Show MUST COME OUT IN OPEN Clark Objects to Coolies Working on Panama Canal Washington Tho house on Friday adopted an amendment abrogating Jho h olghthour law for alien labor In I tho Panama canal zone Tho Democrats Demo-crats combatted the amendment Tho cv voto stood 83 to 35 The debate preceding pre-ceding the voto developed dlfferenco of opinion as to whether the Chlneso exclusion act extends to the canal I one Filibustering tactics were used by tho minority In efforts to defeat tho proposed amendments but after half a dozen attempts to obtain a rollcall on various motions had failed the house went Into committee of tha 1 whole and tho eighthour amendment amend-ment was at once offered under tin r rule ruleMr Mr Clark of Missouri gavo notlcq that ho should Immediately prepare n r bill extending the Chinese exclusion act toJthel8Uimus ot Panama > and twill t-will mako It extend to Japanese coollos too ho declared bocausa all coolies look alike to me and I wll mako you get out into the open If you intend to dig that canal with China I men |