 1 Why do you think the porcupine would ba I Tho litterateur of that l company Why should the < dog have found tho trip loss dull Than other sailing In that crowdM jp I LDEL P V 315 MISSING LETTERS ADVErt TISEMENT The following advertlscment aPPlttPil In the papers for two or three month rhere were man who thought thro I I I must bo some fraud about It since tho answer seemed so obvious Hut vpt at the closo of the competition when tb I paper In Ihe bank containing tin unmoor WOK opened not one of thin 1 < 5M7 crm I petltors was found to bo dopcrvlnsr of prize What was the solution given by the competitors and what WHS the correct cor-rect answer I Cash prizes free are given to every on who can supply lie missing letters In nil following words I iTE1SON Not long ngo a biographer of a formal I I poet laureate was written by i hi son Tin rlddlo Is to nt in other letters with tho > j I above to form the subject or this hlogrj nhyOno Ono hundred dollars reward will IH l given for every correct answer received I It Is not necessary to hunt up any encv clrppdln for you may find In thin ailvr tlpemont nil the words Hint are requircd for the solution Since the < translation of Beds History bv Alfred the Great no such literary on < terprlpe has over been attempted as lh New romans Magazine It Is I deotc < to tho Interests of sill who aspire to wh < lt Tennyson calls a life that lead rnrIetI otis days Each competitor must otc etc F L S a 3IGNUMERICAL Talk not of modern books to mc Their greatness I have failed to Eec With one or two exceptions rare One reading Is I the most they 11 bpir Now here upon my shelves I find Another Upon 1 better kind Great Shakespeare stands above them all The one whose work cnn novr pall All moods the human heart has known Ho caught and made them all his own Theres Johnson putting on his sock Or Dickens in the prisoners dork Macauloy with his ANCIENT LAYS And Wordsworth warm In Nature srI s-rI The gentle Essayist J lovo Is on the second shelf above 12 31 5C7S Clrms not Ill take another 11lc 11C 1 through as were In KIIV romance The lordly ray of ancient France When floated there In royal state The 123 JrG7S I And so with many more than these 3 i 21G7 across the seas Beguiling In this charming way Even the dullest summer day SAXON HI t HOMONYMS Find thirteen lilies In words of similar sound hit different spcltinc After traveling from Nice In Franr lo Peru I went Inland som0 miles front tho bay of ihc port whero f put In In see a famous s > nt hill T then lo4 mv way hut by following the prints of tho hoof of a llama on the barren plain I got back all right before the sun was down Hut I al srin to shake In my shoes for If one misses his way hero bv day It I bid enough ho may llnrl nothing to nt but nuts and an occasional kernel of corn hit nt night he Is fn danger 0 matins bandits and finding himself In oantUHy Ill Ivonds At least so 1 slalUrnlv nu < a told mo on my return to the town DOROTHEA a a SI ENIGMA Tho door was nnd in T peeped And av on the table stand I which Mary Nod filled nnd heaped With whih poaches she just had canned John gnvo her In passing along behind u I on the elbow and oh There arose n of another kind A family ono you know famiy ERI3 a WO I ANAGRAM AS NONE SIT still but spring up la 1 when they luar thj great excitement 11Y Jrar dreadful news of the awful disaster ana AS TENSION of the ncivcfl Ivconr l great IT and greater the WHOLE produced srfatlr It that u such ext iii durxnl Increases to Hch an exlnt may bo truthfully said that main a oaa in the surging crowd IS NOT SANE a V I 330 LIN ICAI UF I Rash Phaeton for thus the legend run sui of the Essayed to guide the chariot Ihl nIl Nor TWO nor curb the fury steed ot W check certain death Headlong they rushed to and wreck 1 of wisdom a r0 What wondrous depths displayed II playel ar Where out of Chaos Order s ands rayed > llhlnl Its ALL each heavenly OE c no lined Obeys the guidance of the Jatlr mind I TRANlA I ANSWERS 2j1 Locomotive draws cars 4 and rS from track B to the turntable Q1 J ° tor turn of turntable and loromotid I leI lur I n pushes cars 1 and 3 to UVick A JJ locomotive terturn of turntable OJH omil tCrlurn ll draws cars S nnd 7 from frcck D ll lUr 1 in table I Halfturn of turntiibK inl IRbll tuutlhlo j o and 7 I comotlvo uncouples from cars S am r runs on track D alone 5 Halfturn 1 lrck r11f rir piisltS tunMihlc ant locomotlvo pl ninne and S to track B and then returns trck o of turntable to turntable fi Quarterturn and S table and locomotive draws < cat t locomotC rtr 7 from track C to turntaole frm c ni rs of turntable nnd locomot turn < tUlntnble bl of l in1 alone to track D Halfturn 6 10 I ana o nnd locomotive > u hcs cars 5 dQ M nnl Qtmnt track B In front of cars T and S Jrvn o lerturn of turntable and ft lrn JO Quar lmhs I and 3 to turntable 11fnS cars ind rU5 and l ° cf > motv turntable terlurn of 01 lll turnlalIC of turntable alono to track D 11 Hn fturn and Ito j 3 u Jn table nnd locomotive pushes er73 tablC onl 10omotl fushtS 7 a d 5 u to track B In 1 front of cars i i 0 12 > iar ertiirn of Uirnliblp anti turntab f motlvp draws cars 2 and 1 to t tr tlble rol Irnws nnd ioeom ° r yuartorturn of turntable snJI 1un track D H n1TIItun alone to live runs trK HI rtrf le i i nl The entire train of turntable tntlro c on1 properly formed and ready < 1 to coupie run In I the direction of the arroW track D 327Gally dally 3 ConJor a Albatross I Snipe I Hermit thrush 5 Partridge 6 EIe 7 Owl R NlKhtlngale Mornlngglorv I m Number No less 3H1 Penetrated 3 5lt 3 Prolix 2 Vice ice I S321 pro 31 Prolx Pritat prate P sR t I J Exclude exude 5 xaic crate 7 Lone ono trap fi Tranio Lnt m rramD Inflia I ia rnlp f Paint pant T Llama 1 133 Hearth heart hear |