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Show V, A DESPAIRING WOMAN. I Nervoua and Wretched From Waiting Kidney Trouble. L... Henry A. Reamer, Main and Cxrst Sts., South Bend,. Ind., says: Weak, - When I began using Doan's Kid ney Pills I was so weak Former Homes of the Aristocracy of France Offered m Open Market could I hardly drag self across room. Queer Homes of Troglodytes of the Twentieth Century I (Special Correspondence.) my- the ; - ,,v 1 was ''Y Castles in Spain are probably the :heapest In the world, for a person with a sanguine temperament and a little imagination may build them at my time. In this respect they have in advantage over the chateaux of France shown In the illustration. But Borne of these French chateaux , Ob. wretched and had and bearing-backache, y r ner-vou- down pain, dizziheadache, ness and weak , eyes. Dropsy set , lued iln and bloating of the chest choked 'eceii-mand threatened the heart. I had I little hope, but to my untold surprise ey, IiDoo's Kidney Pills brought me I shall never oi; Uef and saved my life. It. forget Icle I Eold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 'lexej, Foster-Mllbure n Constant- Mcon T The old idea that chaoses are place on the moon carefully has u de been investigated by M. Pulseux, a prench astronomer. Coing over nil 16 records, from the earliest observations ',anlll to the latest, he concludes that the 8 reality of the supposed changes has not been proved, and that the varying and t tensltlveness of the retina to faint ob- Mljects Is sufficient to account for differences seen, while different conditions !i(1J jof exposure might explain all appearances in the photographs, rlef g it t f vi 11111 give ; ter fi Li 1 r , th, i Would Brand Criminals. British magistrate has made the amiable suggestion that criminals i Sett If we draw a line through Tarsus caught committing a crime under an la attr alias should bs branded with their due north across the Peninsula of he It 'real name. Asia Minor, and another through Belmf Smyrna directly east, the two lines will intercept in the volcanic region PARALYSIS e,IM; FACIAL ; of Mount where the cone 4 A seen n lgirWervoue Distortion of Face Cured by J Dr Williams Pink Pills. founds In tt What appears to be a slight nervous er tL attack may be the forerunner of a severe she bt tiaorder. No nervous sufferer should my n at;!act the warning symptoms, but herd should see that the starved nerves ars deli-a- n y dot nourished before the injury to the eate organism has gone to an extent that ie pin fenders a cure a difficult matter. The ovelle nervesreceive their nourishment through same ns every other part etjy j. the blood, the the body, and the best nerve touic aud ant th line food is Dr. Williams Pink Pills. The . Mr. Harry Bemis, of a mi' experience of Truthville, Washington couuty, N.T., .substantiates this. I objefor a long i had been feeling badlyaud in the 'time, said Mr. Beans, sooner early part of September, 1902, 1 was common,, pellad to quit work on account of my ill nealth. lly trouble was at first ex-r.- ti bU treme nervousness, then my sight affected and 1 consulted au oculist raake-- , eaine who said 1 was suffering from paralysis, canti ue treated me for sojne time, bat I got no benefit. I tried another doctor and oh, th again failed to obtain any relief. My Slight noises ictual'i nervousness increased. would almost make me wild. My mouth .. w".irWas drawn so I could scarcely eat and . one eve was affected so I could hardly a. aro;, see. 1 had very little use of my limbs, in fact I was almost a complete wreck, ide i lam all right now aud am at work. n the 'That is because I followed my wifes ad itlnu vioe aud took Dr. Williams Pink Pills. an w She had used the same remedy herself .. with the most gratifying results and she ine to try them when it ap- , persuaded - neared that the doctor were unable to to help me. They acted very surely in my durici oi;e; my faoe came bock into shape aud n onb in time I was entirely well. Dr. Williams- Pink Pills are sold by all ing of rrgglsts or by mail by the Dr.N.William Y. A II; Heine Co., Schenectady, booklet on Nervous Disorders sent fret 1 " - . Tn n Ion ok U AMMUNITION 'tliltf er a request. FOR THE PASTOR. tt- - r Sinners Alons Need Have Feared tents of Thle Box. The Rev. Edward Lloyd Jones, a bin' Manchester, England, minister, tells a story of his experience In Fenian ier b days. He was traveling from a Welsh Tillage to Brecon, and had with him a ichor strong wooden box filled with heavy At Shrewsbury theological books. the detectives who were on the lookout for explosive machine