Show American Association Pitcher Wm Kellum has resigned with Indianapolis The Toledo club has signed shortstop short-stop Frank of the New York League Toledo Is anxious to secure Chic Robertalllo and Is trying to Induce Plttsburg to part with him Louisville has signed catcher Louis Schan who was with tho Hopkins vlllo team of tho K I T League last season William Pugh the youngster picked up by Manager Clymer this fall from some Pennsylvania lot Is spoken of nt Decatur as an Infield possibility Bobby Quinn and Billy Clymer while at tho New York meetings secured se-cured pitcher Tom Walker from the Cincinnati club Joe Cantillon Is well enough to say that his Milwaukee team will como onetwo next year All other Aaso elation managers think they can dons do-ns well Mike Kelly closed his deal with Watklns for tho purchase of tho Minneapolis Min-neapolis club for a sum said to be 25000 Kelly has also entered suit against the St Paul club for 1000 al o leged to be unpaid 1901 salary President OBrien has thirtyfive au Jt Mentions from umpires Included In tho list are Knne Sullivan Owens Zlmmor Mullano Perry Werden and Bnuaowino There Is already talk In Chicago to the effect that Milwaukee will get back Harry Clark and Tom Dougher P ty I Both wero sold In September to Comlskey Ed Grlllo has arranged for his Mud hens training trip to Norwood Ind Ho is In Cincinnati now nnd already hns a date for throe games with the Cincinnati team |