Show Teal Slip Out of Hunters Reach Toal leave the water with astonish ing smartness nnd If the shooting Is i In brush tho gunner Is likely to be reminded of tho thunderous grouse by tho way those brown bantams the bluewings slip out of reach of his sudden storm of lead And how they can go when they discover what their danger Isl I hate stood In tho cat tails by a pond at evening when tho teal woro coming In to roost and have seen them burst Into a speed upon de tecting me that required a 20foot swinging lead to stop at 40 yards They are handsome birds too those teal and gross is the man that can chuck thorn in his shooting coat without with-out a glance of admiration at tho trim lines of them Lynn Boguo Hunt In I Shooting Ducks on Middle Western Ponds in Tho Outing Magazine I |