and th like suspected thle heavy box and ssp. word was sent on to Brecon. When bin the young minister stepped out of the train he wee astonishedto find a Yorl and several constables Iln" sergeant awaiting him. I think you have a asks box with you, said the sergeant d O' "Quite right, said the preacher, who Ik u began to scent a joke. Out came the y. l box and its weight excited fresh sushart about Its contents. "This la picion ly "Yes. your boxt It contains ammunition? It does. Very well, y n consider yourself in charge. Open the box. The company stood away while met the sergeant found It contained noth-tr- y hov more explosive than Adam lings Corke'a Theology he expressed his this Inclination freely to the minister. All bio tint he got back was the aoft anst I Con-fo- , i . r; of , iday , ng Mr ss front wer: Why, bless my soul, man, vou ashed if the box eontalned ammunition. That la my ammunition, f am a Methodist parson, and tbafa what I 'Shoot with." after ibcr- - stir! af! V6 (SOSGOdW ? a& I 1 boat ri'k Kin allt rn ioi hf nest ' I , one f ring Mr ; hst f I for-.une- s, re-B- e i tlqulty, although that would not en-- . dear It to many persons who seek for To those' niore beauty In a home. who want a castle that not only Is really old but also looks old the unadorned exterior would not be repellent. For J30.000 there Is a beautiful chaire wonderfully cheap are, Indeed, teau In the style of Louis XIV., that. almost In the class of abandoned possesses a park of twenty acres and i 'arms. Castles on the Rhine used to a facade of stone columns from one' ae within the reach of moderate end of the house to the other. There, but they have greatly increased are also beautiful woods and architecn price lately. In the same way there tural gardens attached to It. aas been an increase In the price of Another chateau, that looks as big Italian palaces. as a railroad station, can be bought' Neither the Rhine castles nor the Italian palaces are so numerous as the chateaux of France. There were many of them built many years ago, some of them dating from the days of XIII. That these places should be purchased at small prices is due to the centralization In the life of France which has taken so many of the population to the cities. Young men In the families that owned these houses In the paat had usually enough to live on and possibly maintain the chateau In a meager fashion Jhat was a strange contrast to Its early grandeur. a wealthy marriage Sometimes helped the owner to hold on to the Chateau De Farguette. chateau. These conditions all existed until the time came when these places for 32,000, although It was put up in were offered for sale. 1760 lay one of the most noted archiThis was the result of the feeling tects of his day. Then there are stxty-tw- o acres of wild and ornamented among young Frenchmen that It was not beneath their dignity to work ground about the bouse. Another chateau more modern but Nowadays men of the oldest families are anxious to make a name and a beautiful can be had for $22,000, along fortune just as if they had not a long with its twelve acres. It has existed line of titled ancestors behind them. for about a century and years ago received the name of Le Chateau des Heirs Are at Work, Penitents because of Its rather ecclesl- They astical aspect. The Seine runs at the They enter all professions. are lawyers, engineers, architects and foot of the lawn and the views from scientists. These professions take the windows Btretch through the valley them to Paris If they do not lead them to Paris. far beyond the borders of their own There are many other chateaux of the same kind offered for sale, but country. Such houses as those shown In the these are typical and show that next pictures are little more expensive than to Spnln France Is an easy country to the best of the own your own home acquire a home In. I Argaeus, pyramids and pure cliff dwellings of Cappadocia are found, writes J. R. Sittlngton Sterrett, an English traveler and artist, who has recently visited that out of the way country. The whole region is of volcanic formation, which covers a vast area extending nest to Selme and south to Soghanlu Dere, and 13 composed of a deep layer of pumice stone, tufa or peperine, overlaid In the region of Tatlar by rugged lava fields. The pumice or tufa Is of almost incredible thickness, but the overlaid layer of lava is comparatively thlq, not more than three feet at any point. The tufa Is so soft that It can be dug away with the thumbnail, so that only time and patience were necessary to excavate It into chambers of any required size. It Is known