Show I nMn THROUGH THE LOJVG YEARS At fivllt u maidens wants nro low A set itJ Mocks n doll or two A llttlo Place Inside to play It It should como a rainy day A pall of shoes a plnnforo I reallv think of not lIng more Nor wants she overmuch nt ten A birthday party now and then A tilt of ribfion for her hnlr A little better dress to wear Perhaps a pony tart to drive > A bit more than she did at live A modest Increase nt 15 A imrty dress In red or green A loom alone that she may fix With hrleabrnc and candlesticks A parusol a fan and oh J iult forgot to nddn benu At twenty she Is quite above All childish wantsshe asks but love And dreams of princes tall nnd fair Who come nwoolnjt and who dare All dangers nnd she keeps apart For him tho castle of her heart I At twentyfive her fancy goes iTo bonnets frills and furbelows A country place n house In town A better rli than Mrs Drown Or mack or Jones and Just a wee Small figure In Society At thirty well n little tea For the distinguished Mrs n Who writes a prince to entertain A longhaired lion to make vain With silly trick n horseshow box And just a little plunge In stocks At thirtyfive and forty well There Isnt much thats new to tell A little bigger country place A real good lotion tor the face And some reduction made In those One can afford to say she knows At fifty docs her fancy end She wants nh yes she wants a friend To provo her years were not In vain She wants those dreams of youth again When princeserrant tall and fair Lived loved and came nwoolng thereAt there-At seventy she wants to know Why Vanity nnd hollow show Tempt Wisdom from its lofty seat She wants but care for iouty I feet And pence to wonder what must be Tho last leafs musings on the tree J W Foley In New York Times |