Show wt AMMUNITION FOR THE PASTOR 6 loners l Alone Need Have Feared Contents Con-tents of This Box he Rev Edward Lloyd Jones a Manchester England minister tells a Ay of his experience in Fenian Jaya He was traveling from a Welsh Tillage to Brecon and had with him a mng wooden box filled with heavy jtbeologfcal books At Shrewsbury tb4 detectives who were on the look oaj 1for explosive machines and the Ilia suspected this heavy box and weed was sent on to Brecon When thee young minister stepped out of jtetraln he was astonlshedto find n sergeant and several constables nyaHlng him I think you hare a box with you said tho sergeant Quite right said tho preacher who began to scent a Joke Out came tho bgmatand Its weight excited fresh BUS ptcton about its contents This Is Dour box Yes It contains am tsymltion It does Very well egmslder yourself In charge Open the liox The company stood away while the sergeant found it contained noth tog more explosive Mian Adam j < 3pirkes Theology ho expressed his tiaiignatlou freely to the minister All that ho got back was the soft ans 4W r Why bless my soul man vou jsrtpd If the box contained ammunl Jtloo That Is my ammunition I am ja MethodUt parson and thats what I iioot with |