that a chamber 25 feet long, 13 feet broad, and 10 feet high was excavated by a single workman In the space of thirty days. In this region the troglodytes of Cappadocia have the wonderful dwellings which were first described by Paul Lukas, who traveled In Asia Minor on the commission ofLouIs XIV. His story was discredited, but It is correct in every vital particular, end he perhaps understated the truth when he estimated the number of cones at 60,000. The region was visited in succession by Texler, Hamilton, Tscblchatscheff, Ainsworth, Barth and Mordtmann. but it Is still virtually unknown. The height of the cones varies greatly, ranging perhaps from 60 to 300 feet The tallest cones usually stand In the center of an eroded valley, hut not always. The process of disintegration by the solvent action of water still continues, of course, and In many cones the exterior wall has been worn away to such an extent that the chambers are laid bare. Such exposed chambers. If they He fairly In the sun, are used tor drying gTapes and other fruit, as they are safe against Invasion by animals. Often the cones are almost perfect In shape and originally all of them were crowned by caps of lava, which were the primal cause of the The caps maintain cone formation. their position as they form one Integral conglomerate mass with the cone. A TROGLODYTE VILLAGE Very often the doorways are quite elaborate, and display an attempt at architectural and decorative effect, more especially In the case of cones that have been turned into temples, On entering churches or chapels. the doorway of any of these cone dwellings we find ourselves within a spacious chamber, about the walls of which niches and shelves for the storage of small household effects have been cut Into the stone. The stairways leading to the upper stories are like wells or round chimneys, and one ascends to an upper story by means of ladder holes cut In the rock. The floor between the stories are usually thick enough to withstand any weight that might be put upon It, but occasionally the excavators miscalculated the thickness of the floor, and so had to make one lofty chamber Instead of two. As many as nine stories may occur In one cone, but most have only two, three, or four stories, which can be counted by the windows. Great numbers of the cone dwellings as dovecotes for hosts are used y of pigeons, the eggs and flesh of which are used by the cave dwellers. The windows of such pigeon houses are always walled In, holes being left for the passage of the birds. The natives of this region are still, to all Intents and purposes troglodytes, but if we leave out of consideration the fact that their dwellings are at least partially underground, they differ In habits and customs In no whit from the ordinary Turkish villagers with ordinary humdrum surSometimes the front of roundings. the house is built of blocks of pumice stone, while all the rest of the abode Is subterranean, the cone or cliff being used as an annex; but In most cases a modern dwelling Is excavated, not In a cone, but In the face of the bluff, and thus becomes a cliff This dwelling, properly Is true of the business street of the town of Urgub, where the front room or facade opening on the street. Is the only room In the dwelling Into which the light comes. The other to-da- FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. rooms are In midnight darkness all the year round. The owner of such an abode can extend his dwelling indefinitely Into the bowels of the earth, a feature which is not without Its advantage In a land where the wise man conceals the fact that he is wealthy. The in terlor chambers are used chiefly for granaries and storage; even their chaff, which Is made to take the place of our hay, is safely stowed away In these dry and dark chambers. The landscapes amid which the modern troglodyte dwells are never tame, and are often startling. The modern troglodytlc usages add to rather than detract from the general weirdness of the prospect. The soil 1b fertile and produces vegetables and fruit, chiefly apricots of superb quality. Indeed, one of the old travelers claims tbls region as the original Garden and home of the apricot. desert are often close neighbors for the reason that the garden flourishes wherever the stone hats rotted sufficiently; whereas the adjacent but naked and unrotted stone Is the most barren of deserts. The real center of these cones and troglody.tlc abodes is the region about UdJ Assam, a huge mass of pumice stone rising in the midst of many branching valleys. The Turkish name means the Castle of UdJ, but It Is not known whether Udj was the name of some princeling or of a district It Is a mere shell, honeycombed to the very pinnacle with chambers sufficient In number to satisfy even the wealthiest troglodyte. It Is very difficult to fix a date for the origin of these cave dwellings. They are mentioned by no classical author, except perhaps Cicero; but there is an allusion In the works of Leo Dlaconus, who flourished about 950 A. D. Prof. Sayce, however, believes that the cones of Cappadocia were well known and inhabited In the Illttlte period about 1900 B. C. a date beyond which we cannot and need not try to go. New York Times. TRICK EASILY SEEN THROUGH. Promoters Not Sharp Enough to Deceive Hannah. Hannah, I cant make thle out, said the old farmer, as he looked up from his paper. Here is a company out west that advertises a gold mine. It has $1,000,000 worth of ore in sight It estimates the amount of ore on the claim to be at least $100,- OOO.OOO. It b ara $100 p valua and It offers shares at one cent each to the first 1,000 people who apply. It reads straight enough, but Samuel, what an old blockhead Why, you are," exclaimed the wife. even a blind man could see through that trick. Wall, whats the trick? Why, they want to make you a shareholder, and as soon as that's done theyll send on a begging letter asking you to contribute $5 toward a for some Baptist church steeple You just let that stock somewhere. We have been Methodists alone. for over thirty years, and we have got along without a steeple to our church, and if the Baptists cant do the same let em sell off their cows to build one. I guess you're right, Hannah. What tricks they do invent nowadays to make a man think he Is going to get something for nothing and then Baltimore . find himself flipflopped. Chateau De Villandry. houses offered for sale near New York. The noble pile with the sloping roof known as the Chateau de Villandry can be bought for $28,000. It was built toward the close of the sixteenth century and Is regarded as a very pure specimen of that period. The wings of the house enclose a beautiful court of honor. There are ornamental gardens In the French and English style done by experienced landscape gardeners toward the close of the last century. A lake lies In the woods of the large park surrounding the house and there are conservatories, terraces In the front of the chateau and several Islands In the River Cher that belong to the property. Older still is the chateau near Druex which was put up In the days American. of Louis XIII. and Is called a perfect Too Scaly to Believe. specimen of the architecture of that Miss Marla Wilde, an authority on alterno period, having undergone told this little story recentceramics, ations or changes in any other style since it was first bullL There Is a ly of her early days as a collector: k I was buying some pieces of court of honor, and the lake, as the one day when the salesman to almost stretches the shows, 8TEAMB0AT. Man and Wife, on a corner. They had snowballs In picture ON A MISSISSIPPI asked me if I knew the secret of the windows In one wing of the house. The snow was falling. The day tbelr hands. As soon as the married high glaze of the Irish Beleek. On Dr. couple had passed them they let Struggle for Wealth Almoat Equal to was still and gray and cold. my replying In the negative be said Was Built Just aa It Wall Street Frenzy. Parkhurst, shaking the white flakes drive, The principal building is two and a he had It from good authority that It from bis shoulders, said: But only the woman was struck A young fellow, a fellow passenger, stories high and Is accounted re- was obtained by putting powdered half I have Just witnessed an Instruc- She got two heavy blows about the was leaning upon the rail beside me, markable both In original beauty and fish scales In the mixture. "The next time I saw J. Hart Brewlooking upon the scene below. He told tive happening a happening that head and face. Every snowball, some- In Its present state of preservation. me to watch and he would show me might teach us why some marriages how missed the man. the Trenton potter, who succeeded er, There are kitchen and fruit gardens, He looked at his wife as she brushsome sport. He drew a dime out of do not succeed. In making American Beleek superior old a and conservatories chapel very A man and his wife were walking ed the snow out of her ears and hair, his pocket. He waved his arm to atto the original Irish product, I told him with some elation that I had distract the attention of the negroes down a back street The man had his and then he shook his fists at the The woman boys and shouted: covered the secret of the glaze and down upon the lower deck, and then hands In his pockets. reluted the powdered fish scale story. he flung the coin. It fell tinkling, and carried a basket filled with cabbage "'Its a good thing for you, you As Mr. Brewer listened a look of rolled between two cotton bales. With and beets. young rascals, that you didnt hit A group of boys danced like Imps me. amusement overspread bis counteyells, the negroes rushed at It tumulnance, and when I had finished he tuously, piling over one another, a raid: tangled mass of waving arms and legs, 'Miss Wilde, that's a fish story." whence Issued muffled groans and grunts. Then, suddenly, the mass disTold of King Alfonso. Stories of affection and apparent screams. These they continued to utsolved again Into a mob of roustera, diThe king of Spain Is young and ter, regardless of their own Individual gaping up at us with rolling yellow reason among wild animals have Into two safety, until I began to make preparlikes to have a good time; yet he Is eyes, and heaving chesta and dilated vided the "nature-writer- s often obliged to work twelve hours or Another piece of silver schools. One believes that animals ations for receiving the approaching nostrils. more a day. Not long ago he handed twinkled In the air and fell among act merely from Instinct; the other bird. I could already ace that It was bis prime minister a sealed petition, them. Leaping and grabbing, the holds that the dumb brute feela and a beautiful adult specimen, and I exwith the request that It should be negroea snatched at the falling coin, reasons. In The Life of a Scotch pected In m few momenta to have It Smiles quotes from In my possession, since I was not Naturalist M then plunged again Into heap. granted unconditionally. When It was Louis XIII. Cast!, the Journal of Thomas Edward the very far from the water's edge. opened it was found to be In the By this time othera of the passenflock terns of While how a Ilttlo of were In matters and the noise even the the of the this heard had story building king's own handwriting. He demandposition antedating gers icuffling, and aoon quite a crowd was rescued a wounded companion which I beheld to my utter astonishment main houae. The park was laid out ed for himself an eight hour day shd two of the un wounded terns take hold by the famous Le Notre. no work on Sundays and holidays. On gathered along tho rail. A shower the naturalist had shot. I fired, and he came down with a of their disabled comrade, one at another occasion bis automobile wae of change began to fall upon the deck below and Into the crowd of now broken wing, screaming aa he fell In- each wing, lift him out of the water Built In Sixteenth Century. stopped by a policeman who did sot to the water. The report of the gun, and bear him out wcaward. They wora The Chateau de Farguette atanda recognize him at once, but who preshalf frantic blacks. , near a palace famous In medieval days. ently began to apologize profusely. It was a comical spectacle. A together with his erica, brought to- followed by two other birds. In had he order the After had been him left, carried the before about The castle Is medieval In architecture, party all bile having gether Why was the automobile stopped, negroes Ittle a Because gulotly busied about their own affairs; that they might ascertain the cauae or seven yards they let him gently having been built In the sixteenth cen- anyway?" said the king. down again and the two who had hith- tury. It la In good preservation, how- motor wagons are not allowed on a handful of cheap silver had fallon of the alarm. After surveying their wounded erto been Inactive took him up. ever. and has been occupied until re- this street Very well," reterted among them, and In lean than a minIn this way they continued to carry cently, when It was put on the market. Alfonso; then I shall have to be ute their small world was transformed brother round and round, as he was Into a pandemonium. I have heard It drifting unwittingly toward the shore him alternately until they had con- The cost of this house and Its twenty more careful In future." acres la but $18,000. said that the same phenomenon oecura with the flowing tide, they came fly- veyed him to a rock at a considerable Some mothers save slipper soles sad The severe and forbidding architecing In a body to the spot where I distance, upon which they landed him sometimes on the stock exchange. ture of the house Is proof of Its an- - r'll their children. stood, and rent ths air with their in safoty. Harper's Magazine, TALE OF Til'RVS' QEVOTIOJf Be-lee- |